So wait, there's a planet full of immigrants and refugees that are at war with each other? But wait, if they went to another planet and set up shop then they're not immigrants or refugees they're colonists.

I mean technically they're still immigrants and refugees, but still.

This seems forced...

Just take things in stride, member that episode where we saw all of those variants of things ordering their version of a pizza?

>Luft Waffles
I chuckled.

Because it is. But again, subtlety is a lost art.

>Planet full of immigrants
>State of constant war


I mean you're not wrong. If they apparently have no war and have no actual stake in the war going on in the other planet apparently being a super mega Hitler is pretty rad.

>calling fascist planet "weimar republic shit"
>weimar republic was a liberal paradise and the era BEFORE all the fascist shit
>fascism was in and of itself a reacton to communism, only reason jews were targeted was cause a lot of them financed communist revolts in germany and had fuck all to do with refugees and everything to do with basically proto 1%er protester mentality

so the writers of this comic are on the "talk about shit like I'm an expert but haven't done any research you can find on wikipedia", huh?

>super mega hitler
>super mega
Matt and Ryan were Hitler all along

>fascism and socialism are mutually exclusive

ya wot m8?

Fascism is a form of socialism

>Weimar Republic
The Weimar republic was the PRE-fascist Germany, how can you write down so much pseudo intellectual garbage without even checking something so basic?
Also how can you fuck up Rick and Morty's style when it's so simple? Please tell me this is fan made and not the actual comic.

I mean some shit had to go down in the Weimar Republic between Liberal and Fascist didn't it?

>Fascism is a form of socialism
Are you retarded? Fascism is a form of government, socialism is an economic/social system.

Fascism isn't... you fucking WHAT?

Socialism, communism, liberalism, republicanism, conservatism... all can be fascist. Fascism refers to authoritarian nationalism, which can be applied to almost all governmental ideologies with the exception of classic liberalism (aka not modern democrat ideology).

If you don't know shit about politics but wanna discuss them like you do, go to Sup Forums

It's the official comic. They have like, 3-4 different artists so the art style changes pretty dramatically every issue.


Wait, what is the difference with our world?

Oh man, whoever wrote this really nailed Morty's voice. This is exactly the sort of thing he'd say. Impressive work.

>Not killing Pol Pot when you have the chance
What the fuck, he's literally worse than Hitler ever was.

How is that wrong? Pol-Pot was a communist, not a fascist. but he was an authoritarian leader, one of the cores of fascism. But that doesn't make one a fascist, unless you think everything but democracies are fascist.

>inb4 no true communism
I don't believe communism is possible without an absolute authority that sets what the proletarian gets and ensure equality.

>I don't believe communism is possible without an absolute authority that sets what the proletarian gets and ensure equality.
It's called "Christianity"

School bully wears a kekistan t-shirt.

can any of you actually define fascism?
or national socialism?
Or even fucking socialism?

like no, really, can any of you actually just plainly lay out what you think those things actually mean in plain english with no strings attatched, in your own words?

Well, and I'm probably giving too much credit to the writer, since they probably phoned it in, but the Weimar Republic was a breeding ground for facism to rise. It was also a marxist breeding ground, but facism won out, because the Nazis had a leader with better charisma and better planning.

No shit, it's rick and morty

Same thing, just with different amounts of nationalism.
Inb4 butthurt Antifa communists not wanting to admit they're just the same as the Nazis they love to hate

when a political party violently takes executive power without free elections, often followed by the quick execution of political opponents
>national socialism
Socialism with an ethnic cleansing spin and a focus on a stronger national economy instead of its place in the global economy
Tax funded social programs to help the poor.

you can't be serious

>Tax funded social programs to help the poor.

and people say Sup Forums isn't a tumblr board...

>when a political party violently takes executive power without free elections, often followed by the quick execution of political opponents
Sounds like a lot of commie revolutionaries are fascists

>Tax funded social programs to help the poor.

Not as bad as Sup Forums, though that isn't saying much.

>Tax funded social programs to help the poor with an ethnic cleansing spin and a focus on a stronger national economy instead of its place in the global economy

Isn't that just diversity quota laws?

okay well fuck you what are the actual definitions? I don't care about politics, I thought that's what everyone thinks those things are.

