Why is there so much commotion about some capeshit flick, when real, actually good afrokino doesn't even get near as much publicity?
USA is a country filled with overgrown manchildren
Why is there so much commotion about some capeshit flick, when real, actually good afrokino doesn't even get near as much publicity?
USA is a country filled with overgrown manchildren
you answered your own question
disney has a big marketing budget
Agu, do me this favour.
>why is a depressing arthouse movie not as popular as some fun blockbuster
BONN is great though
>everything that is not a hollywood blockbuster is "arthouse"
It's a decent movie but cmon
why was a bigshot like Idris Elba involved in this anyway?
>Africa kino doesn't exi...
>why is a film about horrible situations that's cleverly adapted to be gritty and engaging not as popular as a film contrived from the Marvel movie making formula?
he seemed to enjoy his role quite a lot, almost too much
i bet he has often dreamt about being a commandant over a battalion of child soldiers who he can have his way with however he wants ;)
post some afrika kino
it's also a country that wants to escape reality.
This movie shows that real Africa has it's problems, people don't want to be reminded of that they want to live in fantasy land.
Made by netflix.
It really pissed me off as well cause this was lumped in as an after-thought (by people who obviously never watched it) with Creed and Straight Outta Compton by twitter during the whole #oscarssowhite
Although, what pissed me off even more was that oscars ceremony where they had footage from the film in the opening montage and Abraham Attah presented an award I think. It was as if to say, "no we didn't snub the film, we genuinely thought it was worse than the fucking Martian"
But yeah, literally a masterpiece.
Idris is nowhere near as much of a big shot as the internet memes him to be. He's b-list at best
>why is some movie being used as political and cultural propaganda pushing aside something good?
Gee I don't know OP.
aren't the oscars basically just one big advertisement ceremony for the film studios? like most award shows
Now, I consider myself a good person. I try my best at helping my fellow man. When someone asks me if I can do them a favour, I usually do it. It makes me feel good, and it usually means they'll be nice to me, and others, in return. But boy oh boy I tell you, I would probably reject him that favour.
Fukanagua was straight off of True Detective, and Elba is black, so he probably felt that the material was highlighting something important to him.