Weekend Sup Forums creation thread

Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.

the-conservatory.wikia.com/wiki/The_Sup Forumsnservatory_Wiki

Last weekend's thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Last time:

-Mind control, what would be a good story involving that?
-Trying to come up with new villains for Rage Racer
-Short hair happened with many new pics
-More thoughts on Golden Girl and Silver Queen fighting villains taken from the minds of their usual foes
-The return of the catbot thing known as Sup Forumsleen
-Even more new pics
-Other stuff I didn't mention

Other things of possible interest:

/d/ OC thread: /m/ CYOA thread, part 2:

A little prompt to get things rolling

We were recently talking about Sup Forumsle, the Franken-Husbando. We already have his design down for the most part. But what about the goddess that stalks him, does she have a set design?

>How can I take this thing about a man and make it about a woman.

Never stop Sup Forums

That OP is pretty hard to see.
The artist should really consider adding more contrast..

Nope, she doesn't even have a name or what she's the goddess of.

My suggestion is she's the goddess of something minor, like shadow puppetry, and she's lost pretty much her entire base since forever ago and blames the moving pictures everyone is into now.

So she starts watching them and notices the hunk she becomes interested in.

girls are cute, men are ugly.

This is why you can't keep women around. You have to steal their toys.

Something I was thinking about last night.

Psychic power and magic power.

Say you want to throw a fireball, what's the difference between a magic fireball and a pyrokinetic fireball?


A magic fireball introduces new energy to create the effect while a pyrokinesis manipulates matter already present to create the effect.
It's the difference between cooking on a stove top or cooking using a microwave.

The magic user summons heat energy from somewhere, either collecting it or actually taking it from some other plane, and then applies it to their surroundings.

The pyrokinetic makes the air or particles in the air vibrate fast enough to make a combustion.

So, why bring this up? Some characters are immune to magical effects (like Skathi) because of their unique abilities or biology.
However, they have no such immunity to the same end result caused by a different application.

By this line of thinking, can someone like Tinderella burn someone like Skathi?

How many characters would have many different canon costumes?

Manny Quinn.

But really, any characters like Bees Knees, Appladay, or any others who start off in a "do it yourself" way would have gone through at least a few costumes as their stories develop.

The girl should've been your fish character, Penni.

It should have been Sup Forumsleen.
Sarah isn't /coc/-related.

Neither is Penni's portrait of him as a Snorlax, dumb-shit. What's your point?

What would be a good story involving Tinderella anyway?

Sup Forumsleen best girl

Got an idea in my head for a Bees Knees/Venus Fly Trap "Bodyswap Macguffin episode" as a way to strengthen their friendship/romance and compare how they're treated by the Superhero community at large.
It's mostly an excuse for Venus in Bees body to dress up Bees in Venus's body in girly clothes.


A mentally unbalanced girl with flame powers and a fixation on Diving Belle who should remember to take her meds more often. She swings between violently paranoid of and desperately in love with Belle, who is concerned for her, but also rightfully afraid of her.

Do we have any body swapping powers character already made? Seems like a power we avoid since situations like those need decent writing to actually feel compelling.

Wank fuel not withstanding of course.



Is this that Buck Rogers space boy from a few threads ago?

user, I don't believe this is an avenue down which anyone truly wishes to go down...

let's just pretend to stay on topic, okay?

moar Diving Belle/Tinderella foeyay, plz.

some sketches

Yes, the farm boy who got abducted while trying to get one of the cows into the barn.

The cow also gets a 1950s pulp spacesuit.

One is pyrokenetic, one is hydrokenetic.

When Tinderella gets off her meds and goes unstable, Belle is the one who gets called to help.

So, what about when she's on her meds? What's she like then? Just normal, stable runway model girl? How does she keep getting off of her meds? Is someone doing it on purpose?



why is GG looking miffed?
she should be smiling!

She's not all that fond of Ma'm.

oh yeah, i forgot about those comics

didn't van say he was doing more?