What do you poltards have against diversity?

Are you all so afraid of brown men stealing your women because you can't satisfy them?

a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government

I'm brown and have a girlfriend, though.

I think they're more worried about getting stabbed

If you're actually interested in fascism(as in the movement that led up to Hitler and Mussolini, not the slur that people throw around for anything right wing or any time the movement put's their foot in something), it'd be helpful if you look into some of the pamphlets or material that they put out. There were lot's of similarities between the commies and the fash, lots of hating on the successful business owners, lots of utopianism, and of course, hatred of moderates. The main bits that commies and fash diffred was that fash tipped respect to traditionalism and commies tried to execute a new world order.

> I don't care about politics

Then you're part of the problem. People like you are why that rapist cheeto is in office running our country down the shitter.

How can someone be so ignorant?
>Fascism is a hostile take over
So anytime a coup d'etat succeeds that's fascism? So the 1st French republic was fascist.
>NatSocs are (((socialist))) with focus on the economy
This is just retarded. 1. 99% of the world's countries have a focus on a stronger national economy, unless is an special case like Cold War era US they are pursuing for a global hegemony. Also the Nazis, or any Eruopean fascist, were not socialist or capitalist, they were populist.
So taxes that help corporations or rich people don't count?

>feminism is fascist

>the government by will of the people seize resources and industry
>This has nothing to do with the government

how is the art so fucking worse than the show?

Shit is not hard to replicate.

>sex warfare

Mosley was a special kind of stupid. Though to be honest retards like Sarsour making a case for Sharia somehow being feminist means people representing an obviously freedom restrictive ideology as inherently freeing because of a very small out of context portion of it isnt exactly a thing of the past

>>the government by
>will of the people
No, it's done by the will of the government. They don't distribute the resources, at best they give jobs to those they deem worthy.
Instead of pulling opinions out of your ass based around modern perceptions, why don't you read The Fascist Manifesto or The Doctrine of Fascism to get an idea of what the Fascist were thinking at the time?

Colonists are white
Refugees are brown

This feels like what the people who say rick and morty is reddit friendly millenial propaganda think the show is

I would have put will of the people in quotes but am in the middle of cleaning my keyboard and most of the punctuation keys are soaking Obviously any government would claim it's actions are the will of the people even if they finagle the definition of people

That's because both communism and fascism are populist movements. They offer shallow solutions to the population's problems, mostly 'let's just take the money from the rich and give it to everyone. And you can totally trust us to have that absolute power'.
I want to clarify that I'm not saying muh horseshoe theory. There are still a lot of ideological difference between the two, and Anarcho-communism will claim that true communism isn't supposed to have leaders, while Fascism is about an strong hegemony, but who cares at that point honestly.

Who the fuck washes thier keyboard? I mean, I should but that seems like something people don't normally do.

Why did rick have kids if he's a nihilist?

Well what is it then if its not that?

Redistribution of wealth.

There are plenty of nasty yet truthful things to say about the POTUS, why would you bother going with a lie?

remember the infamous "pussy grabbing" tape. he fucking bragged about raping women. and let's not forget that 13 year old girl that came forward revealing that she, too, was raped by 45th.

He's a sick predator and a danger to women of all ages.

So this is the new comic?

Anons, I was collecting the comics because I like the show, but if this is what I have to look forward to then I think I'll just stop. The earlier comics were a lot better and way more interesting... But this just garbage, I didn't think I'd be preached at by the fucking Rick & Morty comics.

Fascism and communism (in practice) are pretty similar, almost 100% similar for the lower classes.
And both are basically a dream of some authoritarian faggot thinking that a dictatorship under the right person (himself, of course) would be better than democracy.
It's just the same old guy, wearing a different hat. It's not that confusing AND YOU GOTTA DO IT!

No one else is gonna give you a (you), so I'll give you one for free

Its wrong not to waste the fucker the minute you lay eyes on him.

>woman consent to being grabbed by the pussy



More like socialism requires facism to happen

Basically this.

