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>It's real

What the fuck, I never expected that.

Did she kill herself over accusations? Holy fuck! Sup Forums we did it! We fucking did it! WE FUCKING WON!


Can't believe I googled this.


You hear that guys were heroes!

Is she really? I just watched the disaster artist this morning

The only thing that died is her career

there have been a bunch all week. the queen, stalone, this. whose next? I feel like we are being experimented on.

Wow, I never really liked her. She seemed like a terrible person but I would never wish death on her. Never met her, didn't like the way she acted on Twitter but if it's true rest in peace.

I hope her family and friends are going to be taken care of, she had a husband and a son. Kinda sad. Young too at 32.

>no link
What did he mean by this

Has a bad case of the fuckarounds.

It's best to let it go, user.

You don't want to know the grizzly details.

>hung herself by her labia.
>drank rocketfuel malt liquor.
>My Little Pony chocker
>Suicide note a love letter to Trump.

She was /ourgirl/ the whole time, Anons.

I liked her on House. What is her name?

Chingchong Lima Dong

WE FUCKING DID IT Sup ForumsROS!!!!! G-D I'M SO HAPPY. Take that you stupid bitch haha

I heard it was a xylophone accident. Should have chinged when she chonged.

Dead Gook, esq.

Why does she look like a turtle?
Were here parents turtles spliced with human chromosomes? Were they into some sick beastiality shit that resulted in this bitch's existence?
Whatever the case may be, she makes me want to eat puppies and kill snails with the salt harvested from the salt pillars of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Yes, and want to genocide snails, especially endangered ones, using sodium chloride from the motherfucking Bible, and none of you faggots can stop me.
This woman, if it's a woman, looks disgusting as hell. Why she continues to exist is beyond me. Fuck the Philippines.
Fuck semi-Asian trash.
Fuck whoever this shit-for-brains turtle woman is.
And fuck snails.

>I liked her on House. What is her name?
I know for a fact that this opinion is imposible.

>hung herself by her labia.

Not true, user. I liked her in a dumpster riddled with broken needles.

She was great in that.

China Man.

If she's dead, then why is she still alive?

How do you know, user. I mean, am I alive? Are you?

>hung herself by her labia
oof my sides

She has brought shame and greatu disonour to her famiry name. She commit hara-kiri to save her ancestor froma great dishonour

Is God dead?
How does rock sex?
What is of a the soul in bot?

La creatura...

everyone asks that, yet the fact remains.

rest in piece chinaman

She seemed genuine in some of the videos and pictures she has released. IDGAF what any fag on here says, uour still hating on someone who had a child and a husband. She's not the epitome of evil.

el ogro...

>having a family makes you innocent
what kinda stupid logic is that? Most dictators had families and wives does that make them innocent?

She's not a dictator though. Charlyne Yi was an actor. Her job wasn't to demand us to accept her beliefs, she played the role of fictional characters on screen.

She's still unfortunately alive u fuckin mongoloid

What the fuck are you talking about why is acting relevant now. She’s accusing people of dumb shit and using a political climate to smear people and ruin their lives. How does her job matter? And obviously she’s not equivalent to a dictator my point is bad people have families sometimes.


literally la creatura

Not in this universe, user.

Shuffle back to the Reddit Universe.

Spoken like a true ass kissing adopted home.

>mfw I looked up the star wars episode 8 chick after quickly glancing at OP's pic.

>Steven Universe
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand dead to me.
I don't care for her inferior mongoloid DNA. Anyone associated with Steeben U-Gay_verse is a fucking enemy of mankind in my pristine eyes.
Fuck Yi.

You cannot kill that which never was

i cant believe you just sexually harassed her.

hung herself by labia

I know some people who used to work for that show.

It is worse than you could ever imagine.

Quit spamming this bitch.

Wtf r u guys talking about?

David Cross's career is fine,she was never trying to destroy it. she tweeted about her being cool with him and they DM'd.

Only person she destroyedwassome faggot soyboy who worked for penguin who was an actual creep. He was one of those fake PC dudes who just want to get into a woman's pants.

If you wanna be PC your a faggot, if your faking your PC status just to get inside a girls pants you know nothing about girls and your a double faggot. She's married don't try to fuck her.

He literally told her he was going to wait outside her hotel room until she changed her mind? How is that not creepy?

