Dumb ass villains

>lends money to a homeless guy
And expects to get it back

>implying he didnt just want to harvest his organs

wow...they really hated jews back then huh?

That honestly is a good point. I wonder if the story of that guy's debt is ever elaborated on anywhere.


It was a more honest time.

How does lending the homeless guy money help him get his organs?

user what would harvesting his own organs help do for his illegal business?

he's not a fucking banker. he's a loan shark. the point is, he will threaten the homeless guy with violence instead of look for a lendee with collateral or good credit. He's expecting the homeless guy to resort to crime to pay him back.

Why was Disney so lazy with their designs?

you better not be shitting on Ratigan.

why do people love this barely watchable movie? is it like a british nationalism thing? I get that here in canada, where my compatriots will defend the shittiest of Canadian animation.

Ratigan was a great character, but what I was trying to get at was that Sykes is visually just a human version of Ratigan. They were probably in development at the same time, so I think it's hard to fuck up and make the same character twice. It had to have been deliberate.

Loan sharks give money to desperate people not to ones with credit capacity

I dunno about anyone else, but I like it for Vincent Price.

Wait a minute.


Holy mother of fuck, they're BOTH Jews. They're Jews Jewing each other.

congratulations, you figured out something that people have known for almost TWO HUNDRED YEARS

Do you think he had sex with his dogs?

i wonder what it would smell like haha just wondering haha

>THIS mother fucker

do junkyard dogs lay eggs haha I bet they get embarassed when they do haha I'd smell them just for a laugh haha

It's definitely a British nationalism thing and it's a plague

I laugh whenever GMD is brought up on Sup Forums like some sort of hidden masterpiece. You fucking hipsters need to get back to your mother's house before I trigger ya

She's a great villain, actually. Just a terrible hero

Why would you ask such a thing

The movie came out in 198, math better.


dumb tripfag

A movie that old holds up really well. Those cavemen were one hell of a bunch of cartoonists.

i would lend money to a homeless guy before my own friends and family

It was a different time

I just pictured that scene from Futurama with the "primitive" robots building cars, but cartooning instead.

>Oliver Twist is from 198
Is this a new form of retardation?

Almost TWO THOUSAND years.

>in 198

>unga bunga Rockstop

He also lets Fagin go when he's the only witness to the kidnapping, allowing him to rescue the girl.

>oliver and company came out in 1988
>is it really this hard to realize a typo
>regardless, pic related


>Big ass warehouse on the bad side of NYC
>No lackies or gang members to guard the place, except his two dogs.
>Drives onto train tracks and gets killed because he was distracted by a kitten.
This fucker deserved to die, god damn. His car was pretty bitchin' though, so he must have been doing something right.

>Implying Fagan and Sykes originated from Oliver and Company

There was no joke, how is that image relevant?
Are you legitimately mentally retarded?

are you actually retarded

Maybe he's the real dumb ass villain here.

Holy shit are you serious.

Here, look at this post, the one I responded to, though with a typo

See, look at the part where it says TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO.
But they're referring to what's going on between the two characters in Oliver and Company, which came out in 1988, hence THIS reply
See how that works?

Do I need to spoon feed you to or are we done with the hand holding?

do you think Oliver and Company is an original story? Are you really that dumb and/or uncultured? Did turning a tripcode on drain whatever meager intelligence you might have had?

Holy shit dude.


I can't fathom how are you're reaching right now.
Like no fucking shit it's based on Oliver Twist, but did Oliver Twist have two specific characters named Fagan and Sykes that the posts specifically refer to?

The ones from Oliver and Company?

That came out in 1988?

could've saved us all some time and said "yes, I am that dumb"

Look you wanna show off how smart you are and that you read a book in 5th grade we all had to read then take it to /lit/

I'm keeping Sup Forums in Sup Forums so it makes more sense.


>but did Oliver Twist have two specific characters named Fagan and Sykes


Not what I meant, my train of thought fucked that one up not gonna lie.

Regardless, you guys made this way more complicated for some reason.

You can literally trace the thread back to see what I was referring to, I don't get why the forced confusion happened.

Jews hate each other and only play the "muh collectivism" card when an outside group does something bad and they can collectively profit from, or when they genuinely have enemies at their door.

>Employer is leaving fortune to her cats
>He gets pissed, tries to get rid of the cats
>Doesn't realize that they need a caretaker, which would more than likely be him.
>Would've had a shitload of money at the expense of taking care of 4 cats who would all die eventually anyway.