Women have never had to lose/gain a substantial amount of weight for a role before

>women have never had to lose/gain a substantial amount of weight for a role before

Name a single man who went through a transformation this extreme for a role

>ended up skinnier than the woman she was playing who was starved for years on end to keep her weak and punish her
>got covered in bruises just from nudging against furniture and people
>broke bones from falling over

not even that skinny tbqh

>Name a single man who went through a transformation this extreme for a role

Christian bale
well that was easy



adam driver


silence and then the last jedi

Christian Bale did go through more since going from muscular to hungry skeleton is a lot more than skinny girl to slightly more hungry skeleton.

Sad that he went through all that for a movie absolutely no one gave a fuck about because it was so goddamn boring

i weigh as much as him in The Fighter

How do you make a movie about that exicting? it's like saying lincoln didn't have enough carriage chases and explosions.
Fuck off back to your michael bay films kiddo.

I thought it was great.
There were a lot of intense moments. The story flowed really well.
It was long though

There's a massive, massive middlezone between those two son. I have seen nearly every Scorcese film (every single once since 1990 except Kundun and more than not before) and enjoyed every. single. one. Just not Silence, as it was just boring.

lose some weight, fatty

Boring is not a valid critism so shut your mouth up already, your pleb is showing, you're embarrasing yourself in front of the fine gentlemen of Sup Forums.

"Silence is fucking boring" is the most pleb meme ever made

jared leto
christian bale
matt damon (twice)
vincent d'nofrio

>skinny girl becomes slightly skinnier girl
>based bale goes from /fit/ god to skinny to fit to skinny to fit to skinny to fit to fat fuck and no one says a damn word in hollywood
fucking hell

God damn I'm his height and I just realixed I'm midway between his Machinist and Rescue Dawn weight. I need to eat more.

And then he became the Batman, the absolute madman

get on it bud. Unrelated, Silence was dope.



Got fat as fuck for American Hustle too

>Robert Downey Jr. films Avengers 19

Does massive weight change like this fuck your body up?

yes, he's going to have issues when he's older

what did he mean by this

from twink to twink to twink to twink to twink to twink


jonah hill actually did have to gain weight for that role

s-subway eat f-fresh

tfw they both have more hair than I do and I'm at least 50 years younger than both

Then you have more testosterone in your system.

His diet was a small coffee and one apple per day.

You, too, can do it anons. It's as easy as not shoving shit into your face.

It's amazing his heart doesn't explode when he starts bulking.

He had bariatric surgery to lose weight, the cheating fuck.

Look at him. The pain in his eyes. That's crippling depression. He can barely get out of bed in the morning, let alone control his diet with millions and service food everywhere.


Even when they have to gain mass for a role women can barely do it. Sure Alice looks fit but nowhere near the idea Lara Croft figure. Even Jolie had a more accurate shape.

Don't forget Bale went without sleep for this role too.

That a Mormon wives tale

Yeah. It can really fuck with your heart. Combine that with roids too (you're fooling yourself if you think Bale is natty)

Whom else bloatMAXX in here

hmm all his roles have been that fat ugly virgin friend. Now why would hollywood hire him?

retard alert


>am i acting yet?

>ended up skinnier than the woman she was playing who was starved for years on end to keep her weak and punish her

Misread that as she starved herself for years. Like after the role she developed a problem herself; that'd be terrifying.

Why just one coffee? As long as you don't put sugar in it, you can drink as much coffee as you want and still become a skelle.

>lincoln didn't have enough [action]
demonstrably false

Anyone that doesn't realize that the guys in Hollywood that do these massive body transformations are cycling is a fucking idiot. The last legit ripped guy in Hollywood to achieve it natty was probably Ryan Gosling and that's only because he managed to focus his 'tism into lifting.


They won't.

it can trigger serious problems. My uncle suddenly got diagnosed diabetes after a drastic weight loss. Fucker was tired of being a fatty all his life and decided to do something about it. Problem is he did it too fast.


I bet you can make a loss edit of it