What are some legitimately unsettling/scary movies...

What are some legitimately unsettling/scary movies? I want to watch something that I feel the need to keep the lights on for. Sometimes that'll spook me good.

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Blair Witch Project

I remember when i was a kid and heard people threw up in the theater. Then I watched it later in life....weak ass people.

El orfenato

I hate that 'longmouth ghost' shit so fucking much.
Anyway, my list of 'creepy/atmospheric shit'
>Dark Water (original version)
>Session 9
>Natures Grave
>The Eye (original version)

Lake Mungo. I watched it before Jay recommended it by the way.

Some of the V/h/s segments are unnerving but they lose that after you see them once.

Honestly that is pretty much every horror movie. The fear of the unknown is what makes them all work.

I think movies that touch on real human emotions are harder to look at for many people and cause people to pause what they're watching actually.

If something reflects what makes you uncomfortable, it does more against you psychologically than any horror movie.

Yesterday I watched Black Mountain and Across the River.
First time I've been genuinely unnerved and freaked out hours after watching a movie. Really fucked me up.
I think Across the River freaked me out more, though, honestly, but Black Mountain was still fucking freaky.
>When an animal looks up at the sky, it sees hundreds of tiny points
>When a man looks up at the sky, he sees thousands of stars, suns, solar systems
>Do you want to know what I see?

w-what does he see?

I unironically love Grave Encounters. Its like a reverse parody on those ghost shows (like tvs favorite GA).

Never watch the second one though.



Shit film

The problem is when you are mature enough to realise that it is all fake and will never happen (barring non paranormal murderers) then no movie is scary.
If you want to be scared then join the police. First time I was threatened with a knife I was shaking from adrenaline and fear.

You use the word unsettleing. So I would go with prince of darkness.

Not a great movie, not super scary, but it stays with you, and makes you think about it for a week or so

>a movie
>being legitimately scary

There are none, unless you're a pussy.

I watched it when I was a kid and thought it was boring

The first paranormal activity was actually pretty creepy. The rest went off the rails, though.

Finding no film scary generally mans one of two things

You only watch shit horror
You don't know how to immerse yourself

I thought Grave encounters 2 was great film, even if people shit on it in every review. It had that fever-nightmare kind of quality since beginning, you felt the whole film was a doomed trip. Its a condition which I always appreciate in horror movies and sometimes it pops up in most shittiest of the b-films

I feel it's an age thing. Personally anyway. Shit used to scare me when I was younger but it fails to do that now. So maybe it is an immersion issue, who knows.
Everything is better when you're younger.

No it wasnt. It was very evident from the first fucking scene that no effort was put into it.

The first on the other hand well this guy says it good

Horrible taste. The eye is the dumbest movie ever made.

>Session 9
I really liked this one. Great atmosphere and characters. I like movies that are isolated and that only take place in one area.

As soon as they made the ghost entity some over the top "fucking with you" entity, it went to shit. Especially with that vacuum to hell and the floating cameras.

My family would have a pizza night and watch those shows (World's Scariest Places) every Friday night when I was a kid. Grave Encounters nails that feel so well, love it for that.

Those messages from the future with the news footage still creep me out

I watched the first one before I watched the sequel but I appreciate the second more. Hard to explain but that "fever" quality wasn't so much present in the first one and it felt more like a generic horror movie

>Its like a reverse parody on those ghost shows
This. I liked the fact it starts out funny as fuck with the whole ghost show tropes:
>fake psychic
>paying the building people to spout some bullshit

And then it all devolves into horrific misery.

The Skeleton Key. Gerald's Game. Hush (2016).

El tenebroso...

every zombie apocalypse movie is actually a metaphor for mass immigration

Noroi and [REC] always make the top ten list whenever /x/ makes one. Try those.

/x/ has shit taste. Worse than Sup Forums.

I was going to recommend this.
[REC] was the first horror movie where I legitimately had to stop watching to chill out a bit before finishing it. Kudos to them for mastering lengthening out a stressful moment without losing a beat.

List of legitimately eerie shit. Must watch all of these in the dark for maximum spookiness.

>The Wailing
>Session 9
>Tale of Two Sisters
>The Thing
>Lake Mungo
>It Comes at Night
>Autopsy of Jane Doe
>Noroi: The Curse
>The Orphanage
>The Shining
>The Witch

The ending to this is pure nightmare fuel but a lot of people get on detail wrong about it.

Mulholland Drive tee bee haych

Did anyone in here like It Follows? I thought it was an interesting take on horror and had some creepy scenes.

