Alden Ehrenreich Comes Out of the Closet

>Disney’s new Star Wars films have been breaking all kinds of boundaries for diversity lately. However, Disney is about to warp through yet another huge boundary and boldly go where no sci-fi fantasy franchise has gone before thanks to the fact that the star of Solo: A Star Wars Story, Alden Ehrenreich, just came out of the closet in OUT magazine's March 2018 issue.

>"I am a gay man with an extremely open heart. God, I’ve never had to talk about this, so I’m trying to find the words. If I had to label myself, I would label myself as a gay man," our new favorite Han Solo told OUT’s Shana Naomi Krochmal.

>"With that said, I believe that love is the only thing that matters, and I would hope that anybody would leave themselves open — not to gender, but to love. I would hope that people would not close themselves off from what could be if, lo and behold, you meet somebody that just sweeps you off your feet, and you just can’t do anything about it," he continued. "If we truly believe that we are born this way, then why do we try to stifle the way we were born? If I fall in love down the road with a woman, I’m going to love that woman."

>Frankly, we hope some of this very open minded attitude is reflected in his portrayal of the traditionally hyper-masculine and somewhat misogynist Han Solo character. Either way, Solo: A Star Wars Story is certain to chart new territory for LGBT in cinema thanks to Alden’s bravery.

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Lol if true his career is over

Holy shit, what an attempt at using identity politics for marketing purposes. The kikes at Disney are outdoing themselves with Solo and BP


>love is the only thing that matters, and I would hope that anybody would leave themselves open — not to gender, but to love
We are in the end times, aren't we?

please tell me his face is shopped here. ohhh nononono

Is is possible for a company to piss on the ashes of a franchise any harder than Disney has for Star Wars? They've legit alienated all of the original fans.

well, I'm out guys, been a fan since I saw the original in 77 but this is about the tenth straw that has finally broke the camel's back, I don't have any interest in the Social-Justice Wars anymore

Why is it always the uggos that come out?

He got fiddled as a kid, and is now gay. Hmm.

I couldn't find anything on this on Jewgle, OP is probably lying.

I don't believe that for a second
also this

>last ditch attempt to salvage this dumpster fire

Is this actually real?

I can't tell if Disney thought this was a smart piece of marketing or not. Regardless, it keeps tarnishing the brand. Using the sexual preference of your lead actor as a key point of marketing is so stupid.

>if you don't like this film you're homophobic
this is why they did this, this is the game they're gonna play this time

>saw the original in 77

You’re old and irrelevant anyway, you won’t be missed.

Okay, so that's a clean miss for me. Fuck THIS shit.

Oh by the way, faggot, shoving your cock up another man's ass and getting human shit all over yourself and having an enema afterwards has nothing to do with 'love', you dysfunctional diseased fuck.

>I would hope that anybody would leave themselves open — not to gender, but to love.
Hey, he's trying to get me to be a faggot with him! NO WAY, JEW FAGGOT! FUCK YOU, JEW!

After Black Panther I believe Disney would be transparent enough to try this, but I'm still calling bullshit.

There's something wrong with morons like this. I'd love to chat to these retards just to see how they come to these conclusions. Also fuck Disney

Why so much hate? Did you get diddled as a kid?

how does Harrison Ford feel that his character is getting shit up like this?

I love Star Wars more than anything else. And I will never abandon it. But this isn't Star Wars, and I have no loyalty to this steaming pile of shit Disney has slapped the name of my favorite franchise on.

Surely /poltv/ won’t play directly into this by screeching about gays in Star Wars like a bunch of autists, right?

>I love Star Wars more than anything else.
You're gayer than Ehrenreich.

>hyper masculine
How the hell is Han hyper masculine? Sure, he's a manly guy, but HYPER masculine??

Who cares. Not seeing this movie either way.

what gender is this person?

>can't act
>comes out as gay
calling bullshit

it's a Jew


>>Disney’s new Star Wars films have been breaking all kinds of boundaries for diversity lately.

they'll just false flag if nobody actually spergs out

He doesn't give a shit about anything, especially star wars

Why the fuck would you care if hes gay? Shouldn't the fact that this movie and the last one are both steaming heaps of slag be of more concern?

no. gay is worse than everything, even star wars.

>Sup Forums
>not screech autistically
Pick one.

5/10 for making me look it up.

So this is how Spielberg chose him.

I rate this 8/10 bait, very plausible, and hooked a lot of dummies who are too eager to be outraged to do even the most basic google-fu.

I think this is bait and I dont care if it's true, but this idea of love is non-sense. You pick a partner for child-rearing, there is no reason to tie yourself to another person for decades except for the stability required to raise a child.

