Do you think making Domino a 'strong person of color' was worth a person dying?

Do you think making Domino a 'strong person of color' was worth a person dying?

Doesn't matter, between the original director leaving and a black hairy afroed Domino I already wasn't going to watch the film.
Hopefully this kills the movie and in 5 years we'll get a proper sequel.

Stunt people die all the time.

Are there really no black stuntwoman drivers? I have a hard time believing that.

The problem was that the producers were urging a person with no experience doing stunts to do a stunt.

All they had to do was hire a qualified stunt man to tan and wear a wig, but no diversity is more important than qualifications

>Hopefully this kills the movie
Nice optimism. Remember most people who watch this shit haven't picked up a comicbook in their entire life.

Saw a YouTube comment (I know, I know) describe the stunt driver as a "motorcyclist of color" the other day.

I experienced a cringe unlike any other.

>Hopefully this kills the movie and in 5 years we'll get a proper sequel.
That's never happened. Even if we're spared from this dreck, we would just end up getting a reboot with other people in charge. That's just how the biz works.

Theres a possibility that a helmet might have saved her life. But no, we needed to put her in a afro wig so the shot would look good. Its not like movies have CGI'ed that kind of thing in the past

These idiots seem to think that only black and whites exist. Both Domino and Starfire could have been Asian and Latina or something. This sticking black into everything is an agenda not an actual attempt at diversity.

Not even trying to say anything here but the obvious:

A white stunt driver is closer in skin color to Zazie than this woman would have been.

I almost think it's more insensitive to say "you're black so this SUPER black woman is your stunt driver."

White man would look more like Zazie than this stuntwoman.

Discussed. This with a friend and they made a good point. It would be easier to hide a helmet under an Afro wig than a short bob cut.

The crew for this movie are just negligent idiots.

she wasn't a stunt person.
She was just an amateurish racer

Wow, she looks very pale in that photo.
Have any SJWs protested the movie because a black actress isn't black enough yet?
I seriously know there is a concept of "light-skinned black privilege" within SJW circles.

This. She had racing experience, but zero stunt work, which is a different field entirely. The only training she had was a stuntman giving her a rundown of what she had to do the day before, thats it. The crew adamantly expressed their concerns to higher ups, but they did it anyway. Even professional stuntmen have died from simple stunts, this was a needless risk.

Seeing those pictures next to each other it's actually kind of daunting. Someone legitimately thought that was "okay" because they didn't want to have the "optics" of a white stunt person for a black person.

The more you hear about this you have to think... maybe Tim Miller made the best decision of his life exiting this shit show.

>barely hearing that she wasn't even an experienced stuntwoman but they let her do it anyway
That's fucking retarded.

I always thought Domino was an asian. IDK why they got a fucking black lady and then refused to make her actually look like Domino.

they could easily have done this with a pro manlet black stuntman with a wig

there was no need to hire a non-pro woman
I'm assuming they had trouble looking for a female black stuntpro and that's why they hired that proracer, of course

Why didn't they use a helmet? With a helmet you can put anyone there, hell just get a guy to do it if they couldn't find a woman.

they should have done the stunt on sound stage.

partially recreate the street. then green screen the background. if she messes up and falls off the bike. she hits floor and or pads. instead of flying through a thick plate glass window.

they could have even rigged her up to an overhead safety line. so she flies off the bike and just swings in the air.

>their skin color isn't even close to the same
What was the point then

Latina Starfire would fit, except Latinas are short as fuck and Kori is YUGE.

Asian Kori NO. Asians do not have tits, they have no asses.

>they could easily have done this with a pro manlet black stuntman with a wig
They do that all the time actually. Can't remember what it's called but their is an industry term for it. A lot of times if the chase has a helmet or something they will just use a guy and give him a padded shirt or something to give him boobs and throw on a wig if necessary.

They obviously don't care for accuracy if they get some black woman to play her.

Eizabeth Debicki.

She is 6'3" and is willing to do full body paint.

slight problem with her being in GotG2 and GotG3.

though we know the reason for black starfire is because they want to play up the slavery and prejudice in starfire's back story.

The public isn't going to care about how diversity literally killed someone. All they are going to focus on is that she died. Our current culture can crawl up its own ass and die.

Where do you live so sheltered a life of physical those sweeping absolutes without exception? It must be a magical place, especially for the dfc crowd in Asia.

Probably because for the afro.


Calling her Domino
Not calling her

what the hell even is the point of this thread? if she was white her stunt person would've have died?

