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Swedes have already complied
Its always Saudis.
Germany yes!
Just more proof that European politicians are idiots. Too craven to put the foot down and establish rules for these institutions of brainwashing. W-we h-have to understand d-different cultures and t-t-tolerate.
It's nothing new though. The UK has been that way for decades now.
>yfw (((they))) successfully pussify muslims too
Germany YES! Now this is why I visit Sup Forums
should have killed them all when we had the chance
When will Putin liberate us?
What the fuck?
I can't even laugh at this stuff anymore.
(((Cologne))) again
On New Years Eve a muslim mob gang raped 200+ women at the train station, center of the city, 200+ cops were present and refused to help (police report: 'no unusual occurences tonight')
On the same day, during a Holy Mass in the iconic Cologne Cathedral, the cathedral - center of the city - was attacked by a huge mob with fireworks.
Megacucked Bishop of Cologne then holds a 'refugee service' where he uses a refugee boat as an altar to commemorate all the poor muslims that drowned
Mayor of Cologne tells women 'to keep at least an arms length of distance' so they wouldnt get raped again, same mayor got stabbed in the throat by a nationalist and almost died
Couple weeks later 50.000 turks gathered for a pro-Erdogan protest in Cologne, waving turkish flags, aggressively chanting islamic paroles
A conference of islam critics that takes place on a boat on the Rhine in Cologne gets attacked by a huge mob of leftists and muslims, they completely wreck the ship; cologne police doesnt intervene
I could go on and on and on. Cologne as a city is the single most islamized shithole in Germany, together with Berlin.
This country, I swear...
looool oh man thats so fucking awesome. gg germanystan!
we have this quisling to thank for this.
>Syrians who have moved to Germany complain about German hardon for rules n shit
literally nothing. Syrians who "moved" for gibs discover Germany is the most anally retentive state on earth
people here claim to be supporting the same cause yet laugh at the fall of eachothers nations
that being said, its up to the germans to do something about it
How is this a surprise to anyone? Syria was a pretty normal country, and legitimate refugees from Syria are pretty normal people, they have absolutely nothing to do with this other bullshit.
I used to joke that Germany would, as always, end up going full tilt retard and become super jihadist like they were super facist and super nationalist.
It's not really a joke though. I can promise you that Germany will in the next 100-200 years convert to Islam and then behave like some kind of new Ottoman Empire. Seeking to jihad non-Muslim Europeans and conquer the continent.
The only hope is that the submissive German people will have some new adolf to whip them into shape before that happens.
Was a hero. Don't associate him with that scum.
>Never been to Stuttgart
As bad as these places
Is anybody really surprised at this point?
you think londinistan is any better?
Won't Europe be beautifully diverse when everyone's wearing the same clothes and growing the same hair
>world existing in 100-200 years
Sweden, yes!
Thats what you get for dealing and supporting saudi arabia.
They are subhumans sending there schitafists. Most extream fuck ups over for spying and terror.
The same mosqs also conscript for isis and collect funds for them.
>The world will not exist without us!
Yeah, and all paths lead to Rome, and the sun never sets in the Spanish empire, and Britania rules the waves.
He could've been referring to WW3 destroying the planet but of course hispanic vermin like yourself feel compelled to jump to racial conclusions.
>racial conclusions
Top kek, I didn't say anything about race, you're the first one to mention it.
Then what did you mean
The world will continue to exist even if there's no humans on it. Look at Chernobyl for example.
The West and Middle East should just trade places.
When they all show up here, we just leave and go build the Middle East into a magnificent region like we do everywhere else. Then they inevitably fuck this place up and we laugh
=(, femtekolonnare då.
Well Syria was secular before the revolution, those who managed to escape would rather not deal with that bullshit elsewhere either
I think finding humor in certain things and banting with each other is just a way to vent frustration while keeping our sanity. Nobody really wants anyone to fall. Anyone who says they want Germany, Sweden, etc. to be conquered is just letting out anger, assuming they aren't a shitskin or leftist cuck. They'd cum buckets if Germany went Deus Vult tomorrow morning.
The meme are writing themselves.
Both you fags are right.
Kind of need humans for a "new ottoman" empire, faggot
Can all normal Swedes please move over here so we can just nuke the fuck out of your country
It seems there is actually some validity to the meme of telling these people to stay and fight...I don't necessarily blame them, but they fled one invasion to participate in another invasion and found they don't like that the invaders are extremists
I guess I do blame then
Meme self awareness is within our reach. Soon the meme consciousness will form and take over the world.
It's the memelarity
What the actual fuck, please tell me it's /pol jerking my gullible dick, please....
>"normal" swedes
>the man wears a headscarf too, like the rest of the women
It's not even a matter of just getting over some extremists, it's wilfully ignoring the Saudi money and influence pouring into Europe to set this shit up
For fucks sake.
>Nu male wearing a headscarf too
>when your country is so cucked so quickly it makes the bulls scared
>White guy mentions the world
>Latino assumes he means white people
>Whites are literally the world to latinos.
Are we dating?
Whites will never learn.
Kek, I've been saying for a while that the radicals in Europe mostly aren't Syrian, as Syria and indeed the Levant are traditionally pretty secular.
oh ogod my sides
Syrian childrens television aired the "once upon a time ... life" cartoon.
They were an OK country.
Thanks to US foreign policy now extremists rule.
Krauts stop it pls
Fucking delete this
Germany pls stahp. It's not even funny anymore. You're doing irreparable damage.
>giving up our resource-rich continents for some rapidly-depleting desert oilfields