>refugees bring problems
>respect your heritage
>protag is a strong male rolemodel
When did you look past the blind SJW cocksucking and realize this movie is the ultimate nationalist-pill?
Other urls found in this thread:
I know right it is a fucking awesome movie from a nationalist perspective i dont know why retards are hating on it.
>whole movie is about him rejecting these views
you forgot that part user
>the main villain exists because of this mindset
did you fucking forget that part, user?
except in the end when he goes to jew central, the UN, and sings Imagine by John Lennon.
>At the end, he realizes the error in his nation's ways and gives a speech about embracing globalism
>Drumpf BTFO
what were you expecting from Sup Forumsstormfront?
>and sings Imagine by John Lennon.
Will Wakanda accept white refugees from South Africa?
free helicopter rides, user...
Free camping and lodging you mean.
>made in china on the shirt
It's always the little things.
Open borders is a human right.
except for Israel of course :^)
Israel has open borders you retard
To get your cheeks wide open is my right
Nationalism is fine as long as the country isn't white or Israel.
Citation needed
only Jews can get citizenship
They don’t even let people into Wakanda though, they just go public and establish outreach.
You misspelled Palestine
Palestine's borders are shrinking as we speak
Palestine’s borders haven’t changed, there’s just an infestation that needs to be removed.
they need to be removed from the west first
>Adults may acquire Israeli citizenship through naturalization. To be eligible for naturalization, a person must have resided in Israel for three years out of the previous five years.
So you don't know what open borders means
For jews
No it isnt
You have the freedom to live there if you want and can become a citizen. Thats open sounding to me.
for anyone
You're dumb
is this a new JIDF tactic?
just spread lies about Israel on the internet to make it seem lest nationalist?
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ad hominem