This is totally normal, keep pretending you live in a normal world that hasn't gone completely insane
This is totally normal, keep pretending you live in a normal world that hasn't gone completely insane
Other urls found in this thread:
>MCU capeshit best movie ever
jeeeesus RT is literally a joke
>It's above Fury Road that has the same rating but more reviews
Wow, thanks Russia Today!
It's not like Get Out is any more deserving.
Well can you explain to me why Black Panther isn't better than the Wizard of Oz that doesn't boil down to Oz being an old movie?
Wizard of Oz is shit
It's not RT. It's the critics (read: society as a whole.) RT just aggregates the scores.
>get out
>black panther
>Avengers 3 will be #1 in a few months
>Avengers 4 will be #1 next year
IMDB is the only movie list with credibility
The rottentomatoes system is a a joke.
A 5/10 is not a good movie, but on RT it is.
>rotten tomatoes
Just go to imdb or metacritic. Those tomatoes were rotten for a long time
No the ghostbusters incident showed us what they really are.
>Wonder Woman at #35
>Star Wars 7 at #46
>TLJ at #55
>fucking spiderman homecoming at #97
There are a lot of 2017 movies on that list so I'm wondering if it's just RT posting reviews from film buffs who just rate everything high
stop posting your videos here faggot
>#4 the dark knight
you are right this totally not normal, once those three other white supremacist movies get dethroned from the top 5 everything will be okay again.
It's worse.
Enjoy your Brave New World goy.
>thinking a fucking pass fail approach to rating cultural items yields valid and meaningful results
Yaaaawn. Stop pretending like you are doing anything about the jews, you useless idiot. I heard that Identity Europa has new action planned. Shouldn't you be there with your clique and shitting all over them?
>associating with nazi larpers
We are still waiting for /ourduce/ to reveal himself
>another butthurt dc fan
>another butthurt Sup Forumstard
wow, its like they're the same
I mean it's better but it's still shit.
>marching will change anything
oh damn it's getting uuhhh-UUHHHHH
dumb in here
Why can't the two be both correct? Neither of those mutually contradict.
The response to this kind of reminds me of when a little kid makes a shitty drawing and his parents act like it's amazing and stick it on the fridge to make him feel good about it, but it's shit because he's a kid and you can't expect anything more than that from him.
I'm not saying blacks aren't capable of making good movies, but this movie is the shitty fridge drawing and the reviews are acting like it's amazing due to having low expectations for them and not wanting to hurt their feelings. It shows what the reviewers really think of black people when they act like this.
Can you explain to me why Black Panther deserves the number one spot?
That’s not how Rotten Tomatoes works, dipshit
>Adjusted scores
Someone please explain how they "adjust" the scores so a 97% is higher than a 100%
if movie got niggers or women, it's score is adjusted to be highest
Wonder Woman was best superhero movie after adjustment, so The Last Jedi was best sci-fi/fantasy
I guess Get Out is best horror movie now too
Wanna bet? Thor Ragnarok was arguably the best MCU movie to date and that comes in at #83. The ONLY reason this movie is rated so high is because of the non-white cast.
This, in 1984 the irrelevant proles were kept docile with cheap entertainment and pornography. And it's not like we don't have surveilance technology that would make Big Brother jealous.
imdb list isn't that bad of a list if you disregard the ordering. its main problem is that it's more of a popularity contest and it's being overflown with recent blockbusters and some great arthouse films are not on it.
53% of the top 15 movies were released in the last 3 years
I wonder how anyone could take a list of the best 100 movies of all time seriously where 5% are blockbuaters from the last year and the year that just started. You'd think Rotten Tomatoes would realize that maybe there was something wrong with their system.
It is white guilt. People can't dislike anything or not give a perfect score or they would be racist
It's called affirmative action.
41% of the list released in the last 8 years
Dude no one cares about RT
Ragnarok had no soul. All it had was a few laughs. Gotg movies are much better
these fuckers really have to change it up to not be so top heavy on the present if they're going to present it as top 100 movies of all time.
1920s: 3%
1930s: 12%
1940s: 11%
1950s: 15%
1960s: 9%
1970s: 4%
1980s: 1%
1990: 2%
2000s: 4%
2010s: 39%
lefties are worse than niggers at this point
Look at the number of reviews, you fucking retard. I swear to god this board is infested with teenagers.
>Black Panther jumped from 2nd to first with no changes in either its percentage or number of reviews
>seemingly no change in any results, it just suddenly went from 2nd to 1st with no reason
Are we gonna pretend RT isn't just fixed dogshit now?
sadly this might not be a troll, given this board's current state
Yes and no.
It's almost Soviet in nature; the artificial inflation of party line propaganda no matter how much merit it has on its own.
Let's be honest though The Wizard of Oz is slow and boring and full of singing. It's lucky it's No.2
Return of the King over Fellowship. What peasantry is this.
The white wizard of Oz is overrated and now over. Citizen Kuck, cucked by based black king. The turd man can go eat shit and die. Get out needs to be higher tho
>Arguably the best MCU movie to date
>Equating funny with good
You're on the wrong board, kiddo
You guys make fun, but try to defend the BBC critics poll of the best films since 2000 that didn't include a single LOTR film
That's not what that means.
they have teh same rating dipshit
let them double down again and again, let's see how the next layer of chaotic insanity will look like
>Citizen Kane is entirely in black and white
>half of Wizard of Oz is in color
>all of Black Panther is in color
Makes sense to me.
Their top 100 list is fucking depressing. Film criticism has gone to shit.
And racists don't try to make some lame joke about Black Panther really being all black I'm not having it today.
It's time to admit the RT way of scoring is dogshit and Metacritic was fine.
>fight club
jesus christ
Look again pleb. RotK has 8.9 and FotR has 8.8
>capeshit is officially considered RT's greatest movie of all time
How is this site taken seriously? This is a complete fucking joke
disney paid backlash against TLJ
How embarrassing.