>Why does it matter that I've slept with 30 guys before? It just means that since I'm settling down with you I love you more than 30 other guys
How do you respond?
>Why does it matter that I've slept with 30 guys before? It just means that since I'm settling down with you I love you more than 30 other guys
How do you respond?
Okay, that makes sense.
>next morning after sex and cumming in her hair
Get the fuck out.
If 30 guys didn't consider you worth dating, why should I?
>I tried alot in the past, but I learned that I find things like anal, getting throatfucked, or getting cummed on the face degrading. I didn't know better at the time, I tried to explore my sexuality. If you really love me you'll understand that :)
how do you respond?
With unrelenting abuse.
Or maybe you've had a change of heart, looking down the barrel at your 30's - realising you have five years max before your looks go to shit.
Unless she's been in a stable long term relationship before dating you, 30 isn't even that high of a number for most women. Is everyone on this board a NEET?
Get nudes then post them to her dad on Facebook.
Stop dating 40-year-old prostitutes. Your perspective is off.
I-I-I-It's o-oka-okay
I-I L-Lo-Love you-ouuu too
3rd post best post
Stop watching (((TV)))
>According to a survey of adults aged 20 to 59, women have an average of four sex partners during their lifetime; men have an average of seven
sad truth. it's like a cartel of sluts. it's used pussy or nothing.
my advice is to do what every white guy with a brain is doing: get an asian.
Assuming she dosen't have any STDs I'm fine with this. However, she will be getting an STD test before she touches me with anything not covered in plastic.
>when you make a truly abhorrent post
>Is everyone on this board a NEET?
You know the answer to that question more than you let on.
It's a conversation that wouldn't happen. I vet girls before I even contemplate dating them to make sure they aren't cock carousels.
Only virgins and small dicks care about dating "pure" girls, because their sexual ineptness makes them inferior for women to stay with them.
You are a whore and Civil War is coming.
Sure thing, cuck. Enjoy kissing the mouth a woman who has the semen of 30 men on those lips.
Reminder to self. Need to replace leather band on hat.
no hymen no diamond bitch
>NEET overestimates how many partners girls usually have
>calls everyone else a NEET for guessing a lower average
I know some real sluts and even they only reached 20 or so. Most girls I know have fucked less than 10, and even in their early 20s I know some complete virgins, or girls who were virgins before university and have now had 1 or 2 partners.
Literal cuck or slut rationalizing.
I really don't mind if at 30 you've had a few partners, sure in an ideal world monogamy would be a value but it isn't an ideal world it's a degenerate world.
As long as she's had long term relationships that didn't work and hasn't fucked a stupid amount of guys like in the OP it wouldn't bother me that much, at that age anyway.
Spotted the guy whose wife was a major slut before marrying him.
Surveys also say that men overinflate tje number of sexual partners whereas women tend to claim having had a lower number of sexual partners than they actually had
Tell that to #32 and hope you fare better.
No hymen no diamond.
She's slept with 30 guys, not counting a lot of them because alcohol and is most likely in her late 20s looking for money. She's falling apart in her prime years.
Someone post the screencap of the user calculating exactly how much dick in miles a slut has taken?
and it came out as 10.42 miles of dick or some shit
1.) studies have shown that the more sex partners a spouse has, the more likely marriage would end in divorce. It also is shown to make women less happy in life
2.) theres a solid chance you have std's
3.) Your easiness says a lot about your self confidence
4.) 30x5" is equal to 150". Which is 12.5 feet, which is over 4 yards. You've taken in 4 yards of dick. Why would I want a stretched out gross hole when I could get a new or nearly new one that is still tight?
Why would I be having any kind of conversation like that with a girl? Your setup is shit and fail. You have no self respect. Your troll is weak.
Just say you are not interested. You have the right to choose your own mate, you know.
I laugh then force her on my dick.
Sluts are basically free pussy, are you a fag or some shit?
You sound like a bitter virgin.
Marriage is a joke, just fuck women like they were born for.
My wife was a virgin until marriage, she's asian. No way I'd marry an used up western girl.
"I don't love you."
Wives are supposed to be prizes and your personal property why would a man want semen that isnt his inside of his wife? You dont understand the male dominance instinct at all faggot.
Gay men have ridiculous amounts of sex. Far more than straight men, straight women, and lesbians combined.
>resorting to a gook
Most men grow out of the LOL I GETS SEX phase in their late 20s and want to start a family, we just want someone we can trust to raise a family with and wont cheat on us.
Gays are men there are no mind games thus they get sex faster.
What does it matter that i beat up 30 women before you? I have controlled my anger issues for you
Sorry, I'm not interested in non-Christian women.
Wives get old, why the fuck would I get married when I can down fresh pussy every week?
You talk about male dominance, yet you justify marriage which is fucking one girl for the rest of your life.
>dating 3D
Tell her to gtfo
I might have issues but I'm not that desperate.
I got genital warts even with a condom. It's not a sure protection, the skin that the condom does not cover can get infected. Sluts, it's not worth it, take my advice. Nobody taught me this before.
I swear 30 isn't even a high number in big cities.
Girls my age (22) have slept with that many. Say they've slept with an average of 5 guys per year since being sexually active at 16.
That's already 35 at the age of 23.
Cant deny Quads
That'd probably actually work. You're now exciting and dangerous instead of a safe backup.
Who wants the leftover cells from 30 guys' jizz washing around in your soulmate forever?
No you just want a family so your only source of pussy is tied down and obligated to be with you.
You sound like some manlet fag or some shit, I heard malnutrition over there made a bunch of you midgets, lol.
>this actually bothers the losers of Sup Forums
would be extremely hypocritical for me to judge somebody for sleeping with half~ the number of people that I have desu.
Which breed ?
Fuck her then run off.
Man....threads like this always make me wonder what kind of autistic losers must post here.
>Highschool was a free for all fuckfest for me in Latvia
>Go to university in Australia, that was a free for all fuckfest
Seriously some of you must either have autism for real or your parents ruined you by filling your heads with unrealistic ideals.
t. Roastie
When I fuck 30 other women my dick doesn't get loose that's the difference.
Shut up whore men think beyond MUH DIK unlike you that is always on MUH PUSSY, gaming girls get older, if I settle down the vagina I should have should be different from the others I have fucked AKA a virgin AKA mine.
Think of this while you work so hard for your wife, multiple men have creamed in her without much effort. Its about value user.
You guys need to go outside lots of short dudes get laid alot.
you don't know any sluts user
i also bet they have skewed their numbers based on what others said in this conversation
Vietnamese. SE-asians, contrary to what Sup Forums think, are the best bet, since they don't have feminism there. East asian nations are already tainted by westernism and feminism.
wtf I love you now