Why do the Klingons look so fucking stupid?

Why do the Klingons look so fucking stupid?

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Well the Klingons think humans are stupid looking too

Someone had some designer friend who needed a job

If you think they look stupid then they succeeded in designing a non-human entity

That's not a klingon

Parallel Universe

Its the lack of facial hair.

I'm not even gonna touch that one.

The Klingons in TOS, TNG, etc. look fine and are still distinctly alien and foreign - yes, even TOS, which had minimal effects.

Not the Same universe


What is this new theory you're on about? Or are you just one of those head canon people?


they've been dropping hints left and right but the biggest heads up was how the war ended compared to how the war ended in TOS.

It's clearly a different universe.

is it set in the JJ Trilogy universe?

>look fine
>distinctly alien and foreign
Pick one.

Definitely not.

No it was confirmed to be in the original universe 10 years before TOS

'Cause they're played by niggers.


>TOS Klingons
basically ming the merciless doing blackface

Enterprise and DS9 bothered to make it canon that Klingons in the original series were depicted photographically correct because they were sick with a human DNA based virus, then this fucking show has the balls to fuck it up AGAIN. I doubt anyone involved in the production of this is actually a fan of Star Trek.

>initiates klingon rite of passage
>flails Bat'leth around
>consumes too much blood wine
>violates treaty

So if something is 'alien and foreign' it must look 'bad'? What kind of bullshit logic is that?

When did TOS say how the war with the Klingons ended?

Star Trek 6

I didn't know Sam Raimi dabbled in Star Trek

Probably some merchandising rights issue.

>the biggest heads up was how the war ended compared to how the war ended in TOS

The war didn't end though. Klingon's still control a shitload of federation territory and there is no formal peace in place (same with TOS until the space mom empire intervened). It should be remembered that 'war' is not some clearly defined legal/political thing - just something states occasionally announce.

I hate STD as much as the next man but let's not fall into praying for a miracle.

This is Tilly. Say something nice about her.



She has massive tits.

Why do you?

They made them look more non-human so that kangs wouldn't call raycis'.

That wasn't really the end of a war...it was the end of a cold war. Big, big difference.

Nope. If it was on a Trek show, they had rights to it. Only movie-only stuff is prohibited.

Ironically, they look more racist now.

>So if something is 'alien and foreign' it must look 'bad'? What kind of bullshit logic is that?
Yes, and it's not bullshit. Your obsession with Japan is sad and everyone thinks less of you for it.

I wanna fuck those fat tits and blow a load on her double chin.

>It should be remembered that 'war' is not some clearly defined legal/political thing

>Projecting weeabooism in a Star Trek thread on Sup Forums

Klingons look stupid, user.

One version of her killed a fuckton of humans.

I'm making fun of it you pocky eating dipshit

Gene Roddenberry's #1 rule for aliens with speaking parts was don't fuck with the shape of the eyes or the mouth.

Because Neville Page got lazy and just reused a rejected design from another cancelled project.

What was that?

TOS klingons were the best klingons, a parallel to the soviet union, a little known alien community that lives under a powerful clandestine state. They had more depth than any later version. Their culture of 'honor' was a facade for their duplicitious nature and the whole noble savage nature faded away years ago. They have the cloaking device for fuck sake

TNG wasn't too bad, since we saw klingons from the perspective of Worf, who basically learned about klingon culture from the dummies guide. Worf tried to cultivate that warrior spirit of his people's past, but over and over discovered that that culture was fairly eroded, with underhand dealings from house duras or gowron for political aims

then DS9, as usual, completes the shitting on of the whole thing by turning the klingons into boorish retards that wildly fly into battle and cant go two sentences about honor and good deaths. all while continuing to stalk their prey with cloaking devices for some reason

>cant go two sentences about honor and good deaths.
literally worf

I don't remember. You used to be able to see the sketch on his website but he's recently had the website redone and there is barely anything on it now except marketing shit for STD.

Pike's visit to Talos IV was before Discovery.
TOS is set after Discovery.
*NCC-1701 shown in the last Discovery episode looks different.*

What does Talos IV have to do with anything?

The Enterprise appears in it, and of course it looks the same as in TOS.

And then they show the Enterprise inside, the rage will be Earth-shattnering.

Show us your tits, Tilly.

I wonder, though, what will happen in the next STD episode.

Tilly is not for lewd

>perfect description

>Wow, the Enterprise! I can't wait to meet my adoptive brother Spock!
>Sorry, Michael, Spock is on a secret mission and will not be joining us on our adventure!
>Wait, Captain Pike, why are you black now?

Color me dumb, but this is a Seven of Nine expy, I just noticed it now.

The ginger? She seems to have a healthy grasp over her emotions, though they've not explored her character at all.