Apparently if she was white, asian, or latina the
director would have looked for a qualified stunt double.

It's to complain about blacks, keep up user.

Domino's mother looks pretty Asian to me.

>Asians do not have tits, they have no asses.

I have several folders of images that prove this assertion incorrect.

>this is the seventh fucking thread
does this place have no mods?

>Asian has no tits or asses

Son you haven't been to the right places or seen the right websites.

If she was white her stunt person would have been wearing a helmet. How are we supposed to know that it's 'Domino' if we can't see the giant afro at all times?

>slight problem with her being in GotG2 and GotG3.

And that she's flat as a washboard.

The real mistake was putting a woman on a motorcycle to begin with

>not even remotely the same colour

Why didn't they just paint a stuntman/white stuntwoman tan or if they wanted to purposely hire POC to shill their diversity shit, why not hire a latina since your average spic would be much closer to Beetz' colour than the stuntwoman they used? This so easily could've been avoided.

This isn't even Sup Forums related at this point

I have to wonder. A stunt person dies and the film bombs and is forgotten. They essentially died for nothing.

No she isn't.

She would've been a perfect Starfire.

Then file criminal charges against the producers. There isn't some magical Toontown shield indemnifying them.

Criminal charges for what? There was most likely consent from the driver, it's not like she was held at gun point by Ryan Reynolds and shouting at her to do the stunt.


It went from funny, to just painful to watch

I don't know, but I see you've already hypersensitized yourself to that kind of criticism already, so you might as well skip the pretense of looking for quotes to mine and just be spontaneously offended now.

The whole thing seems pretty racist. There's a character whose skin is unnatural monotone black and white and the film makers think they're being clever by in their eyes inverting the colors and casting a 'black' woman and giving her a patch of 'white' skin. Her skin color is just a costume to them. Then they push an unqualified motorcyclist to be that actors stunt double even though they don't even look alike because they need someone with the same race and ethnicity because i guess all black people look the same to them

zazie beetz is mixed too

How in the world is they considered professionals?

Inb4 """person"""

No competition from men, same thing happens when some low tier burnout puts on a wig and starts smashing woman's leagues

its just strange they insisted on using a black woman to do stunts for a "black" woman

Whoever was running the show insisted on a black female stunt driver. Even when there were no professional black female stunt drivers available. So they picked a black female race driver with ZERO stunt experience. In addition, a white male would look like the actress as much as the woman chosen.

I'm betting the piece of shit hollywood executive who insisted on this was NOT black.

>Hopefully this kills the movie
So what you're saying is you're a faggot?
Because that's all I gathered from that.

The reason why the original director left was because he wanted the sequel to be a big blockbuster popcorn flick as opposed to Reynolds who didn't get blinded by the money. Reynolds intends to keep it small and with as little studio meddling as possible so that he can get away with more crude comedy and gore etc.

TL;DR: Faggot former director wanted to make cookie cutter Marvel capeshit and was fired because Reynolds is keeping it real.

>with as little studio meddling as possible
>proceed to let studio meddling literally get a person killed

Great job Reynolds

That same sentiment can be applied to most sports. Watching female MMA is cringeworthy because even with years of training they fight like young teen boys with untrained haymakers, low velocity strikes, and slow as fuck shoots. Same with soccer where even at the WWC-level their field play is scattered, unorganized, slow, and completely lacks aggressiveness, thus why amateur teen boy teams routinely destroy any pro women's team they face. It's embarrassing to watch these things.

It all comes down to the insurmountable diametric differences in male and female (gasp! thoughtcrime!). Much like the other sports, females lack the body mass, reaction timing, and muscle power to properly handle the dirt bikes in almost any situation where handling is priority and thus it's a massive clusterfuck. It's like trying to expect a bullrider to navigate a bull around an obstacle course rather than just making it about holding on; there's just too much power working against them for it to go as planned or look good in the process.

But then you have sports like female gymnastics where it has been specifically crafted and honed to allow them to excel based on the qualities that their bodies bring to the table, and it absolutely kicks ass. Like it is a marvel of human growth and potential.

It requires them to eat, which asians hardly fucking do. It's pretty accurate

>Domino actress is redbone
>Stunt woman is straight black

Well, that's one for the IMDb Goofs list.

This bitch always looks so damn greasy.

Stormweenies, go and stop posting about this over and over again.

Yeah, niggers know a lot about eating

What a hot take

Fwhaugh, what is that?