What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Not enough quips

WB/DC tried to fast-track some of that Avengers monnies rather than trying to simply make engaging enjoyable movies.

It also doesn't help that WB seem to be actively embarrassed by their source material whearas Disney/Marvel lean into the comic book ubsurdity and put faith in audiences to come along with them.

warner bros.
they also ruined suicide squad

It wasn't made by the Mouse.

If you ask me, nothing. It was good...ish. Some editing problems, nothing more. Is no different from DC Animated like, JL War, Crisis of two earths, Doom etc.

What always goes wrong

Zack Snyder started out as a music video director so he can make good visuals but has no real experience filming cohesive stories for films.

He has a poor track record as a director and only got the job because his wife is a producer.

It was pretty good. Way more enjoyable than the dark edgy shit before.

they are a movie studio of suits. they don't "get" the source material, they view it as a property

marvel studios succeeds because kevin feige simply knows his shit and has absolute authority.

WB needs to spinoff DC into it's own mini-subsidiary studio and have one guy run it.

and no that is not muh johns, you cerealfags

>went with z-tier Cyborg instead of a Green Lantern
>John Stewart would also have met their diversity quota
>a villain no one has ever heard of was the villain
>effects look cheap and dated
>no one like Ben in the role
>Flash’s costume is awful
>all these DC movies are garbage to begin with

Too much capeshit, Disney bribe the critics

Watchmen was his best work...

John stewart is shit dude. I'm glad they didn't put him in there so Hal still has a chance of coming part of the team.
Also majority of people like Ben before he started boozing, stop being a faggot user.


Unless they’re rebooting with a different actor, that’s a terrible idea.

joe sweden !!!

Snyder and Whedon are like brothers, where Snyder is the older, focused brother making something awesome and Whedon is the younger toddler fucking it up. And WB are the neglectful parents who side with the younger for some weird reason.
And so Snyder's busy making a really nice painting but WB hate it and then Whedon strolls over with a bucket of paint and just pours it all over Snyder's piece. And WB laugh and clap and praise Whedon so Snyder gets up and walks off and yeah....
this was a good metaphor

Don't forget that the parents killed the older brother's hapa daughter


they let it get jewed up



Snyder filled the dumpster, Whedon lit the fire

They tried to set their version of Infinity War in 1/3 the time

Just watch it the other day. It isn't as bad as people memed out to be but it isn't good either. I think it has good character moments but then does nothing with them.


They should have kept it grounded like the Dark Knight Trilogy instead of emulating Marvel.


supes wasn't nerfed

Supes was the best part of the film

The DCEU is a money-laundering scheme. Look it up.

It was like watching Jesus except there isn't any parables or anything interesting

So just like Jesus.

It's funny that all it takes for DCucks to love one of their movies if for their to be speed feats and lifting heavy shit feats.

The whole movie could be garbage but if it has those two things then they would love it regardless

retard american audiences expectations? the media was ready to hate it no matter what?

is a fine minor flick. if you love 50's aliens movies, you should love this

Yea, I guess but Judas was less annoying than Lex Luthor

John is great. that being said I do like Hal as well. I'd take either but if the studio wants to make money (they do) they will go with John to go after the black audience.

It's basically The Hulk except he can fly

Which says a lot, honestly

Not a proper setup:

for the 4 person Avengers movie they had ironman, hulk, ironman 2, thor, and capt. and thor.

for the 6 person justice league, all they did was superman, BvS, and WW. there was no setup movie for aquaman, flash, or robotnigger

Supes was too nerfed.

avengers is a horrible movie regardless of how much previous setup it had

Big part this.
There was little to no worldbuilding. We were expected to know these characters while at the same time we were not required to be familiar with them. A weird place to be in,and as such, it didn't work out that well.
Also a bit this. The team is struggling against Steppenwolf, but doing okay-ish, then Supes flies in and stomps him to the ground so hard Step shit his pants and his demons turn against him.

It's not a real bad movie, but it isn't as good as it could have been. At its best it's great, great action and a great setting, too bad it also falls really low with bad CG, weird editing, and rushed character sequences.

WB decided to start a shared universe only after the first Avengers were a big successe, instead of starting in 2008 like Marvel did

Sup Forums is the only place I've ever seen people not mercilessly shit ole Ben

>Black Panther made more in 4 days than the Justice fucking League in its entire domestic run

Literally what the SHIT happened?!?!?!?!?!

