ITT: films that stupid people think are smart
No u
The Matrix
But that’s a film that stupid people who think they’re smart think is stupid
Blade Reddit 2049
>that one character who spoonfeeds you all the details
Actually stupid people who think are smart think Inception is a film that stupid people who think they’re smart think is stupid
Also a movie that midbrows think is stupid, and genuinely smart people enjoy for the the way it plays with Cartesian ideas
It's just an entertaining heist thriller, the only people being autistic about it are those who can't handle people talking about it themes and concepts. The people who think the movie is trying to be supremely intelligent and high brow are retarded children who need reality checks.
Hating on Nolan is the biggest brainlet contrarian red flag
is there even such a thing as a smart movie?
but yeah generally its stupid people who grossly overestimate their own intelligence who attribute such vids as smart
the dubs of divine truth
Nolan is a bit too spoonfed, but Inception takes it to another level, and brainlets still think it's hard to understand.
you know what my biggest problem with this movie is?
they deliberately wrote out all of the coolest possible stuff from it by saying "hurr the dreams have to be REALISTIC or the person will notice they're dreaming!"
the movie is marketed as being about twisted mindfuck dream worlds. even the cover in OP pic has the bended ringworld look to it. they talk about how they need an "architect" to make impossible paradox worlds for them to move around in. but once they're on the heist? NO! GOTTA KEEP IT REALISTIC!
this results in the movie degenerating into a regular old action flick with a few physical paradox moments. what was the coolest fight scene? was it the siege on the arctic stronghold? of course not. you probably forgot about that one because it was so generic and bland. it was of course the spinning hallway, because that actually captured the FEELING of the movie that was promised. but most of the movie is so tragically realistic that it ends up under-delivering on this point.
whenever i try to bring this up IRL i get legitimate fucking slojack looks as they gurgle "b... b... but it has to be REALISTIC cuz den he dont know it a dream!!!!". THIS IS ONLY TRUE BECAUSE THE WRITERS MADE IT TRUE. THEY WROTE THEMSELVES INTO A CORNER THAT THEY DIDN'T NEED TO!
Batman v Superman
I'm jumping off now. I can't go any deeper. It's too smart for a dumb person like me
Well they did have a giant fucking train rolling in the street, that didn't ring a bell for Cillian. Wouldn't matter if it did, I can't put into words the fucked up shit I've seen while I was a dreaming that I passed off as normal. It's not until I wake up that I go 'what the fuck was that?' I mean hell don't they literally say that at some point in the movie?
Citizen Kane
This film is not about "le dreams are le crazy", dreams are merely the setting where the idea planting narrative takes place in. Go watch Avatar or some Marvel capeshit if you want to watch bright flying dragons and mosnters and other dumb inane shit.
Inception is pretty surface-level as it is, but if it was the thing you want it to be it would be even more simpler and dumber.
it's not a "smart" movie, however your thread title makes you look stupid
>This film is not about "le dreams are le crazy"
Why even make it about dreams then? Have you ever had one that didn't feel off?
Yep, they set the movie in a dream world but just use it for action sequences that could be in a James Bond movie. Nolan is truly a hack.
Agreed. Complete trash.
Ex Machina
its actually one of the most cleverest films of the last 20 years
Did you not read the topic?
To an absolute low IQ retard that is easy to impress with random religious symbolism, Bible gibirish, then yes, it would appear to be a clever movie.
This. At the end of the day it's still a guy dressed as a bat beating up an alien and then stopping because their moms have the same name.
And I liked bvs. It had good stuff and bad stuff, but the bad stuff was so ridiculous that I enjoyed it
Inception is still smoke and mirrors though. Sleeping is an altered state, not actually something physically "deeper", that's just an expression. So the idea of going deeper dream within a dream is just nonsense. The whole movie is based on taking an analogy too far.
MCUfags hating on Nolan's films I'm not surprised
Inception is the worst film I’ve seen. It was mind-numbingly stupid. What makes it worse is the number of low-IQ dullards it spawned who insist that Inception blew their minds.
But the worst part about Inception are it’s dim-witted female fans and the irritating manner of speaking they appareantly all have in common. They phrase everything in the form of a question. For example — “Hi user. I just saw Inception? It was about dream? Actually? it was dreams? inside of dreams? *sips tea?* “