>Midi-chlorians are a microcopic lifeform that reside within all living cells and communicates with the Force
Why did people freak out about this again?
>Midi-chlorians are a microcopic lifeform that reside within all living cells and communicates with the Force
Why did people freak out about this again?
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Because you don't need to explain space magic with horrible bullshit like this when it has no relevance to the story.
I wish they somewhat retconned this and some character how crazy Qui Gonna was with his midichlorians theory
manchildren take their spaceshit very seriously
what does that make you?
shut up faggot
It doesn’t affect anything though, it literally just means all living creatures and being are connected to the force. So unless you were a fan of skippy the Jedi droid I don’t see the issue
i really don't think they did, at least not at the time. most of the criticism surrounding the film upon release focused on jar jar and the killing of darth maul. if anything, that scene spared them a bunch of religious backlash they would have gotten otherwise. it was a solid move to make in 1990s america.
because it changes the force from something mystical to something scientific
you're not special in the latter like you are in the former
The phantom menance is already a film that's heavily criticized for being kind of aimless, if it doesn't actually effect anything why even have it in the movie at all?
The way the scene is written ("even master yoda doesn't have a mediclorian count ~that~ high") also implies a lot of extremely stupid shit about the force being dragon ball z
The Force was always scientific, it literally got inherited through genes
It takes away from the fantasy element for no reason at all.
Spiritual space magic > dumb parasitic organisms
I actually like that from the prequels.
I like that just not any random neckbeard can start meditating and studying Jedi history and become a Jedi.
You either have it or you don't. Like Chads and sports.
Fat overweight neckbeards were insulted by this notion and hate this aspect of the prequels. Because in their minds they can't just study it like a religion and become one of them.
but its fantasy in space, why shouldnt they have microscopes?
you didn't know that until the prequels though
yes it was strong in Luke's family, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was for genetic reasons
if anything it means that anyone is more likely to become a jedi
since it's in space, and force sensitivity is only tied to how many magic microbes are living in your body, there's no reason someone couldn't inject more magic microbes into their body
what happens if I get a blood transfusion from someone infected with midichlorians?
The religion aspect how somebody wants it to be is the most retarded thing ever.
I was happy people got BTFO.
Also I think all the EU is garbage. And anything that discredits the EU I'm happy with.
Except Obi Wan says the reason Luke and Leia had to be hidden is because the emperor knew they’d be powerful enough to be a threat to him
>what happens if I get a blood transfusion from someone infected with midichlorians?
You can move shit with your mind but then your dick bleeds.
Nothing, they actually tried that with Grievous
Nah, the midichlorians won’t communicate with your cells if they’re transplanted. They tried that with grievous.
Why did Luke even go see Yoda to train then? Why didn't Obi Wan just shoot him up full of force juice and send him to wreck his dad? Same for those kids in the prequels.
I need muh mystery about da force
-old gen x fags
Doesn’t work
Because RLM made them think that midi-chlorians ARE the Force when that was obviously never the case.
>dragon ball z
I don't see how that is a problem, DBZ is sick.
Because it turned space magic into Dragonball power levels. Star Wars is science fantasy, and Lucas destroyed the fantasy part of Star Wars in one line. Truly remarkable.
So you want it to be just another stupid religion that grants powers?
It turned a magical and spiritual/religious story into something scientific and atheistic. The "Force" is no longer something intangible; it comes from midichlorioans.
>force is a mystical force that binds all life
>force is microbes and anakin's power level is over 9000
they're indicative of entirely different mentalities, which makes sense considering that the sw "saga" is a patchwork monster made by a man who is less a visionary storyteller than a master of jewish sorcery who found it was easier to sell toys than tell a compelling story with some degree of artistry.
I want The Force to be something mystical. Not explained, and in such a stupid fashion. Just one of many things that wouldn't have happened had there been a creative director to veto Lucas' dumb ideas.
So are all the midichlorian haters just EU fags?
It's not always inherited. Skywalker are space Jesus and his lineage though.
Because if everyone is a samurai wizard, then no one is a samurai wizard.
>the force is female and females are not susceptible to the dark side
>oh yeah and it automatically balances itself
Midi-chlorians will always be better than the lore-rape of the sequels.
Autism and scientific ignorance. You need a biological explanation for how people can sense and harness the Force, not the Force itself. That's where everyone got it wrong.
>the Force is strong in my family
>my father has it
>I have it
>and my twin sister has it too
>not genetic
It might work on a force-sensitive person but a midichlorian-rich blood transfusion won't magically give you Force powers. Probably because your white blood cells see the midichlorians as a foreign invader and kill them.
A manish boy
The EU is garbage upon garbage.
Midichlorians is retardation levels not before believed possible.
It's both dumbass. The force is a mystical energy field binding all living things that happens to be sensed through microscopic organisms in the bloodstreams of all sentient life.
The Force is toxoplasmosis.
I feel like people shitting on midichlorians for it being “spiritual” enough seem to forget that Star Wars is a Sci-if fantasy
That’s science fiction AND fantasy
Why on earth does organic life having midichlorians that allow you to communicate with the force any less spiritual than giving Jedi knights laser swords for some reason?
