Iron Man is it considered 'kino'?

Iron Man is it considered 'kino'?

Re-watching the first Iron Man has made me realize that it's possibly the only genuinely great marvel film. I may be biased a bit because of nostalgia but honestly it wasn't as bad as the modern ones are.

What are your opinions Sup Forums? Kino or Not?

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form your own opinion you worthless cock sucker. don't seek out validation here.

Iron Man was great, but so are a few in the MCU. What I think makes the MCU so successful is that it tries to introduce different "flavors" into the same dish. Sure, they are often formulaic, but you need something to tie the universe together. This is why we need variety outside of a specific genre or subgenre such as the MCU.

tl:dr - Marvel needs to stay Marvel, and let other franchises be something different.

But I did form my own opinion if you read the post. I just like hearing other's opinions and see things from a different perspective.
It helps you to enjoy the movie more.

feels like 2001

when was spiderman?

First Spider-Man was 2002

fuck off you little faggot

This is my thread though.... at least til it 404's in 5 minutes

It was before things like market focus groups and disney.

So there was alot more freedom of direction and no real formula. I dont think they were even expecting a blockbuster hit from the get go.

It's the best of the marvel universe movies

actual kino until jeff bridges becomes the villain

Pretty much this.


While back then when this or even before when Spiderman was being made, it was more, "I dont know man. Could be great. Could flop."

It's one of the very few good Marvel movies

It's a good movie, i haven't watched the last 4 marvel movies because capeshit is getting really boring so i don't know how ti stacks up now.

It's a great flick.
Not every good movie is "kino" you meme spouting redditor.

this movie was the gamble that started it all.
No formulas or quips or tones to copy to use for a crutch.
Just downey/fav and some character no one gives a shit about.
It is kino.

I think after all those meh to shit mid 2000 Marvel movies, people weren’t expecting it to be that good. Plus is a feel good redemption story for RDJ.

>Kino or Not?
Nope, it's just a film. A good film. It's too "by the book" for кинo

Fuck off pussy nigger

Fiction is always best in its own distinct universe with world-building and characters all designed to work together. Combined cinematic universes are just a way to farm retards who clap whenever they recognize something from previous media they've enjoyed.

Iron man wasn't anything exceptional, it was just an actual coherent story unlike modern marvel spectacles.


You realize this board is for the actual discussion of films and not just BRAAP posting right?

Fucking this right here. People didnt go and watch it because of its Marvel label (and the same can be said about the xmen series).

They went for Iron Man and Iron Man alone.

its a blockbuster that stayed true to the source material. also rdj was perfect casting.
its not kino. the ending was retarded

It was good, but seems out of place now in the scope of the MCU.

Iron Man was average and did little to transcend its genre. You still had a guy with superpowers fighting a stronger guy with the same superpowers in the end. That's what most superhero movies were back then and still are right now.

Yeah it seems like when building a fucking suit of armor that has to fly and also take impacts from every kind of conceivable weapon on earth that you would weld that together out of metal.

lol bunch of silliness made for uncritical idiots.

>lmao brah was iron man better than the rest of the mcu or was it just nostalgia huurrr.
how many fucking threads do you want for this shit?

Top Marvel movies
>Spider-Man 2
>Iron Man

Iron man has aged very well indeed.
But I have a question for you,
Captain America: Winter soldier is still technically capeshit but it is widely considered the best of the them, what are your opnions on it?


All, and only, the phase one movoea are great, except for thor.

will tony stark make fun of wakanda for vibranium while he made his shit in a cave?

all of them