They just jumped straight into the cinematic universe bullshit and thought it would print free money, turns out you have to actually make an engaging film, even for the normalfags who eat up cape movies like there's no tomorrow.

I said this a while ago, they should have set the foundations for it first by having a bunch of solo films so the audience can get used to, and attached to their take on the DC heroes instead of just jumping straight into the group films. The only responses I got were people calling me a faggot for thinking that they can't pull off a Justice League movie properly at this point in time, turns out I was correct, I mean just look at all the damn reshoots they did, you can even tell when watching the film.

There are no stakes with this Dupes. Nothing can stop him except a tailor made monster that is bland and boring as fuck.

A careful crafting and sculpting of a mainstream populair cinematic universe that has pretty much choked out all competition.

That DC has kneejerked and shit the bed to create their own shared universe didn't help.

They were too late, rushed in, got unfavourably compared to Marvel for their darker tone, tried for more humor which resulted in garbled, tonedeaf messes.
A big man in charge like Feige wouldn't have let that happen.

Well, let's see, maybe it was the total absence of any kind of plot beyond "stop the bad guy before he uses the thing"?
Or maybe it was utter lack of any kind of character development or meaningful character interactions?
Could be it be generic, boring, CGI-based action scenes that have been stale as fuck for years now?

No marvel movie made more than $400 million WW pre Avengers besides the Ironman movies. Stop acting like people cared about the build up, they only jumped on after the Avengers movie.

If anything they should of rebooted Batman first, have them have Superman references to build up for a Superman solo film. Have an already established that disappeared for like 10 years like they did in Superman returns but do it better and have him come back nerfed. Then do WW, maybe Aquaman and Flash, then introduce Green Lantern in JL

WW was great and so was the flash (yes, the flash was great). Like the thread I started yesterday, I can't believe that movie got so much shit

Iron Man was part of the build up. And it doesn't matter that they didn't make as much as Avengers, know one knew who this characters were. Now they do.
Meanwhile who gives a fuck about Aquaman. His backstory seems way more interesting than JL and they failed to capitalize on the first.

Also Thor made more 400 million WW. Captain American 370 WW. Only Hulk made way less at 270 million.

The problem isn't with the actors imo, it's with the shitty script.

The movie sucked though.

More than*

No set up for most of the characters and Steppenwolf was lame. Honestly not much went wrong, monetarily, but unless your hardcore DC nobody really cared.

Plus the JL should be bantering in an orbital space station...just saying, that should be step 1.

The characters in Ironman 2 only became important in Avengers, you learned nothing about them in Ironman 2. I agree with you about Aquaman.
Thor barely made more and they're all incredibly low numbers, even Antman made far more than the pre Avengers movies because people only cared about the tangential connections after the Avengers like I said.

WB Execs
Geoff Johns
Joss Whedon
Danny Elfman

This made 450 million though. Stop moving the goalposts, people went to see these movies and word spreads.

Iron Man set up the character, just like Hulk.

Ant Man more but again that was because the ball got rolling. Without the setup it wouldn't have gotten rolling. You have to make people care first. Part of the reason Avengers made 1.5 billion is that people went to see the characters team up because they knew who they were now, even if not everyone saw Captain America in theaters.

Thor made 450 million*

And Man made more*

If Doctor Strange made $450 million that would be considered a bit of a flop, that's not a lot of money in the grand scheme of blockbuster movie making.
As for the Hulk they completely wiped that slate clean in the Avengers, the setup was irrelevant. The train got moving at the Avengers movie, that is essentially the start of the universe.

it felt rushed and it didn't have a purpose. It was just a "lets make a movie and don't care about anything, some people will see it anyway."

It's capeshit... just smoke a joint, turn your brain off and enjoy the show

i liked it. not a great movie, of course, but what the fuck were people expecting?

Snyder makes excellent movies for the 14-30 age range, Joe Sweden can only make flicks for babies.

>muh solos
their shitty animated movies can superficially set up 7 characters just fine in 70 minutes
a live action movie with another hour could do just as well
it's simply the lack of trying and focusing on cool moments rather than at the very least decent writing