Every god damn laoscean looked like that back in high school.

Her face was made to be bullied.
I bet Manson didn’t want to fuck her and it triggered her.


Spotted the nigger.

story time my man, i love basking on my own hate.

Well for one, you've got Charlyne Yi on set. Anyone who's autistic enough to kill themselves is going to be terrible to work with.

First of all being a bit creepy isn’t a crime worthy of ruining your career. Secondly the dude said something totally different happened, for all we know he could be telling the truth. And finally what really bugs me personally is how she is not only trying to torpedo careers based on shit said years ago, but also riding on the coattails of a movement for people who have actually been assaulted and raped. The metoo movement isn’t for some salty bitch to get revenge for a 10 year old joke. Or a date that didn’t end well. Or Marilyn Manson acting weird. It’s for actual victims and the fact she doesn’t see that proves she’s a psycho cunt

The David Cross thing wasn't even much of an accusation it was her telling a story of a time where David Cross was rude to her. She already said that David Cross and her DMd and have probably talked since. It's no big deal.

The penguin dude was an actual creep, Multiple authors came out about that faggot, he may not be Weinstein tier but he certainly gives penguin a horrible image. He's tried to fuck multiple clients and yet he's married. He's a dickhead. I'd fire him.

She knew the David Cross thing would become a big deal. She has a lot of followers, shit was calculated. And I’ll say it again, it was said because of the metoo movement, which in my mind is disgusting. Most normal people would forget something like that and move on but no she had to drag him through the mud. Maybe the penguin guy was a creep but it’s obvious she did that one because her twitter brigade egged her on, at this point she’s high on the attention. And now Marilyn of course, why is she acting like Marilyn Manson acting weird is such a big surprise? We all know he’s weird. She’s an attention seeking retard and her continuing to do this is offensive to actual rape victims

This happens once a year for like the last 20 years

>drank rocketfuel malt liquor.

What do you think her butthole looks like

Based /tpg/ poster

You're a fuckin' moron. The movement didn't make the experience happen, the movement just made her comfortable explaining the experience.

Don't want people to call you a creep and potentially impact your ability to interact socially? Don't be a creep.

You don't have a right to not be judged by others based on your actual actions. Fucking grow up.

She was the worst thing in season 8 and almost undid 7 years of TV medical kino.

Yeah how dare someone say something racist...oh wait


That thing you accused me of? It's not even the worst thing I've done. Triggered? ha ha ha

Ok, go ahead and call her out on it then. If society actually cares, they will care and she will pay.

The point is act societally acceptable or risk having society reject you. There is no hard set of uniform rules here. You have to make your point and get people to agree with you or not, and if people don't like how you are going about it, they will call you out in return.

There's no quick and easy way out and life isn't fair. Learn how to interact with people or suffer the consequences.

>based on your actual actions
>anything anyone says you did is what actually happened

She’s a fucking hypocrite bro. Practice what you preach end of story.

i'd fuck her

>just let society decide whats right and wrong
>just forget about ‘justice’ and ‘truth’
>don’t think about it any further, if you offend someone then BYE BYE
damn bro really makes me think

at least she didn't die like Lupe Velez.

> eats a huge spicy mexican meal
> overdoses on sleeping pills
> wakes up, crawls to the toilet
> collapses face down in a toilet bowl full of mexican food vomit
> drowns

>First of all being a bit creepy isn’t a crime worthy of ruining your career.

you only say that because the level of creepy required for someone to stalk you does not exist.

look in the mirror, user. just look in the mirror.

Rest in piece.. gooker

that guy is homely looking

Ching ching ching chong

>unironically caring for House more than two seasons
>someone gets AIDS
>everyone says it's AIDS
>house says it's lupus
>moar proof of AIDS
>finally, it's proven it's lupus
And sometimes it's polio.

t. never watched it

i hope she goes away

>>hung herself by her labia.

What he did to her is unforgivable.

great news actually

Seasons 1-4 were god tier. I actually think s4 was one of the best plus it had house’s head and wilson’s heart

one of these days a shitpost like this is going to be true

>Going on Sup Forums and posting without the general awareness that its an open platform for observational studies

Jesus Christ Anthony.

>having kids means you'e not a piece of shit
you're a fucking idiot