>The Wailing
I don't understood why this movie was so well-received. the beginning with the first crime scene was pretty eerie but the bumbling idiot dad cop dad and his friends made so much of it unintentionally hilarious. and the plot seemed to twist it self up so unnecessarily towards the end. korean customs/superstitions were pretty interesting though.


not really horror, but some unnerving films that come to mind for me are these:

henry: portrait of a serial killer
texas chainsaw massacre
jacob's ladder

I thought Sinister was unnerving.

Any suggestions for movies that do have to do with ghosts/spirits or curses?


its not that scary, but its one of the best horror movies i've watched lately


Terrible movie

the others
poltergeist (1982)

sup reddit

Watched this for the first time about a year ago alone at night. Managed to avoid spoilers somehow and was not disappointed. Maybe it's because I grew up in the era where scary movies were only scary because shit jumped out at you every 5 minutes but I thought it was very effective.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre fucked me up and I'll never watch it again. I'm not so concerned with the first 20 minutes, I wasn't alive in the 70s, I didn't know how "okay" it was to just walk into someones open door and ask for help.

Name some of the horror movies that you've enjoyed, user.

What a pussy. I saw TCM as a young child and loved it.

This is one of those movies that has good ideas but executed like shit.

I don't get it. The images are too dark. explain?

I live in the county where a serial killer butcher lived
it's more scary than any other horror movie, because it really could happen

>I wasn't alive in the 70s


They Look Like People

I enjoyed it too, it's low budget but the actors do a good job and the atmosphere is excellent. I don't know if any other movie is filmed in an actually abandoned asylum but it was a great idea and the opportunity is used well.


I just looked that up, that's fucking horrifying

Its because the camera was so shaky not because it was scary.

i think if i had the means to do so, i could create one of the best horror films.

Also Twin Peaks: FWWM

Even without watching the show it’s still really unnerving. Gets under your skin

It's a talking deer

Thanks user, that sounds interesting.

I rented it from Blockbuster a long time ago when I would rent my horror movies based on their DVD cover. I did the same with Dead Mans Shoes, which isn't a horror movie, but a good drama on its own if nobody has seen it yet.

I remember being a kid and looking at the websites and thinking ti was real. Then I felt like a complete moron later on.

>that animatronic deer
I'm just couldn't deal with it senpai


I knew a guy who at his mid 20s thought the Fourth Kind was real.


Henry portrait of a serial killer


The Shinning

Me too, breh
There was also a documentary shown in the History Channel I think?

Are there any experimental horror films?

Lost Highway

I need some quality spook tonight, what’s a good spook movie?

"DO IT GORDON" part really made me uncomfortable. Not a lot of films have made me feel that way. So it did something right.


Are there any good creature-centric films? Something like The Thing? I like horror films were the threat/source of conflict is inhuman, but I don't care for the ghost/haunting type films.

That and some of the sessions that the one guy listened into. Also when the dude went back at night to get those coins and seen that figure down the hall. The movie had some legit scary moments that didn't rely on jump scares, which I can appreciate.

>The Skeleton Key
there should be more voodoo horror movies

The Mothman Prophecies

Eh. Not really what I'm looking for. I like Lynch and all but he's like the Hollywood version of truly experimental cinema.

The Others is really unsettling -- quite spooky but not overtly scary.

The Witch is also very unsettling while being a bit bloodier but again not very "scary" i.e. jump scary.


The Grifter
You have been warned

I remember getting emotional when they reveal how the one woman's hands got amputated after all the trauma of torture. She looked so pathetic I had great pity on her.

I just saw The Ritual, it's really good.

I can agree up until the full reveal of the Jotun. They should have just kept it in quick glances where you never get the full view of the creature. Was an interesting design, but true horror is never seeing the creature. Your own imagination is the scariest thing.

Visions of Suffering


Thought this sucked, but I'm also a person who liked Darling so I may be a faggot


Haven't seen this movie but I saw that scene just the other day. That weird move she does as soon as she starts walking is terrifying. My god who knew something so odd could be so unsettling.

J-Horror, man. They know how it's done.

>true horror is never seeing the creature
I'm kinda tired of that trope, so I lately enjoy seeing movies doing the opposite

That scene is pretty much the antithesis of a jump scare, and masterfully done. It's so unsettling and tense at the same time. I remember going crazy as he was hiding behind the couch. I thought I was going to lose my mind watching that scene. Amazing movie overall, too. The feeling of sadness and isolation weighs on the viewer long after the credits roll. Such a bleak movie. I love it so.

loved this movie. Great choice. that and yellowbrick road

Berberian Sound Studio fucked me up pretty good.

The first half of the Conjuring is really good. Then they show the demon that's messing shit up and everything goes downhill from there

lmao xD epic for the win bro