The sequel lore makes some sense, but even then it's just Zen Buddhist in it's application.
It just means that light and dark will always be fighting each other. For eternity and over simplifies the conflicts of light side and dark side.
>it comes from midichlorians
Nigga, you don’t even understand the phantom menace
Jinn said the midichlorians communicate with the force, not that they create it
Obi Wan explained the force in the first movie
And his explanation was some mystical force that binds us. Basically "It's something that's there and can't be explained"
I don't think people would be upset about the power level thing that inherently comes with something like Midichlorians if they were explained differently.
>They're bacteria attracted to the light of the Force.
Just a simple rewording like that keeps the mysticism in tact, calls back to how Yoda described us as luminous beings, and introduces the powerscaling aspect that comes with Midichlorians. I imagine that's what Lucas wanted; something to suggest that Anakin is a BIG DEAL in irrefutable, quantifiable terms.
>Basically "It's something that's there and can't be explained"
No, that is incorrect.
It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds us together. He specifically called it an energy field. It's life. The life force of all things being woven between all things to connect all things. It's not just "something that's there, get over it". They tell us what it is in two different movies prior to Episode 1's release.
Then that makes them completely superfluous to the force. Just microscopic moths.
Because it basically told all the kids watching it that they can't be jedi because they probably don't have midichlorians
They just gather on people with more force; they aren’t the explanation behind the force
So the Jedi can tell who’s innately force-sensitive. I think if you started training you could gain force sensitivity though
I remember an interview where George said he liked the idea of midichlorians because it meant something mystical about a religion (the Force) had actual scientific evidence (the midicholrians), "just like in real life with real religions" (not his literal words but that was basically the idea of what he said).
What did he mean? What real scientific evidence do real religions have? I wish I could find that interview.
Sounds like you imagined it desu
The whole prequel trilogy shows how dumb Midichlorians are. That's the point. They were a clinical way of measuring potential. But they somehow missed Palpatine's potential. Yoda had the 2nd highest and was BTFO'd by Palpatine. Anakin had the highest and was BTFO'd by Obi Wan. Midichlorians are another piece of the Old Republic that failed.
>Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion, which uses modern scientific analysis and measuring tools to identify special bacteria that can help their host manipulate the seemingly flimsy fabric of reality has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the rebels' hidden fort-...
So midichlorians aren't that bad and the prequels themselves prove it.
>prequel haters btfo eternally
Good post
>What real scientific evidence do real religions have?
don't know. i mean, we still have no way of knowing how the tides work, or where the sun goes at night. you can't explain that
Pretty much. It's hard to have an honest conversation about the prequels because of brainlets who don't pay attention without exposition
its a non answer. how the fuck do you move shit with your mind. oh its just bacteria in your body moving shit with their minds? do bacteria think? is that a thing now? how do they both read your mind and move shit telekinetically?
it creates more questions than its magic or some "solid" technobable answer about bullshit physics that probably revolves around quantum
you are completely wrong
Weren’t the vast majority of Jedi killed by non force sensitive troopers with guns?
Seems like he’s right
Not that user, but it's not the point to ask "why shouldn't they have". It's fantasy. Why shouldn't they have a proper vacuum with no sound to explosions? No reason other than it looks good to the viewer, it's not accurate.
The problem with midchlorians is that it takes away from all the development of intuition and the mysterious sense of the Force. It becomes something measurable and fucks things up. If midchlorians are real, they should have scooters like in Dragon Ball and it would, like Dragonball, become a power ranking shitfest. Gladly, they contradicted themselves and never brought that up again.
>Qui Gon, what does the scouter say about Anakin’s midi chlorian level?!
>that arc where vegeta kills frieza's henchmen and they eventually learn their lesson to stop relying on scouters because they're more trouble than they're worth so you think dragon ball is going to get better and move away from this power level nonsense but it just keeps doubling down over and over again
Not sure if I am misunderstanding midichlorians or if many people in this thread have a misunderstanding of midichlorians. Correct me if I am wrong but midichlorians do not give you force powers. Midichlorians are simply attracted to force power. Someone with force power will have midichlorians in his cells because the midis detected his force power and were drawn to him. The greater the force power, the more midichlorians will be attracted. Injecting midichlorians into a person with no force powers will not give that person any force power at all. Those midichlorians will simply leave his body for someone with force power.
People are born with force power or not. Those born with force power can develop its intensity through training. Those not born with force power cannot acquire it by any means.
>off by one
Lol post discarded
the problem is that this moved star wars from being science-fantasy towards being science-fiction. If you look at the prequels are the EU in general you see how hard it wants to be star trek even though the OT was good for completely different reasons.
>I like that just not any random neckbeard can start meditating and studying Jedi history and become a Jedi.
Retconned by Rey :)
Wrong way around cuck, midichlorians give you force power, not the other way around
He never said the Force wasn't real. He just said it was irrelevant.
