It's Official

Black Panther Is The Greatest Film Ever Made.

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holy shit well look at that, looks like america's no longer racist!

No it isnt. Cry moar libtard.

>3 of the top 5 films EVER were released in a 10 year period, the next 2 are released within a year of each other


By review aggregation standards sure, but all art is subjective within reason.

>I'm a brainlet and don't understand how to into aggregate scores
>I conflate percentage who liked the movie with overall rating
>please feed me
stop right there Sup Forums.

I don't think you understand how Rotten Tomatoes works.

Their algorithm puts Black Panther as the most liked film of all time, taking into account the reactions of both critics and audiences.

Anyone care to explain? Why isn't Chaddington #1?

>stop right there Sup Forums
>implying Sup Forums aren't the ones coming up with all these convoluted maths theories to disprove objective fact

Black Panther thread? My favourite. But what does Moshe Goldstein think?

Who did this? He's great.

Paddington got 187 positive reviews. Black panther got over a hundred more than that


But it has a higher audience score and less rottens. How's that math work?

You tried.
Also you mispronounced "Moshe'

Chaddington is #8, happy now?


Upset, Moshe?

oy vey

A) audience score isn't a part of the equation
B) the algorithm weighs scores based on the number of reviews. If Paddington got 114 more reviews what evidence is there that they'd all remain popular? Imagine black panther getting 295 positive scores and 7 negative following. That's how far ahead of Paddington it's praise is

I'm not explaining why black panther deserves it. I'm explaining how retarded the tomatometer is
>It was only 6 years ago I adored RT and was happy to see it on The Raid Blu Ray box art
Kill me

Oh boy, can't wait until it trends on facebook that "Black Panther is the greatest movie of all time according to RT" and all the trendy millennials in my college start spouting it as fact! Forget Casablanca, Frank Capra, Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, or the hundreds of other masterful filmmakers of the twentieth century! In the twenty-first century, we have social media on our shiny new iPhones to set in stone what is good and what is not, and when twitter and tumblr are celebrating Black Panther as a high point of film history, it must be so! What a world we live in!


>4 of the top ten movies of all time just came out
Does no one fucking notice the problem here?

that film criticism died?

Clearly we are experiencing some sort of film renaissance the likes the world has never seen before! Truly, we are living in the best age for film.


Reminder that the guy who spams these unfunny videos in every thread discussing a new release on Sup Forums is named Alex Simmons. He's 23-years-old and lives in Pompano Beach, Florida, in or near Coconut Creek. He uses the handle "Uridon" online.

Here's a vid uploaded to his channel with his face in it, save it before he sees this post and deletes it:
Compare to pictures in his many online dating profiles (save before he deletes):
He also has a patreon with zero patrons

We know who you are loser, and even if you keep spamming your shitty videos under a different name people will know it's you. I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself with these ramblings and continue on with your lifetime of obscurity as an ugly nerd with a minimum wage job.

oh shit
based user



Wizard of oz is trash how is it so high?


This right here is the real problem. The whole list is bad. Obviously Black Panther isn't the best movie ever made, just the best shilled movie, but it's at least better than the rest of the list.

I honestly have no problem with Black Panther.
But Get Out at #5? Come the fuck on.

Who is dumber...burgers or chinks?

This fucking mediocre superhero movie is THE most important cultural achievement in U.S. history. This is the art your civilisation will be remembered for. This is your Shakespeare. You are a nation of fucking infantile retards.

> the algorithm weighs scores based on the number of reviews.

That's the part that I don't get how it works.

Fury Road is #7 on the list and has a score of 96.8% (rounded to 97%), but has 23% more reviews than Black Panther, which is #1 with 97.0%.

completely retarded, but I still laughed

This is dumb. They really need to make the cutoff for "all time movie" at 2010 to let the dust settle a bit.

>Black Panther Is The Greatest Film Ever Made.

Please kill me.

Only thing on your list not grossly overrated is Casablanca.


> #1 Black Panther 97.0%, 303 reviews
> #11 Inside Out 97.6%, 331 reviews
> #15 Moonlight 97.8%, 313 reviews

Seriously, how does this shit work? Other movies have more reviews AND a better score and are still placed below it. Just how?

Yeah you're right it makes no fucking sense

it works because niggers

he's kawaii

> it works because niggers

What about Moonlight then?

>Five movies made in 2015 or later are the best of all time
>No Aliens
>No Dark Crystal

>Truly, we are living in the best age for

My only guess is they're going by how fast it's getting new reviews.

Aliens isn't even the best movie in it's series
Alien is 100 times better than Aliens you cameronfag

>Aliens isn't even the best movie in it's series
Out, heretic.

>Alien is 100 times better than Aliens you cameronfag
You literally only say that for the same reason everyone does: you're a filthy sex and gore degenerate and Alien has more of both.

That would still be beyond retarded as a metric. Just because some hipster faggot or tumblr roastie puts out a review faster doesn't make it a better movie.

You are more fucking autistic than he is to waste time compiling all that shit. Kys you fucking retard.

I feel sorry for you

RT (and indeed, most reviews) should not be confused for film criticism. The Freshness rating system only reflects whether the reviewer recommends the film or not.

maybe older films would have been better if they didn't have so many problematic beliefs we've now cleared up

Americans are much too lazy and stupid to actually read reviews.

You all know want to do

>but it's at least better than the rest of the list.

Sperg out like a faggot? Because that's what you're doing.

Too bad the moronic average today doesn't know the difference and spews Rotten tomatoes scores as their actual scores

Retarded Tomato is retarded


>the moronic average

You're talking about the typical Sup Forums poster, right?

Yes, that is what libtards look like

Black Panther is a masterpiece. The best movie ever made. It'll win many academy awards for sure.

Why did I click that picture


>Rotten Tomatoes

Dodgson looks and is acting suspiciously like Ryan Gosling here



*blocks your path*

>three of the 10 best films OF ALL TIME came out this year
>tfw it's only february

gosh black folk sure are talented

>less than two months
oh no no no

>3 every two months on average
Well gee by the time we get to December...

Hmm I wonder what Black Panther and Get Out have in common.

Sup Forums would complain endlessly if Black Panther manages to win Best Picture

idgi who's this

the voice of our generation


Sup Forums is a Gen Z board

*blocks your path*
Now we'll show you who the REAL king is.

Needs Klezmer music playing in the background


Steven Adams better.

You know, I feel like her defenders know deep down that they get why she's disgusting. They totally see it. They have to. She's literally the most repulsive human being. Everything about her. Even if you agreed with her politically you'd have to be able to see that she is objectively revolting. The way she expresses her beliefs. The way she has to throw this "I'm perfect the way I am and you have to deal with my genius" attitude. That bought and paid for by daddy ego.

And on top of all that, she has the looks to match her charming personality. I honestly feel sick looking at her.

Oh come on, you honestly wouldn't?


You have to go back

This. Critics that say the movie is the best ever are lumped with people that say 'it's ok', and people who hate it vehemently are lumped with those who simply thought 'eh it wasn't that good'.


>hundreds of pictures and videos showing her as completely disgusting
>one single webm at an angle where she doesn't look like a cow

yeah, no thanks.


this but unironically


>the left can't meme

what kind of faggot finds this funny