Sup Forums You Killed Me

Sup Forums You Killed Me

So Disney could control cinema
So Disney could control the box office
So Disney could control your streaming services
So every movie includes quips
So Capeshit and Star Wars could ruin Film
So Rotten Tomatoes could control reviews
So you can no longer watch anything of substance or liberal agenda
So Capekino and it’s genre could be lost forever

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Stop blaming everyone else for your terrible movies. Your daughter dying doesn't make you a good director.

Fuck off. For me his movies IS gold. I will be watching them forever, and i WILL defend him until i die.

Never has a man been so wronged.

He was too good for DC WB.

A hundred years from now and people will look in reverence at his works

go back marvel comefy universe faggot. i love his movies and will keep watching everything he makes. looking forward to fountainhead which is not capeshit

Disney's little whore

>morons with awful taste

No mentioned Marvel.

Disney's little shill ape. To hell with your kind, cancer incarnate.


It's better to die standing on your feet than live on your knees.

>we will never get to see this in live action
hurts bros

Good riddance.

No ones saying anything about Disney but you.
Snyder is a horrible director, and has yet to make anything worthwhile. Keep bringing up shit that has nothing to do with him though, autistic idiot.

A single Snyder DC film has more substance and visual expertise than 20 MCU turds put together.

wtf isnt snyder the fag who cast that gay guy as the flash. that was not smart. some one upload the webm of the gayjew flash running like a retard

I'm pretty sure he took a break after his daughter committed suicide, don't know what you're on about. He should have stopped making those intensely shitty movies, though.

>For me his movies IS gold
ARE gold, you viciously retarded third world fuckwad.

Ty for correcting.

>JUST League grossed less than Man of Steel
Retarded producers deserve it but we don’t. Zack could give us beatiful superman trilogy and great cinematic universe, but greedy bastards destroyed everything.

Let's see if they're retarded enough to give Whedon more movies to ruin. I know they already kicked Geoff Johns who pushed for the reshoots.

new guy was the runner for that horror movie series so hopefully DCEU gets better

>Your daughter dying doesn't make you a good director
He doesn't even care about that. He used her death as a scapegoat for being fired
The guy is complete and utter dishonest trashman


Nice one Mouse shill but errr you got a source for that

Been saying for years, BvS is a meta narrative on Snyder's relation with the media, fanboys and family. The end sacrifice is near prophetic.


He's bound by contract to say whatever the studios want him to say or risk a law suit.

Yes. And now "the god is good as dead". WB deliever final blow to him.
It is a pity that the Snyder will not rise again, as did the superman in JL.

Him being =/= him using the death of his daughter as a scapegoat

Maybe that claim could be used against WB but not Zack and even then it’s just a rumour at that point

It's beautiful

Watchmen is a masterpiece

t. didn't read it

Watchmen is 2 hour butchery of source material

You idiots are so blind.

You think Zach's daughter "killed herself"?

Don't make me laugh. Disney put a hit out on her. This wasn't over simple box office, it was for control of the future. Justice League going down in flames needed to happen for Disney to take over media.

>Muh comic books

Watchmen ditched the meta narrative aspect of the source material just to focus more on the existentialist theme of the story. Did it rightfully so.
Not Snyder's fault you are a manchild

snyder was fired and then his daughter killed herself

Whats his next project?

>"I'll avenge you Zack!"


>muh comicbooks
kill yourself faggot

>Disney put a hit out on her.
Disney is actual evil incarnate so I wouldn't be surprised

>muh alien squib
It was a great film as a standalone capeshit. 3 hour cut feels like it's only half an hour.

>tfw based Nolan bailed on the DCEU when they fired Snyder

Every last bit of this is true.

Fountainhead I think. Man is fearless, always seeks the projects that will piss critics off.

it hurts

I'm with you, brother. The media's treatment of Zack and their treatment of idiots like Rian Johnson confirmed everything I ever suspected about the state of modern "critics."

man fuck WB for scrapping the 2-part JL Epic we deserved

thread theme

JL should've atleast had this theme somewhere for fucks sake.

>The novel's protagonist, Howard Roark, is an individualistic young architect who designs modernist buildings and refuses to compromise with an architectural establishment unwilling to accept innovation. Roark embodies what Rand believed to be the ideal man, and his struggle reflects Rand's belief that individualism is superior to collectivism

I can taste the kino already.

THat was whedon though, no way snyder would allow that

Wait holy shit check this out

The novel's protagonist, Zack Snyder, is an individualistic young director who designs modernist films and refuses to compromise with a film studio unwilling to accept innovation. Snyder embodies what DChads believed to be the ideal man, and his struggle reflects DChad's belief that individualism is superior to collectivism

Fuckin unreal

Holy shit

i choked on milk

someone made this.

I no longer see my birth as the pinnacle of pathetic sad creations.

>i love this

Hack Snyder's lack of skill is not our fault.

These APOLOGIZE memes are really irritating.

bp is a better film than any of snydes films and it is shit.

Both MoS and BvS have a pretty insane meta-narrative that literally predicts the mainstream audience reaction to the films through Clark's parents, the governments and the media especially.

well how convenient.
as if having a meta commentary about how people with think this is crap nullifies it being crap.

