why don't they make films using technicolor anymore???
Why don't they make films using technicolor anymore???
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Because everything is digital and washed out af now. No colors anymore, everything has to be desaturated and depressing af.
I wonder, can we get the technicolor look with digital?
Stop watching shit.
pic unrelated ?
they do, watch "the love witch"
ive seen some directors that try to do "technicolor" with digital cameras. Its pretty solid but its still obviously not done in 3 strip technicolor.
pretty sure that there isn't a place that can develop film like that anymore
You can do it in-house. /p/ develops film all the time.
thats true. I just assume its an extra cost that the studio doesnt want to pay for plus its probably more of a pain in the ass to go back and do reshoots and/or "fix it in post" sorta deal .
hence why they stopped doing practicals and switched to cgi (they can easily change it later if they want)
what are some essential technicolor films? (not that they have to be GREAT films but films that show off the medium)
technicolor is racist
so we have to go back
This. Only 3 strip is what makes old films look so good
what about color by deluxe, everyone forgets about them
Speed Racer is as close to a digital technicolor films as you're ever going to get. Problem is that Directors want to make everything ugly and depressing to look at!!!FACT!!!
That movie was shot on film you absolute mong
any examples of such directors or works?
The best looking digital movie I can think off colour wise right now is Her.
This triggered me.
I liked that video right up to the last minute when they got stupid about racism.