Yeah, he got commissioned to do a full-length comic he's been working on for a while.

Guess this means his BQ thing is on hold indefinitely.

I think it's hard accurately portraying Bees Knees' fighting style since it's basically break dancing with big pointing things coming out of your knees.

And then there's when he shoots them to do a RECOIL KICK, which is kind of like a ROCKET PUNCH.


Sorry this dumb thing has been taking me so long. I've been doubling down on my writing the last few weeks.

Oh, this is giving me Harlock vibes now.

all of these titties look terrible and make me fucking sad.

>moar Diving Belle/Tinderella foeyay, plz.

Is she wearing Diving Bellbottoms? How retro.

I think that is something we have consciously avoided because of narrative concerns. It's something that, if we were to do it, it'd need to be Cosmic scale. Someone who wouldn't interact with the "average" character or be easily called on.

Nah, unfortunately for the joke, her boots are just a bit weird.

Cosmically speaking, soul swapping should be in the skill set of some of those more powerful Sup Forumssmic Ones. Like if a hundred million people were thinking of Whisper, then that might be possible for Whisper to do.

Or it could be the work of a magic spell.

The main problem is the scope. There's only so much you can do with a body swap story before it begins to get bloated or repetitive.


Where do they live?

I imagine their father converted a huge asteroid into a mobile base that serves as flagship for his space fleet.

nigga that's Vi

didn't the wiki says he gets the porno stunts job to avoid the goddess? Either way, Being a bored goddess seems easy enough. has anyone suggested a look yet? probably ext-ordinarily plain.

Most of Sup Forumsle's info just comes from the original couple of threads. He's super underdeveloped, so there's still a lot of room to change circumstances.

I'm pretty much picturing her as how Eris is in Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas.

Personally, I would prefer a plain look to tie in with her shadow puppetry thing you were talking about. With her being a horn dog having average looks is like being a hunchback in a godly realm. So what is a goddess to do when she wants a good time? She tricks people into getting with her/ others with her shadow puppetry (Perhaps make her a lesser goddess of deceit?). After awhile even the biggest horndogs of their realm caught wind of her tricks/ she got bored and needed kinkier shit. She wanders the mortal realm to search for her next play thing. centuries passed and she can't find a man that meets her godly tatses. Until one day when she found "him".

Stop watching me while I draw, dammit.


I mean in terms of attitude. She's always sort of "crawling" all over him whenever he meets with her.

Like in a creepy/uncomfortable way.

Her being the goddess of shadow puppetry gives the leeway needed for Sup Forumsle being in moving pictures fulfilling the criteria of being on a quest, so she can't interfere too much with him.

Alright. That works.

I'm gonna watch you. I'll watch you so hard.

Or it could be a Macguffin that everyone knows about, and begrudges experiencing, as it turns out a lot of folks have had bodyswap incidents they loathe to recall.

Well, whatever the reason, sounds like it's going to be played more for drama than comedy since BK is being set up to see what a shit show VFT's life is when he has to spend a day or whatever in his body.

Seems like something that would happen earlier on in their plot line.

I know there's next to nothing of Sup Forumsle's story, but can we just call her "Some Goddess"?
The filename also made me laugh.

What powers do we have "red flags" on, so to speak? The ones I remember off the top of my head are:
Flying is more like a Pink Flag. We do it, but we're careful to give it only to characters where it's central to their powerset. We don't want to get to the "everyone flies" point.
Intentional, direct transformation of other people is outright rejected. Similarly, true "lay on hands" healing is not done. Both powers tend to lead to issues like with Oracle Barbara Gordon where there was really no reason not to address her disability, and help sell the importance of Tech solutions like the Children of the Wheel being so widespread.
There are a lot of restrictions on Psychics, mainly on full-on Mind Control, with even the Collector being more suggestion based, and on Telepathy/Mindreading.

I feel like "soul" or "identity" manipulation should probably be something to handle with an awareness of the issues it tends to cause.

