Can he do it?
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North Carolina is going Trump.
If he doesn't win NC, Ohio and Florida, he can do nothing. If he does, then he needs Nevada and Wisconsin or just PA.
And how is he doing in the early voting can you check and get back to me on that?
Democrat early votes are down, while Republican have stayed the same. And most importantly, black early votes are down 25%.
If Trump wins, it's going to be because of Pennsylvania.
Colorado and Wisconsin are basically off the map and are safe Democrat unless something crazy happens.
In general, Trump would need all the meme magic from kek to turn around the math, even if the race begins to tighten.
I know there are people so far indoctrinated into believing "muh oversampling [sic] muh rigged polls" to really consider the truth of this, but consider this:
Clinton has a higher likelihood of taking Texas, Georgia and Arizona than Trump has to take Pennsylvania at this rate.
For Trump to win, he HAS to win Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, and basically be perfect with states that voted for Romney in 2012. Then he has to go out and pluck away a state that has a moderately safe democrat lead, like Pennsylvania, to get to 270.
It's 10 days until the race is over, so something unprecedented would have to happen. Early voting has already started (obv) and so unless Trump and Russia get lucky and find some overwhelmingly damning email or something, Trump is going to lose. idgaf give me your frogs i live in reality
Nobody likes Hillary
The average democrat voter's motivation to pull the lever for Hillary is because they hate Trump a little bit more.
Meanwhile Trump's base is energized and excited. I think this is a factor that polls can't represent accurately and I wouldn't be surprised if he outperforms polling by 5 to 10 points simply due to the democrats lack of enthusiasm vs. Trump's high enthusiasm.
He'll probably take Ohio. He might take Florida and North Carolina but it's far from a sure thing. He can't take Colorado or Wisconsin. He has to flip Pennsylvania to win, which is almost certainly going for Hillary, as well as winning Ohio, North Carolina and Florida, none of which are a sure thing. Trump can't win at this point.
No, he can't.
>Dems choose weak candidate
>GOP counters by choosing a literal autist
At least 2020 is ensured for the republicans, but they'll probably fuck it all up anyways
>Links Trump to Russia and Russia to emails.
>checks Id
Yes, but this isn't ching chong land where enthusiasm for a single party matters. trump enthusiasm dont mean shit when its not enough people for a majority. There are more dems than republicans. Even if nobody likes hillary, a 2 party system encourages voting against the other guy, like you said.
Man some fags here are stupid. You don't go vote if you are not enthusiastic. Hillary has no enthusiastic voters, just people who dislike him more than her.
Plus also look at her rallies, all weirdos. These people might be too fat or triggered to bother voting at all.
Oh thank you so much for the information mr American politics expert. President Ron Paul won in a landslide due to his supporters' enthusiasm too.
Been playing the sim on 270towin for 2016.
Noticed some patterns that formed that kept Trump from winning.
Lets face it, MAGA aint easy and neither is the map.
The results must show all of these in order from Trump to win.
1. Mexican backlash cannot flip AZ or TX and has to be contained to NV and NM.
2. Retirees in FL must not bet on Hillary over Trump to protect their retirement portfolios.
3. Their must be a lower black turnout than 2008 to keep NC red and put VA into play.
4. Mormons cannot revolt against GOP with McMullin.
5. Rustbelt rage must be white hot. Enough to flip either MN, WI, MI or PA.
6. There needs to be a Bernout Boycott of Hillary over the wikileaks and the DNC.
If all these factors pull together in a perfect storm. MAGA rules the day.
I ran the sim on 270towin 20 times
Heres what I got for probability:
Occurence Rate Odds
Mexican Backlash : Flips AZ or TX Blue 13 65% 1 : 2
Retiree Market Jitters: Flips FL Blue 13 65% 1 : 2
High Black Turnout: Flips MO, SC or GA Blue 2 10% 9 : 1
Mormon Revolt: Flips UT Blue 1 5% 19 : 1
Rustbelt Rage: Either MN, WI, MI or PA goes Red 11 55% 1 : 1
Bernout Boycott: Either CO, NH or ME goes Red 7 35% 2 : 1
Low Black Turnout: NC or VA goes Red 4 20% 4 : 1
And women are early-voting in droves.
>September 5th to September 7th
Fuck off idiot
Why do Democrats dominate early voting?
well the election is pretty much over so hilldawg voters can stay at home no need to bother
North Carolina and Nevada will go Trump. I'd say he gets Pennsylvania, but it's going to be tough because of the margin that Hillary will have in Philadelphia.
He'll flip Wisconsin and Michigan.
Of course. And he will win pretty easily. Just look at the states not included in most polls, the favouring of Clinton and most important how many people don't damit voting Trump because liberuls will call them Hitler.
Trump is leading.