You think anyone thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night?
You think anyone thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night?
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You think I got where I am because I dressed like Peter Pan here?
Take a look at what I'm wearing people. You think anyone wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? FORGET ABOUT IT.
My favorite bit of this scene is the Rex Kwon Do pledge.
>I shall never misuse Rex Kwon Do.
>I shall be a champion of freedom and justice.
What have you done to be a champion of freedom and justice today Sup Forums?
Starla is a Boise 7/10 though which is a NYC 5 and an LA 3
>NYC has better women than LA
if she's a new york 5 and an La la land 3 it means LA women are hottest.
Oops my b
How Napoleon sits never ceases to make me smile
Will there ever be a Napoleon Dynamite sequel?
Hopefully not. They already tried a tv series that failed miserably
The TV series sucked. Part of the movie's appeal was that it was mundane to the extreme but still managed to have a weird sense of life to it through Napoleon. The cartoon had weird shit like ghosts, wolf ears, spider invasions, robots, all sorts of stuff that didn't gel with the tone of the movie. It was like any other crappy cartoon, with its physical zaniness and lack of solid character, except it had Napoleon Dynamite this time.
Yeah I didn't like it either. ND is one of the movies that stands alone, it doesn't need a sequel or a followup imo
Sup Forums in one scene
>tfw you relate to uncle rico the most now
>tfw kip minus the internet fox and cage fighting potential
>tfw you used to throw footballs over mountains
How can one man be so based?
He's not wrong.
>Last week Japanese scientists explaced.. placed explosive detonators at the bottom of lake loch ness to blow Nessy out of the water. Sir Curt Godfrey of the Nessie Alliance summoned the help of Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and it's residents and all those who seek a peaceful existence of our underwater ally.
I love the little face he makes when someone laughs
Was Uncle Rico going to fuck Starla?
>you wanna die Napoleon?
>yeah right who's the only one here that knows illegal ninja moves from the government?
Quality sucks and doesn't have the ending where he's still running in the middle of the road, but still the best deleted scene.
And Deb, for that matter.
And Trish's mom.
And he was definitely fucking that ugly lady while Napoleon was out waiting in his van.
What's great about uncle Rico is he seems like a total creepy pervert, but it's all innocent. (Not all obviously) like when he is handing out the bust must flyers to Trish and summer to give to their mothers; he just sees that as totally acceptable and fine.
He's still in '82, man.
Would you have?
>is there some kind of vest I could wear?
Fuck that guy that's how you get in trouble some fuck face making a scene during a test.
ThisToo risky. Plus he should have thought about that before entering a test without snacks
Did anyone else have that 'friend' who you weren't really friends with but they still bothered you in class with bullshit at exactly the wrong time? All you wanted to do was pay attention or zone out and this asshole would be up to some cock-eyed nonsense that would result in everyone associating you with that retard behavior.
>tfw she's actually a woman (female)
Warms my heart you guys understand, I never got people that try to make conversation in class.
I'm not ashamed to admit I sometimes use her as fapfuel for tranny fucking girls.
seriously who would pull their balls through the opening in their underwear?
Absolute degeneracy