He calls her that all the time. He never bothers to learn anything about her.
He does everything he can to not encourage her.

I don't want her to turn into one of those otaku women though as I feel that is over done.

Transforming people into other things is something that can be done using magic in the setting, it's just we've never had a plot to do it in.

The Yellow Jester could have that as his go-to power if we ever get the Erin plot rolling again.

Healing powers is another thing we've never had reason to tackle.
I've thought of it before, and I think if the average person got it, they'd heal people, but they'd make the people come to them on some island rather than tour around because they know damn well that being surrounded by sick people all the time and only ever seeing sick people is a fast track to burning out on life.

I'd also like to think they run one of the biggest charities on the planet and invest all of the proceeds into developing technologies to do the healing so that things will be taken care of when they eventually die and they don't become a societal linchpin (people relying on them too much or being reckless thinking they can just be fixed up in no time).

It'd be best if it was a power that could be applied through contact and also chain through anyone else in physical contact so they could just do one big mass healing a day.

Psychics don't have any more restrictions than any other power set, we just think about how it works more since it gets compared to magic constantly and how the end results are very similar.
So it becomes "how to make this power identifiable compared to this other power".



I should add the entire comic to the wiki.

Also I like it. Papa Blang has probably stolen entire museums before, and I mean the entire building. Gotta get those basement storehouses.

All of the pages should be in the album in this thread now.

Sorry it took so long, I'm not much of a comic maker, I just wanted to get a concept out there a little clearer.

Fucking boobs

You actually finished the comic you set out to make. Even if it's a mini, you still finished it.

That doesn't happen often.

I'll get around to updating the wiki tomorrow.

While I'm at it, anyone else have something they think needs updating or adding or whatever to the wiki?

It's a good enough parting question before I go to bed and see if the thread will still be up after I wake up.

>Psychics don't have any more restrictions than any other power

Yes and no. In so far as there is no true Editorial, there aren't and "real" restrictions, however, there has been an element of self moderation where any time we've had the chance to go down the "Psychics are Overpowered" route, we've very deliberately abstained. It's informal, as everything is in /coc/, but there's definitely been a conscious push against it.

Good work, user. It's good to see OC is still being made to completion.

Admittedly, it's more accurate to just say "We don't do this" rather than "it can't be done" or "it's restricted". The truth is, obviously, we could do anything. However, as important it is to look at what we have done, it's integral to look at what we haven't done and why we haven't done it. Sure, there are a lot of things where it's just "we haven't because we just haven't", and we could do that the next minute. However, there are some very big things we've actively "Not Done", because it helps to maintain certain qualities of the setting.

If we have someone who can shape flesh outright, it kind of cuts against stories like Betty Volare, Cobalt, or Motion, where the characters have some physical quality that defines an aspect of them. Now, true enough, the danger is only really accessibility. If an ability like this were reserved for The Yellow Jester and nobody else, it wouldn't be an issue. Similarly, "True Healing" would be a problem for stories where some injury or disfiguration are important, but could also be safe in the hands of something that is very far removed from most characters.

Psychic powers often get shied away from because they're just too versatile. It becomes too easy to either get to a point where most issues could be solved by throwing an S Class Psychic at them, or you have to specifically come up with some reason it's immune to psychics, or incapacitate any psychic who could help. One of the classic examples is, of course, Martian Manhunter trying to read something's mind and getting immediately knocked out by a psychic backlash.

There's usually a certain amount of strain it places on suspension of disbelief to have things like "Barbara Gordon's legs" in a universe where it could have been fixed in any number of different ways as an outpatient procedure, and we've done a good job of reducing that strain wherever possible.

To be honest, I would have felt guilty doing anything in the future if I hadn't finished it. I can't imagine it's different for most people who leave people hanging on something like that.