They're not bacteria though. They're organelles.
not that user, but were there any stories of mad scientists trying to create the prophesized one/beings with super enhanced midichlorian counts through injections or otherwise? how do we know which way it is, whether its just midichlorians attracted to force powers or midichlorians giving force powers?
Midiclorians are fine. How did the Asian guy in Rogue One tap into them?
There is scientific evidence of climate change right now that high ranking politicians don't accept. Him thinking the Jedi are bullshit 30 years after they are all dead except for Vader and the Emperor isn't that weird.
Everyone has Midichlorians. Qui Gonn said without them there could be no life. And he didn't exactly tap into them. Chirrut Imwe (Donnie Yen you fucking pleb) just believed in the will of the Force. But brainlets can't into mysticism and spirituality
>Spiritual shit is never influenced by scientific shit
Midiclorians aren't the force, they're just a life form attracted to force sensitives. It's brilliant actually.
Kindda right, kinda wrong. The force flows through ALL living things, some people just have an unnaturally high sensitivity to it that lets them manipulate it. It's possible for someone with a normal level of connection to the force to use it given training.
Brainlet detected.
Nanomachines... IN SPPAAAAAACE
It doesn't. The Force is still a fantasy/mysterious element. All Midichlorians do is explain how some people can better communciate/use this mysterious Force.
The problem is Lucas' shitty writing, which makes it seem to normies as if the Force is literally midichlorians.
Force power in the OT was governed by spirit and belief. DUDE ANAKIN IS THE CHOSEN ONE BECAUSE HE HAS OVER 9000 FORCE CELLS was retarded and you know it
>Force power in the OT was governed by spirit and belief.
It was a force that surrounded all living things. For the CORRUPT Old Republic to turn mechanical in their structures and dogmas was a sign of decay.
That mechanical nature was inherited by the Empire, and the surviving Jedi divorced themselves from it when they saw the dark side in power, taking away their clouded vision. This, of course, has nothing to do with Midi-Chlorians. Sure, your neurons are there, but that's not the point of thinking.
I often have a problem with people who bitch about Midichlorians. People who hate the aspect are so incredibly dense about the idea that pretty much the major criticisms of Midichlorians should be nonexistent.
>Midichlorians are The Force
No they aren't. They're microscopic lifeforms that live in living cells that are attuned to The Force. They are not the Force but the guide for the living to The Force
>They turned the Force from something mystical to something scientific
Midichlorians do not make the Force entirely scientific. The Force is still treated as something mystical. Midichlorians are messengers of the Force, they help the living attune themselves to it. They determine if a person can attune themselves enough to use it in ways like a Jedi or Sith. The Force is also still treated like a religion. Even in the current canon there's a Church of the Force that is separate from the Jedi, and in the EU and Canon there's tons of religions and ideologies based upon the Force. And like other Anons say, there were genetic and scientific aspects of the Force. That's why Luke, Vader, and Leia were Force sensitive, because of their lineage. The Force is still mystical, you just didn't understand the context of Midichlorians or you're butthurt about it.
>Force power in the OT was governed by spirit and belief
Uh no, it was written in that way so that Mature wise Force Users (Obi Wan, Yoda) could guide Luke, basically just describe what the Force is like, and making it all mystical and shit (which it is) so that Luke would "believe".
Of course, behind all this was Luke's higher Midichlorian count that allowed him to better tap into the Force, which was not explained (Luke's Midichlorian count) and yet was explained (Yoda: "The Force runs strong in your family"- because of a higher Midichlorian count).
The Force, as I explained before... I can't believe I have to explain this again, is different from Midichlorians, which allow someone to tap into it.
Hopefully it doesn't fly over your head again.
You dolt.
>The Force is still mystical, you just didn't understand the context of Midichlorians or you're butthurt about it.
People like that think that for example radiophillic bacteria cause radiation. Faie enough if it's because they're mad that George hit the bong too hard and tried to put sci-fi in his space wizard movie because he read a biology textbook.
you fags all know jesus was a real person right
Why should an omnipresent life force require a microbe to play translator between itself and a human being. The concept is just plain stupid. It was written by Lucas purely to explain how the Jedi can tell empirically whether or not a candidate is "strong with the force"; ergo, adding a scientific element to something mystical. Your mental gymnastics are pathetic.
You poor, clueless fuck
explain progs then.
I like to think Qui Gon was actually really dumb to the point of being a special individual, and would just make shit up according to his own headcannon.
He was the one Jedi "Master" who was a joke among the other Jedi, and Obiwan got stuck with him as punishment for something dumb and damaging he did. Hence why Obiwan chastises him a lot in Phantom Menace instead of vice-versa.
Basically a more inept Inspector Gadget with Ben as Penny.
>Why should an omnipresent life force require a microbe to play translator between itself and a human being
Because it makes sense why some people are better able to tap into it than others.
You are fucking retarded, mouthbreather.
>makes sense
you're a brainlet autist who wants your eastern mysticism inspired space fantasy magic to be able to be stratified and quantified to the point that it loses all of its mystique and wonder.
He did but people are fucking braindead and can't understand causal relations