>adapt something to a movie
>fuck it up completely

You guys are utter fucking morons, he could have just did his own original thing if he was going to do whatever the fuck he felt like with absolutely no regard for what he was adapting.

Why can't Marvel Pajeets capitalize their sentences?

>Fuck it up completely

Proofs where

In the movie, numbnuts

Lmao, you're so incredibly retarded

You're fucking delusional if a 100m Hollywood film could ever be this faithfully adapted by any other person.

Marvel for instance have literally been assraping its characters for 10 years trying to fit them into a quip template they aren't supposed to be in.

I like the comic and the movie, I don't really see what was done so incorrectly? I figure Moore just hates it because it's his baby and he would have hated any adaptation even if it was the comic scene for fucking scene

We aren't talking about "any other person" were talking about a hack director whose dick you're slobbering on.

>this faithfully adapted

But it wasn't, shit for brains.

>Durrr give me arguments even though I didn't read the comic
What's the fucking point? You're arguing from a standpoint of utter ignorance.

literal mongrel

I have literally read it tho (as I have basically everything Moore has written)
Now talk

inb4 Muh squid, muh violence

Hach Snyder couldn't save his daughter.

>Marvel for instance have literally been assraping its characters for 10 years

Which Marvel characters have they fucked up besides the Mandarin?

>implying he didn't try

Sometimes heroes lose

Iron Man

So basically the three most important characters in Marvel. All fucked by the hacks at Marvel Studios.

Ultron, Thor, Hulk, Loki.
Something are less discernable, like Captain America and Hawkeye, because the movies impacted so much on the characterization that fly their comic book counterparts

>Implying I implied
What kind of meta faggotry are you trying to pull here?

He's a shitty director writer who has recognition for one thing, and one thing only. Being the equivalent of a cake decorator in every movie he has ever made. Shitty characters, with overly busy design and action segments that crush your senses all beneath a pretty CGI green screen.

>He's a shitty director writer who has recognition for one thing, and one thing only. Being the equivalent of a cake decorator in every movie he has ever made. Shitty characters, with overly busy design and action segments that crush your senses all beneath a pretty CGI green screen.
Are we talking about the Russos now? Or maybe Gunn? Or was it Whedon? I can't tell.


Why are marvelcucks so adamant in defending their hack TV-rate male feminist director? He killed both MCU and DCEU. But only one of these fanbases will actually admit it.

Ultron killed 95% of the planet in a week and in the movies he resorts to a boxing match with Cap.

Zack's universe is my antidote to the short shrift Disney gives to comic book lore, myth, and real world-building. He will always be the guy who respects the characters for not only what they are, but also what they represent, what they can be, and for that he has earned my undying respect.

Instead of going the easy route and dragging comics characters and their fans up to the shallow end of the myth pool and shouting in all our faces about how childish and silly and meaningless all these characters are, he stayed out where it's deep, beckoning to us, challenging us, inviting us to question and comprehend. In so doing, he gave us a world where all myths, both ancient and modern, can live and breathe in an immersive, consistent, organic way, where the legends are at least in part fueled by mankind's collective belief in them. I will cherish him and his creation forever. Nothing can take it from me, and I will never fail to praise him for it and never stop trying to open the eyes of those who would see.

Seeing these comparisons just makes me angry.


All your problem solved

This! My man!

>mfw DCucks

Both of these look like a NC sketch parody of JL. These can't be real can they?

>he posts this every day
>every day of his life for the past 2 years
>he posts this
>day in day out

Exactly, Satan. Zack's life is already a performance art rendition of the story he loves, a story about an artist who refused to compromise art for fleeting popularity and the endorsement of an establishment who could barely even be considered his peers, let alone his equals.

He doesn't respect the characters. He's too busy trying to say something grand that he forgets to focus on the very basics of filmmaking.

*testosterones your audience*

>6 cuts

The Martha line is true cinema pleb filter

>unironically made me want to learn how to fight
>been almost two years and i haven't done shit

>he's still mad
>about a shitty movie
>after 2 years

Don't forget Thor, god of hammerjobs and Mister Doctor.

I want each of you who defend the MCU to try to imagine a joke character making a lame masturbation joke at Conan the Barbarian's expense and him even deigning to continue the conversation. That's what Thor is - cosmic-scale Conan. That's what Disney took from you, and no amount of empty, meaningless apery of comics panels will ever return it.


I see all these fucking idiots praising Thor Ragnarok

Then I think of pic related and remember that Marvel has no intention of ever releasing a real Thor movie

Making it even more obvious to all the mouthbreathing brainlets infesting these boards

What basics would those be? The story you're missing is what's carried by the visuals. They're telling the real story. The characters live within them, having their own story, largely unaware of what the audience sees from its perspective. The only characters who are aware of it at all have been Pa Kent, Lex, Diana, and finally Clark himself.

What am I missing here?

This! This is the thing that degenerates will never understand. Movie is 1st of all - visual art, movie is not fucking audio book.
U NEED TO WATCH. And, if you are not brainless - u will see.

This scene is a fucking masterpiece.

While I was out shopping last week, I saw a small knot of people stopped in front of the electronics department. As I got closer, I heard the music and knew they'd all stopped to watch this scene again.