James Woods' acting ability rules

James Woods' acting ability rules.

>senile racist bigoted old man's acting ability


>James Woods's acting ability rules because any of the work I've seen but rather because his political views align with my own


He was so good back in the 90s but then he had to have the wrong opinions and be an offensive Trump/GOP stooge.


his acting is good he has good expression
i cum on cat now she hiss at penis

James Woods is totally awesome.

Children are just adorable when they try to be subversive.

Post underappreciated Woods kino.

Tumblr posting is shitposting.


He completely outshined Robert DeNiro in Once Upon a Time in America..

It's funny that certain people do this all the time ("Their movies were so cool but then they had to turn out to be liberal, ugh") but when it's the "wrong party" those same people get so offended, as indicated by the responses to your post.

he's le epic dude from family guy who writes edgy things on twitter for his magapede followers

Liberals are morons who want my race genocided, I don't respect any of them.

>Their movies were so cool but then they had to turn out to be liberal, ugh
Bullshit, if people said that then they wouldn't watch movies or TVs at all anymore. Conservatives have built up a resistance to stars being lefty faggots because they don't have a choice. It's only liberals that chimp out when a celebrity dares to toe the political line to the right.


Drink it all.

the one where him and Michael J fox eat hot dogs

>claims to be conservative
>eats hot dogs

Explain that. He's false flagging as a conservative but he's really /ourguy/ (liberal, like Sup Forums).

His storyline brought Casino from a 10/10 down to an 8.

>who want my race genocided
t. la creatura

>retards itt can’t even post true James Woods kink

Step aside.

>implying he wasn't the best part
why am I even responding to bait?

Sorry I’m a phone poster

Too late, clearly a freudian slip.

there is a certain standart user for various jobs out there. if you go in a store and behave like a chimp throwing your shit around at customers you wont get that job.
same goes for right wing cuckolds and the film industry.
it is run by jews so you have to behave.

lazy samefag
apply yourself

Five threads and this is the first person to realize I've been samefagging.

Too many people with monetary interests in keeping as many fans as possible like YouTube channels are scared to alienate Trump voters by giving their opinion on him even though there is really nothing to like about Trump. They just don't want to lose their support from the inexplicably large number of people who tirelessly defend him as if he's a personal friend. So yes, I respect the celebrities who give their honest opinions and aren't afraid to lose fans by being honest about Trump.

Came here to say this. Upvoted.


The alt-right in a nutshell.

Calm down, sweetie

Really weak bait.
(you) status:denied

More like any side in the US.
You all are indoctrinated by one or the other just to bash your heads in while the actual puppeteers laugh manically from their ivory towers.
that tweet is nowhere near that you mong.

I liked him in Videodrome

lul. truth hurts.

i heard he has a 12 inch schlong/