WW2 movie

>WW2 movie
>4 star general is a black female

Other urls found in this thread:


name one movie where this happens

This better happen soon

Go back to Sup Forums

>WW2 movie
>Germans are the bad guys


>WW2 movie
>U-boat captain is a nigger

>ww2 movie
>slavs arent shown raping little girls

>The white guys don't ruin everything

>>WW2 movie
star general is a black female



>WW2 movie
>americans are portrayed as the primary force which defeated the nazis

>WW2 Movie
>Nazis are portrayed as bad guys

>biography of the Queen
>played by non-reptilian human actress


It will happen in the next Battlefield game.

>WW2 Nazi propaganda
>Jews are the bad guys

Dumb fuck frog posters... You fags need to die.
>thread hidden

>truth makes you sweat

Who's behind this frog

What's with this newfag trend of people improperly using greentext?

the fucking Sup Forums-tard has no response to you.

>frog gets posted
>thread gets replied to

Based frogpost

Pepe is a hate symbol


My favorite meme now

>WW2 movie
>portrays "the holocaust"

this exactly

Factually correct


sounds like you're triggered, snowflake

>Sup Forums frog thread
>newfags from reddit trying to be edgy by saying nazis are good and jews are bad

>WW2 movie
>nazi officer is a middle-aged white male

I still refuse to believe it actually says that

>person speaks german
>person speaks russian
they are evil irl, the meme is true

scheduled for release in 2019

>movie about the 1960s space race
>cant get to the moon without black womens calculations.

kino openings:


The audio is worse than that

>movie shows the earth from space
>it's round

>ww1 movie
>depends on the all powerful female gender to end it

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

>100years war
>Joan of arc has purple hair
>war isn't waged for God but against the patriarchy

>movie about ancient Egypt
>everyone is white


>go to cinema to see new film about the crusades.
>Saracens are niggers and knights templar are the rapists and marauders.
>pope is evil. Imams and Saladin are next to godliness.

that's true tho, lrn2history

are we just making stuff up now

>movie about black civilization untouched by Europeans.
>culture flourishes under coronation by combat and mud hut sky scrapers.

>movie about ancient Egypt
>Egyptians are all black
>Pyramids can fly
>Blacks can move shit with their third eye

Saladin was a great man irregardless that he was muslim

>WW2 movie
>nazis unironically hail the fuhrer without laughing or grinning

Is Sup Forums using "irregardless" now unironically or has this board become even more retarded in the past 36 hours?

>protagonist about to shoot hitler point blank
>"Don't do it! If you kill him, you will be just like him"

He actually wasn't, really. People tend to confuse pragmatism with charity, in the crusade era especially by comparing the sack of Jerusalem by christians with the "mercy" shown by Saladin later on. In reality Saladin sold half the city into slavery because the Templars couldn't afford the ransom to let all the civilians go peacefully.

The reason he didn't let the boys go wild on the women and loot the place, like many of his generals wanted, was because the Christians still held onto other cities and would be less likely to surrender if they knew that kind of fate was in store for them. The Christians, and most medieval armies, operated on the same kind of mutual understanding: If you surrender, you go peacefully. If you put up a fight and force us into an extremely bloody attack, then we make you pay for it if we win. It's that simple. There was a much greater feeling of "our tribe vs theirs" than "soldier vs civilian" that we see today

To be fair though they did let a lot of people go who were supposed to be slaves, but not all.

It literally will happen within ten years, just look at what BBC has already done in terms of BLACKing history

Only American cucks have these big dick nigger fantasies, what is wrong with them?!

what's she saying?

>WW1 video game
>1/4 of the British army is black
>1/4 is Indian
>1/4 of the German army is black
>1/4 of the Russian army is female

>There are people who find this hot
the state of cucks

>whites have oppressed blacks forever, that's why they all live on welfare in the ghetto
>blacks and whites have always been equal, history's a whitewash
Well, which is it, you retarded fucking liberals?