>Seize all means of production
>Call government that resides over it "the people"
>tots won't get corrupted because it'll be run by a lateral system of circle wanking dynamo-syndicalism of total fairness and hammer and sickle logos.

You are not wrong but fascism is not the right word and using it like that leads to the Nazis==Commies line of thinking.
All fascism is authoritarian, but not all authoritarian governments can be called fascist (eg monarchies, militarist juntas) even some democracies like Singapore show authoritarian tendencies without being fascist.

>using it like that leads to the Nazis==Commies line of thinking.
nazis were commies though

What the fuck is this? Who the fuck makes the argument that Pol Pot is somehow not worth shooting on sight, but a "fascist" is?
Both are fucking monsters, why is it not ok to kill one of them?

>leads to the Nazis==Commies line of thinking.
They're both bad so might as well put the two on the same level

Are you gonna see the new Madea movie?

>tax funded social programs to help the poor
Move to Venezuela and see what you get helped to

The difference between fascism and communism is like the difference between polluting the water with oil or with toxic waste.

In the end, all the fish end up dead.

All must follow one word, one path, for significant progress to be made or unity to be achieved.

>national socialism
My people come first. All deals with foreign lands, corporations and citizen are to be done to benefit my people.

People come first.

>Rick uttering the words "muh poor refugees only want a better life"

Really, do you think?

It's like reading an official version of the Bernie Rick meme.

Why are they defending Pol Pot?

No but seriously, Pol-Pot is in the running for the most evil man of the twentieth century, shoot the fucking cunt already Morty.

>A Rick and Morty story where I agree with Rick.

>from time to time the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of fascist clowns
Was this literally written by antifa?

So what's the difference between Fascism and Totalitarianism?


>All fascism is authoritarian, but not all authoritarian governments can be called fascist
They can because the definition of facism is a government in which every aspect of society is for the state.

A facism is a form of government where the needs of the state or political party are put above the needs of the citizens that make it up. Facism isn't really a form of government, rather it is a way to describe a form of government.

Totalitarianism is when the government takes control of all aspects of the country.

there isn't one

>Antifa caring about liberty

Fascism has dozens of definitions because it's had dozens of iterations, just in the 20th Century alone the differences between the Third Reich, Mussolini or the Spanish Fascists makes it difficult to give an overarching thread beyond strong authoritarianism meets urge to supremacy.

What the hell does "public ownership of means of production" even mean? I have never been clear on that shit, if a homeless guy takes a fiver he finds on the ground and buys some duct tape and used that to make wallets he sells in the park for a dollar does that make him the evil bourgais that will be against the wall when the revolution comes?
If so why do commies want to control the means of production doesn't that just mark them as the next one to be shot?

If its had dozens of definitions how can you say that communism definitively is not fascist?

m8, that's only the fucking start
Communist purity spirals are fucking legendary in their bloodiness and insanity.

Dozens of definitions, but you can still say what it is NOT in definite terms. Just like a Constitutional Democracy is not a Monarchy. Even though both may have different laws of term and succession.

'Means of Production' refers to factories and land, or more generally 'Private Property'(different from personal property). So in the ideal socialist society, every widget that was made would come out of a machine that anyone can walk up and use.

In practice, there's never any difference between 'The People' owning the MoP and the Government doing so.

I don't understand why they think they are entitled to collectively own everything someone else makes it's like that "you made this? yeah, I made this" comic on a country wide scale.

never knew someone could have back-tits

Is any man worth getting several thousand times more than the man working the factory? They think the capitalist pig is stealing the bulk of their labor. They want to make sure that their labor is appropriately paid for. At least, that's what they say, they also want to replace the current system with 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs', in practice: We're going to work you as hard as we can work you and feed you the least we can.

fuck off drumpflets

>Is any man worth getting several thousand times more than the man working the factory?
Well it's his factory so yeah, its not like the worker would be working there if not for the factory owner and its not like the facctory worker built the place or took any financial risk in starting the place and if the place fails the worker is at worst simply out of a job rather than in serious debt.
If I offer to pay you to mow my lawn you don't suddenly own my house.

>tfw when we've allowed blatant communist apologism to seep into the deep crevices of our society
I'm going to be sick

>pussy grabbing