ITT: the worst movie you've ever paid money to see in theatres

Props to anyone who tops this.
It actually took some thinking to decide on pic related. It was up against:
Into the Woods (Didn't even know it was a musical)
Dracula Untold
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (LMAO because it means WTF!)
and Mr. Holmes.

And yes, every one of those movies I went to because of the girl I was dating at the time.
I could have vetoed them, but in most cases I went out of morbid curiosity, since I don't go to theatres often with friends/alone except for movies we're/I'm incredibly hyped for (like 3 per year. For 2018 so far I've got The House That Jack Built and possibly Mandy, though I have no idea when either comes out), so I wanted to see how what I expected to be a shitty movie ended up really being on the big screen with an audience.
Paper Towns is the only one I'd have said "no chance" to, but that one I felt obligated to since the then-gf's mom wanted to see it and was visiting her, which she couldn't do much. But fuck, I wanted to make so many hateful comments the whole time.

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Cara is the ugliest fucking tranny I've ever seen in my life.

I didn't even like American Idol. I have literally no idea what I was thinking at the time.

Shit movie.

it was so impossibly fucking awful

and I've never watched the original cartoon

Year One

Get on my level. The worst thing is that I actually had fun with it.



Cara a cute

Paul Blart mall cop

I watched it so fucking stoned I couldn't tell up from down and I absolutely loved it. It was colorful, stuff was happening and I was very happy that I have something to look at while I'm comfortable on my couch but unable to move. It's seriously one of my favorite move experiences to date.

>No, I never read the book or the script actually

Hobbit 2. I didn't go to see 3.

she was being sarcastic, lad

Let him have his fun.

>Dracula untold
Top pleb spotted


You need to cut your dick off.

No, mine works unlike yours, faggot.