Wow you guys got btfo hard tonight

Wow you guys got btfo hard tonight

Other urls found in this thread:

Yea but at least they're not married to homosex

claire.. easy on the tots

Requesting the webms.

>a show based on a jewish mossad argent in a similar situation, also written by jews tries to push a political statement

I quit this show last season. The Liberals finally broke down the door to the studio and have commandeered the writing staff.
Was politically neutral for the most part and is now "woke"

This is the second trhead I have seen about this, also with few replies. I though Sup Forums would be all up in this, not seen any threads on b.. Strange.

Also, The show has shown plenty of bewbs, why not hers? only sideboob, what a prude.

What did they mean by this?



i know what they meant by this

>people still watch Homeland after captain winters didn't blow up at the end of S1 which indicated the series was gonna become just another same old CIA agent show

what do you mean by this

Is this for real? jesus




this will bring more normalfags here right?

this is all Sup Forums's fault. what an embarrassment

the audience for Homeland, anyway. 50+ year old men?

>its Sup Forumss fault a tv show cant do basic research

Why are all the post numbers identical?

>Greentext not in Greentext
why not just go and cap screens of the real deal?

The retarded people probably spent 2 seconds on 4 chan and photoshopped everything together

nice catch

it's /pol's fault that a tv show wants to use Sup Forums as a plot device

No, it's /pols/ fault for bringing it into the mainstream

>After season 3
>Wasting time
>Season 3

this place was always infamous.

Haven't seen the show in years. Let me guess, now the terrorist are white supremacist

Look at me, world. I'm a supervillain. I'm the Nazi who steals children in the night.

I have a weird opinion on this show. I really loved the first season and I think it is objectively really good even though they should have ended it with him blowing everyone up.

It seems like in the last few seasons though its been really obviously written by a hardcore lefty and it ruins the show.

>being this new

how the fuck was this allowed to air

what the fuck is this real?

it's always been in the news for obvious reasons, but the worst part is it now being interjected in fiction like reddit


Oh shieet

1. We're not French
2. Up until this past shit fuck shit election Sup Forums still had a bit of mystery to it for the average person

>post #17,014,077
>followed by post #17,014,077
>followed by post # 1,375,701


>Sup Forums still had a bit of mystery to it for the average person
Are you serious? Ever since Fox News did that special, Sup Forums has been exposed to the normals for quite some time.

>and the second 2 are being quoted BY THE OP

it was edited (the tv show version didn't have the jew shit.)

top kek

There's no going back. Cuck and soyboy are already petty common insults. Soon the whole world's gonna be calling each other niggers and faggots too.


Damn you beat me to it


>not posting the real version

>now Sup Forums will be always Sup Forums related

I've watched all the seasons, why do the writers hate Peter Quinn so much?

not if i have anything to say about that

Because he's a white male.

What did they mean by this?!

Tabs on point.

Sup Forums is too famous to care if a bad show is talking about them.
Do you think great people like moot or Zyzz would care about a shit tv show citing then?

>are you a Fed

>it was the same obsessed faggot all along
So the Sup Forumstards were right is what you're saying

its just a TV show. Sup Forums only cares when the mainstream calls them out and even then only because its funny.

where and when do you think you are faggot?

People still take it seriously

More pedos then?

why does her body seem so much younger than her face?

It should have been a long time ago

Memes popping into reality constantly throughout 2016 is a rare occurrence I would assume

epic tabs xD mind if i cap this for r/Sup Forums sir?

Delet this now!

>photo of a monitor

>not seen any threads on b
well besides the fact that you're clearly some kind of outsider snooping around, Sup Forums is hardly Sup Forums anymore. It's nothing but a porn/gore dump site for edgy 12 year olds. Not that it was ever good to begin with.

nice picture you useless fuck

Hey I'm not on PC meanies

Boomers have been caught on Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums are you a fed or a concerned citizen?

But seriously american horror story made an entire season with Sup Forums man being the main villain including mentioning 4ching by name and showing the lay out. Also they payed Emma Roberts to have a scene with her nipple twisted and a feet shot, and if thats not Sup Forums fan service then I dont know what is.

Are we famous now? Can normies please leave?

The average Sup Forumstard gentlemen and gentlemen.
If only he applied his skills to better use.

>you can only screenshot on pc

>this absolute retard took a picture of his screen

I'm not on phone either you larping faggot

Dude, people can't even remember the news from 2 weeks ago, what makes you think they remember something from 5+ years ago? They probably don't even remember the fappening

>He cant screenshot

> tits or gtfo

Based, gotta respect the old forgotten memes

>be a well trained CIA operative
>get hacked by a jpeg

rules are rules

>Sup Forums is now Sup Forums related


I do snoop a bit, post when called for, manly here on Tv, mostly regarding boobs, but also discussing movies and Tv shows seriously.
B is terrible, and I fear for the mental health of most of the posters.

I don't understand any of this...don't they realize that it just brings attention to something they want to demonize?

Also, why do they always get details wrong? Are these people braindead?

It kind of saddens me, but in retrospect I suppose it's fate as the porn dump board was unavoidable.

No. Just a concerned citizen

>you will never make memes so good that they will end up on the news on the national television.

Seriously why lib....

>Are these people braindead?

This was uncomfortable as fuck to watch.
Sup Forums really needs to rebrand itself.

I don't have Twitter on my phone so I couldn't. I'm on tablet

Sup Forums might have the television

but Sup Forums has the news papers

There's so much stuff wrong here
Topk fucking kek

Even if it does, how can the site possibly become worse than it is?

Those are big news

I like the idea that someone went to Sup Forums, put some effort into copying the style to put in the show but still managed to completely fuck up because they don't quite understand what all the numbers mean.

they will, and always will be, a bunch of people basically just yelling about niggers

they are not a 'brand'

Sometimes I think a work safe Sup Forums would be cool

We made it on Homeland guyz

i'd pay good money to cam with carrie

We're part of a new moral panic. These awful TV shows that are supposedly exposing the vile world of Sup Forums will age about as well as Dragnet exposing hippie culture.


t. Carrie