Harvey Beaks

New episode this week (it's airing in Russia but still).

Previous new episodes:
Hug Life/On The Fence

Princess Wants a Mom/Rage Against the Michelle

Break the Lake/The Amazing Harvey

Full Series:
Season 1:
Part 1: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByFx8n_iwQy3NlN3ZVZITEtzQjQ
Part 2: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_uuUK4yc41ucno1RGpkRmMzV3c

Season 2 (so far):


Other urls found in this thread:


>it's airing in Russia
but why

Because Nick a shit. It's already finished on Nick Africa.

In case anyone's wondering, tonight's episode is The Late Late Afternoon Show with Harvey Beaks/The Grunicorn

Harvey hosts a talk show in his living room but goes off-script when learning a terrible truth.

The kids are on a race to find a rare magical creature and the winner is granted their hearts desire.

Bad News: The HB comic line was canceled forever and the third volume was never released.

Good News: It seems all the comics are still going to be parceled out as part of the Nickelodeon Pandemonium line. The latest volume even included the cover art for the one that was canceled.

these comics weren't even canon so whatever

They're still fun to read

>new episodes airing in Russia
Jesus, I can't remember the last time I saw a network treat a show this shabbily.

Please stay alive until we get links.

When does Russia air the finale?