>assuming this is legit
Disney really knows how to outdo themselves, but wait if you call them out on it I'm sure your going to see all the articles on the "white supremacists, alt right, 4chaners, bigots, etc..." are trying to sabotage the movie

Besides that I'm pretty sure I may be done with star wars. Force awakens was okay but the bs after it annoyed me, I haven't watched all of Rogue one yet, and I only saw last Jedi because of luke and friends wanted to see it. No real desire to see the han solo movie since it was announced and don't really care where the main trilogy ends since it's such a dumpster fire already

Is this shit real? They're gonna use some gaysploitation campaign to push this film?

Are there even straight, or white people left in Murika? All I see in recent cinema are niggers, mutts, women, and faggots

Was it B8?

Yes, I should've realised it became too on the nose in the last paragraph.

Then you're just as guilty as Hollywood for being a lazy fucker to discover good films outside Hollywood

Suck my dick.

>If I had to label myself, I would label myself as a gay man," our new favorite Han Solo told OUT’s Shana Naomi Krochmal.

I have been googling various portions of OP's post and haven't found anything to back it up. However as an accelerationist I want it to be true.

yeah, good thing the franchise is in the hands of soyboy faggots like you now, it's gonna be great

it's gonna suck dick too just like the star, have fun with your Queer Wars

Source on this ?

I don't care about 'arthouse' movies, Hollywood used to be a source of fun, mindless action flicks and well-acted dramas, which was all I asked for.

lol check out the investigative reporter




Uhhhh.... excuse me, but... Hollywood is literally filled to the brim with gay actors. Wtf makes this so special? Other than 'hey gay boys, go see our movie.'


You got the order mixed up...faggot.

Fake and ga------- heterosexual.

>how does Harrison Ford feel that his character is getting shit up like this?

He literally doesnt give one single fuck about Starwars. He didnt even want to be in the newer movie, so they killed Han off so he didnt have to play him again.

christ.... at least get good looking people when being fucking diverse!


>Harrison Ford

You morons are so fucking gullible. Kill yourselves

Harrison Ford hates all his scifi roles. I think he only cares about Indiana Jones.

but that's aestheticist!

tripfags aren't autis-

Star Wars was always lowest common denominator trash, you deserve to get pissed on for enjoying it past the age of 15.

>After Black Panther's wildly successful racial marketing, Disney's trying to salvage Solo by having the lead come out of the closet a few months before release so they have a new lightning rod they can channel all the negativity into
Disney's really stepping up their propaganda game, I'd be impressed if I weren't so appalled

han solo is a faggot ajajajajajajajajajajjajajaajajajjajjjajjjajaaj

This explains why Chewie was sitting like this in the trailer.

He seemed pretty happy on the press tour for Blade Runner 2049, I assume he still feels some emotional investment in the character of Deckard

Being gay is statistically more dangerous than doing heroin and I don't support the kike agenda to push this destructive life style everywhere.

Typical thing for a Jew to say. He's not really gay, that's just for the goys to gobble up.

could be some Inception levels of marketing by Disney
>can't act
>movie will bomb
>Ehrenreich isn't gay
>suits tell Ehrenreich to say he's gay to save face
>SJW rags and critics run the story
>Seeing the Han Solo movie is seen as "brave" and "progressive"

Lol so you've watched all the recent films and you reply to Star wars posts, but now you're quitting. Yeah sure you are faggot. You're part of the problem

Imagine my shook


He hated that role even when he was filming OT, almost abanoned the role after Empire

Why is this happening? Why?

It's not.

>mfw I see all the retards that think this is real

Fake news created solely to rile up stupid, gullible Sup Forumsacks

seems that way

Do 80% of you literal retards not have access to google?
0 fucking results for this "story"
This is why every election we end up with bad vs worse, because you people just accept things at face value

Don't be such a stick in the ass. Reality unfolds naturally over time.

In the meantime, we're here to enjoy the bantz.


Dashing rogue attitude is enough to be hyper masculine just as much as as Rian Johnson is a turbofaggot.

So Han Solo is hyper masculine, then?

Y'all are so dumb. A quick google search shows this is fake. Star Wars fanboys would riot if Han Solo was emasculated

By today's metric in films? Anything that is a man that is comfortably an Alpha is considered hypermasculine. They need to be watching thier waifu getting fucked by some Chad but not do anything but whine about it to thier coworkers that explain to him why is good, only then will it not be considered hypermasculine, extra points if he gets to be fucked by the Chad.

by current year standards, yes

So remember how last year's oscars was all "blacks, blacks, blacks" and this year's golden globes was all "women, women, women"? Do you think this year's, or next year's, Oscars will be all "trans, trans, trans"


googled and this is actually about Jussie Schmolet, some literal who black actor.
Nothing to see here but damn, it would have been sweet.


>God, I’ve never had to talk about this, so I’m trying to find the words.
>never had to

So why does he HAVE to now? I'm thinking the mouse pressured him into it for free publicity for a movie that won't make any money.

>older lady-pedes will fall for this and mention it in other threads

I like how chewie looms in the background as if to remind you that the person in front of him IS han solo

>OUT's Shana Naomi Krochmal
Literally means starch in Russian.