Is there any way to petition her to stop her from taking a break from acting? Hollywood and the world needs her.
Is there any way to petition her to stop her from taking a break from acting? Hollywood and the world needs her
sheʻd be qt if it wasnʻt for her massive forhead.
>weinstein busted
>needs to take a break from acting suddenly
the ultimate potato face but her body is a smokeshow
>sheʻd be qt if it wasnʻt for her fat face
JLaw makes waves wherever she goes. She's made bank on Dubai and London hosted Foot Nights
>When your feet have been so airbrushed they no longer look human
She’s so puffy when she cries she looks asian
Also can’t act
>Harvey out
>break time
I quite like her. ngl
And being a cumdumpster for mottled old kikes.
>when you take a walk wearing a girdle knowing the press will see you but you flip them off anyway
wow what a lovable scamp
That article about her taking a break is like over a year old.
She's only taking a break now because no one wants to hire her anymore since the public completely despises her.
Yahoo news ran a story about how people were mad at her for "insulting" Lumley at the Baftas by saying the compliment she received was a bit much. Of course, this is completely deserved because she's a giant bitch and represents everything wrong with hollywood.
Why the fuck do you people say mean things about my waifu? Wtf is wrong with you people? Jlaw is /ourgal/
Just imagine the sheer gallons of corporate cum she has guzzled down her throat. I can only ever imagine her smelling like morning sex. At such a young age she is truly damaged goods.
She reminds me of my Ex-Girlfriend who had a lazy eye
god damn she's average looking.
>Sup Forums wants to kill this
The absolute state of this board
Fuck off, she's a virgin.
She's average looking but still thinks she's better than everyone else. It's why she started demanding more time with her real face in the X-Men movies and less time as Mystique
the delusion
Her and Emma Watson have been very quiet ever since big harv got taken down. I'd be embarrassed to if all my "talent" was basically giving blowjobs to a fat jew for an Oscar and parts.
>Harvey Weinstein loses his job
>JLaw "takes a break"
Lmao, she bit the hand that fed her and now she can't get a job.
Me in the back
Just because someone had nudes leaked doesn't mean they've had sex
These are the worst waifus I've ever seen.
Just because a man had nudes leaked doesn't mean they've had sex*
Women are never virgins
t. /r9k/
No one really needs her regressive ass.