Edits thread?

Edits thread?


Holy shit, Im dead.



does this count?




fucking kek

>doesn't you have people on jail forsaying mean things on the internet?

>calls people who hate and insult Trump brainwashed and pathetic for not knowing shit about his Daddy

>does the same thing about the Mayor of London because is Muslim

>Is a Darksined Nazi Furry

>insults Churchill for allying with Stalin

I'm pretty sure if Hitler had won he wouldn't be alive or he will be woring as a slave in a death camp


I mean if Hitler was alive he'd probably be mostly unaffected in whatever third world country he lives in.

This seems ooc considering her literal first panel was salivating over pork.

Also i thought that green lantern was an athiest.

Nah, Hitler wanted to erradicate or enslave all those who weren't Aryan.

Besides, look at this hijo de puta, seems to be Latino, Nazi and a Furry at the same time, Hitler is probably rolling in Hell every time this fag speaks.





What the fuck is that art?