In the primitive tongue of the ancient dragons, the word for "man" makes no distinction between human and fae. It's hard to say whether this is an artifact of contempt or of gratitude, for though this knowledge is not commonly shared with the lesser folk those dragons who have studied their history know they owe a great deal to the smaller people of the earth. The history of how dragons came to know as men know is recounted in many legends, but this is always the spirit of it-

Dragons, as a race, are intelligent but not social. Before man they made nothing, because they needed nothing. There was no fear or weakness to drive them to create - the legendary dragon "arrogance" is simple honest truth. They are born apex predators on a scale above anything else. Thus they lived as beasts, majestic and regal, but beasts no less, for they had no need to be anything more.

Man, though, is a small, fearful, brief thing with many needs and many weaknesses. Man gained mastery over the world around him through his mind, through his tools and wits and magics. Man created, and more than creating, he remembered, through tales and songs and signs passed on through generations so that what he had learned would not be forgotten. Eventually it came to be that men who once scattered before dragonfire would face their scaly betters, with spears and slings and arrows and spells. The dragons' footing atop the food chain became precarious.

In time, dragons learned man's secret of stories. They, too, began to grow wiser, to learn the workings of their world which, in their dominance, they had never thought to question. For the first time, dragon societies arose, confederates seeking knowledge for its own sake. While their wild cousins foundered against the ever-cresting tide of man, the learned wyrms retreated into the hidden places of the earth, mountain strongholds and deep crevasses where men could not thrive, and so dragonkind endured where less-fortunate creatures of magic perished.

>learned wyrms retreated into the hidden places of the earth
>hidden places

This one looks like a dummy, then. I'm sure Skathi's gonna kick its ass.

I'm not sure what's happening in this picture. It looks like a lower body is popping out of his cock.

>I mean in terms of attitude. She's always sort of "crawling" all over him whenever he meets with her.
Ah okay, that makes sense.


I'm down

>I don't want her to turn into one of those otaku women though as I feel that is over done.
Define otaku. I was feeling at worst she would be like a Tumblr shipper that would try and make him and his moderately attractive friend more than freinds.

One of those always in their room types who lives in filth and doesn't interact socially.

I think we pretty much stick to powers that we, as individuals, feel are more fun for a super hero setting. We don't have too many super smart characters, and the ones we do have are actually making revolutionary technology that, while not impacting the story in the current time setting, are impacting it in the "20 years in the future" setting where things like hyper drives and quantum tunneling are available for public use.

I'd like to think no one in the /coc/ setting is dying from regular cancer or AIDS, but SUPER CANCER and SPACE AIDS can still happen, though uncommon.
So regular illnesses have treatments, but super illnesses need super treatments.

Dragons are another thing we don't have much of in the setting.

I can name all of 3 (Otherworld librarian, Britainment's accountant, The Wandering Country's Wandering River), maybe 4 if we count the small black market trader one who CosCrus was planning to introduce.

Oh, I don't see her as a secluded type. I think she might brag to the gods on how she has a champion.

Speaking of which, how does Sup Forumsle become her champion?

Well I was thinking last thread that she was looking for a new way to gleam faith from the mortals.

Through her logic, motion pictures are just the progression of shadow puppetry so she begins looking into that, this is where she starts getting a thing for hunky actors and wants one of her own.
She can't just grab one of them because her power is so low (and because they have contracts), so she begins looking for someone who is her type.
Sup Forumsle at this point already had powers, powers that he couldn't really control fully or at will, so that made him an ideal choice on top of his already good looks.

So, by sending him the magic clothes and him willing putting them on without realizing what that means, that makes him her champion and gives her an anchor into the mortal world again.

When Sup Forumsle begins the "quest" she can't interfere with him because the more fans he gets, the more "faith" (or whatever the quantified term for available power gods have) the goddess receives by nature of him being her champion.

>(and because they have contracts)
The gods or the mortals because the latter would be hilarious.

But that's as good an explanation as any. The only thing I would add is maybe Sup Forumsle wants to be an actor, Maybe have a small period where he is her plaything before finally figuring out the loophole, perhaps since becoming a champion makes you able to be contacted by any god and one of them felt bad for Sup Forumsle.

