Hm. Y'know, user, you're actually alright.
Hm. Y'know, user, you're actually alright
Other urls found in this thread:
I bet I could red-pill her with a 20 minute conversation.
I bet I could fuck her with a 20 minute conversation
Hm. You guys are alright.
Literally female physical perfection
Which one?
The Hershlag!
silly goim still belives in khazar shit, guess who came up with that bs, commie jew
Khazar milkers are a scientific fact, user.
How can she be both Khazar and Asckenazi?
Silly goy, that's how we roll!
T-thanks, you too!
Were you there when we discovered her for the first time, anons?
I was there, and God was it hard.
>slouch inherited from rabbinic ancestors hunched over the Talmud
in late 80s or so some commie jew came up with khazar theory and that ashcan jews which are germanic/eastern european ppl are khazar converts and not real jews from middle east
simply put is ashcan jews have been mixing with white people for centuries and dna proves it, as maternal side shows euro prehistoric woman and lavethan, middle eastern on paternal
if you google picture of ancient jew merchant from ancient egyptian drawings, he looks like stereotypical jew with darker skin
>picture of ancient jew merchant from ancient egyptian drawings, he looks like stereotypical jew with darker skin
Nice, you fell for Jewish myth.
Larger picture of the jewess?
Too bad about who she became, but she was literally perfect
>Too bad about who she became
a jew ambassador from jewlandia
jews were black, current jews are fake
for me? it's neta-lee!
Black Swan is so fucking good. watching her dance around to that soundtrack is peak waifukino
>telling a jew why they're wrong when they knew it already
Stop speaking meanly about Jews. I'm part Jew and it hurts my feelings.
right king david was describes as having red hair, and red hair commonly in jews is second to irish ppl, i am sure the jews were darker skinned but not afro black
she should really go for the bimbo milf look once she doesnt have the cuddle cutie aspect to her anymore
Hersh, stop being a self hating jew (jk ur right)
>marries you and makes your life a living hell out of pure spite for finding out the (((truth)))
King David was black, so was King Arthur. All european kings were black (but just the kings, the rest were white, specially the women)
>Tomb-painting, 18th Dynasty, Tomb of Sobekhotep
>The Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt (notated Dynasty XVIII, alternatively 18th Dynasty or Dynasty 18) is classified as the first Dynasty of the Ancient Egyptian New Kingdom period, lasting from 1549/1550 BC to 1292 BC.
An ancient Canaanite more likely. Like I said, unless you believe Jewish fairy tales, the Jews as a distinct people emerged only after 700 BCE or so, and they were still radically different from the later groups that called themselves Jews.
I know I am.
So sad that Sup Forumsredditors have demeaned our queen.
Literal female perfection.
>Hershlag School for Clones: four teachers of different eras of Natalie Portman decide to teach a lesson to a young student (Natalie 1011) who slept with all their husbands.
Did her bad experience with Marvel lead Natalie to become a DC fan?
>she will never have my children
Good, you probably don't have these genetics.
that is mos def not the father of this
Then who is? Liam Neeson?
oh shit those numbers
Makes sense
he looks like he's scared of touching hollywood's little jewish princess. or as if they fucked hard while she called him daddy and he's acting really weird
or most likely she's an autist with a iron dome around her and hemsworth doesnt want to ruin his career/marriage and they're both acting like retard who cant maintain eye contact enough to have any chemistry
Yeah, I never understood why anyone thought she was attractive or an amazingly hot woman.
Are normies just so fucking empty headed that they associate anyone cast as a leading lady and leading man a lot as amazingly attractive, despite being average? This includes Ryan Gosling.
Christina Hendricks outclasses this weird dumpy creature.
>but I just want to be friends.
she's not hot (unless in a "inside a relationship where you become intimate forever" way), but she was insanely begging to be cuddled when she was a teen
You need some milk.
There are girls who are cuter and prettier than she is and also who don't have weird growths on their cheeks
>growths on their cheeks
you mean israeli landing strips for kisses
>lips have no shape, are just there
>smooth skin ruined by moles
>eyes too far apart
>weirdly shaped jaw that is a mix of masculine and feminine
gross. Genuinely gross.
Delete this disgusting piece of anti-Semitism!
>nowhere else on the internet
hershlag get the mossad to find my ip, send me a email, i'll cuddle you for 7 years if you pay me 1 shekel
>checks everywhere on the Internet
>except the Sup Forums archive
let a man dream you fucking nigger
>I could fuck her with a 20 minute conversation
But could you do it with you penis?
what's going on itt?
Neta thread not for lewd!
she didnt age perfectly since no women does, but she was insanely cute with a adorable voice
what ruins it mostly is the hollywood vibe surrounding her (and the generic "model" look when she was way nicer like this )
Yes one Virgin Portman please
I wanna love her because of episode 3 but she's not the best actress.
Why did she change her name?
>imagine what they make them do OFF camera
for me she has really nice eyes and a soothing voice!
Because of anti-Semites like you
I don’t think my wife has ever said anything along those lines. Even when I clearly won an argument or debate she just groans and changes the subject. Do women ever admit fault?
You know there are actually people out there who really think this
>Jews were black
Oy vey! This mildly attractive woman shaved her head! What a fantastic actress!
Lets give her millions of dollars and endless fame!…
>reddit spacing
>doesn't know how to greentext
>thinks he has supreme taste in women
>his ideal is a literal titcow
Compliment me all you want, you´ll never get my foreskin, jewish temptress
Do you think this #TimesUp shit has ruined her career?
I think her career was already over. Also I believe her she was raped. I want to rape her.
Hershliggy Hershlaggy, your taste is now faggy
She's losing it and her hold on us will finally be finished
The tyrannical age of hershlag's moles will end