Because the actors have contracts.

Maybe she takes him back to her place to put on a personal show for her and at some point some of her friends come over and *accidentally* let slip the loophole to Sup Forumsle.

Maybe the reason he's in the porn industry is that he's a genuinely bad actor/ extremely inefficient (multiple takes, that kind of thing)

Well he's supposed to be a stuntman, so he's not usually in a position to memorize lines.

How does a porn stuntman work anyway?

I assume a porn stuntman doesn't have to do much given the "I'm the cook" clip.

Or maybe the companies specialty is having the main actor taking the female actress, maybe a sort of "steal back your girl" kind of thing and Sup Forumsle is a regular Chad used. Maybe then there would be actual fighting or something.

Unless it's s super parody porno.

But I think he'd get work as a regular stuntman too and the porno thing happened due to the goddesses meddling.

I would think that would be a point of "Some Goddess" stepping over the line.

Who is there to call her out on stepping over the line?

And how does Sup Forumsle react to all of this? What was his profession before becoming a champion?

I don't get it.

Perhaps the god/dess that helped him before. But due to "Some Goddess getting more "faith" than other gods (Which, if we're being Greek like, is any) they don't have much ground to stand on.

A man who couldn't control his powers would really only be able to get odd jobs where people don't ask questions. Even then, he might not get work due to his eyes.

Seems like he would have been one of The Collective's cases before "mysteriously disappearing".

Then when he reappears they get him a job as a stuntman.
Odds are they probably have someone on staff or know someone who knows how to exploit god loopholes.

The fae probably know a lot about gods.

That would be a neat way to have the collective. maybe make a joke of it having Sup Forumsle insist on doing film and the collective insisting on using his powers more constructively (until they realize they're dealing with a divine case).

Also holy shit, the wiki doesn't even have the powers listed. Is there any discussion on that or are we allowed to make suggestions? Super strength being an obvious one.

Oh right, the wiki. I still need to update stuff on it today.

Nothing was ever decided on when it came to his powers. The bulk of discussion was just on his appearance.
Non-magical leather doesn't actually weaken him, he's just unknowingly allergic to one of the chemicals commonly found in it.

Make suggestions. The wiki isn't meant to be the end of a character's progression, merely a collecting point for what has already been discussed.

Super strength seems obvious.

Maybe give him golden age Superman's aerial ability (leap building in a single bound)

One I think would be interesting is an "aesthetic healing factor" Where the goddess may choose what is healed and by how much depending on if she finds it hot or not. It would explain why he has some scars on his body but his face is still flawless.

Sounds good.

I think he should have super human eyesight, like the ability to read an open book from 15 feet away as if it were in his hands.

Fair enough. there's so much attention put into the eyes might as well have them do something (aside from piercing into the hearts of women and men).

>Super strength seems obvious.

As well as superhuman stamina.

While I'm at it, would being able to seduce a god be considered a power?


I've got no doubt Skathi had a hand in sorting the smart dragons from the dumdums.

I think that would just be a natural ability of his.

Watch as other gods begin trying to get their own champions like some kind of revived retro fad.

Maybe after awhile they gave up and seeing someone actually get a champion has made the gods get off their asses and try again.

Gods historically have egos larger than themselves, so they feel great shame that "some goddess" managed to get a champion again after X number of centuries.

Like being one upped by some no-name.

Would this make way for arch enemies (Champions forced to fight Sup Forumsle due to their gods being particularly pissed off at Some goddess re-sparking the faith rush?

I can see them as both rivals in the industry who jockey for the same roles/parts/jobs, but don't actually hate each other.

They probably talk about how much of a pain in the ass it is being a god's champion.

The problem is, what kind of story are we trying to tell with Sup Forumsle? What's the plot and the genre?

Needs GG.

I doubt Marley'd be able to maintain that flat dignity in GG's presence.