You guys are fucking retarded. CTR tricked you into literally shilling for Hillary. Lefties are not afraid of war and draft, because their defining characteristic is hypocrisy. Normies will only see this as a positive campaign that empowers womyn and opposes ebil Russia, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T INVOLVE THEM PERSONALLY (AND WHY SHOULD IT?). Literally no one will think "OMG if I vote Hillary there will be war, guess I'm now #TrumpMissile". Not only that, but by making false ads with "paid for by Hillary for America" you give MSM ammunition to attack ""alr-right"" and by extension Trump.
Wake the fuck up.
Ryder Cooper
CTR hasn't been here for at least 24 hours
Aiden Garcia
This is actually what I think about it too based on some of the "This!" comments coming from Canadian and British flags.
Leo Walker
but its funny lel
Julian Richardson
This is a CTR psyop
Elijah Perry
Agreed. People are too blinded by their hypocrisy for this to work against Clinton.
Ryan Turner
Psyop or not, it leaves lefties confused which demoralizes them.
Adam Roberts
Either you scared half the country into voting Trump or you got half of the country ready for war with Russia.
Either way it's hilarious.
Adrian Martinez
Russian VPN detected.
Lucas Martin
Femenazi propaganda.
Women in the military is inviting russia to rape you.
Cooper Parker
Just make sure the women look unhappy in the images, this is key.
Sebastian Hill
This isn't targeting rabid leftists but normie lukewarm female Clinton supporters. If they start thinking about the possibility of a draft where they will have to serve they'll be less receptive to Clinton's rhetoric. Even if they find out it's false the damage and association may last after.
Landon Martin
ok putin
Alexander Flores
Also this whole thing started in a single day and is ALREADY blowing up. How is that possible? It was prepared in advance. The people who make all these posters are the same people who make Hillary memes and HRC generals.
Parker Martin
The point with this campaign is that we don't need people to turn and vote for Trump. All we need is for normies to NOT vote for Hillary. Indecisive voters are not going to vote for her because she supports drafting women, it's much more possible that they will be pushed away because of it. At the same time, Democrats will either become more fantasized, which doesn't matter because they'd vote for her anyway, or they will become skeptical, which is just what we want.
Either way, nice try, but the meme ICBMs are already off the ground, there's no turning back.
Josiah Fisher
Elijah Hughes
>get elected by all the weak liberals in your country >send all the opposition (white men) to war >get elected again 4 years later because there's no opposition left
Jace Gray
Don't worry my friend, if war starts ill gladly go to Russia and fight for the motherland against the Zionist pigs.
Owen Anderson
Nice try "Ivan"
Henry Moore
The MSM will attack the alt-right and Trump regardless.
Owen Hernandez
What if everyone is CTR?
Blake Myers
CTR thread Same fagging.
Twitter has already censored Hillary's hashtags because of this shit.
It is triggering SJW and feminists because they have no patriotism. They have to face the fact if their deaths.
Nice Russian proxy CTR.
Levi Cooper
where are the proofs?
Ian Thompson
So much this. You're dealing with people who are in their own little world. People who view Muslims as tolerant after they shoot up night clubs. People who think open borders will be a good idea while just ignoring the economic impact.
They won't respond to this any differently. They'll ignore the consequences and see these messages as a good thing!
Lincoln Butler
And I detected you're a fucking idiot.
Get the fuck out of here nigger.
Leo Roberts
it fucking isnt
every single one of those silver spooned "feminist" bitches shudder at the fact of getting drafted
Daniel Bennett
Can someone post oregano pic, too dumb to find it myself
Logan Mitchell
Meh. Who gives a flying fuck. Gives me the lulz.
Camden Walker
I think normies will not think drafting women is a bad thing because they're already indoctrinated into believing women = men.
"I was studying in gender studies, but took a break to fight against Russia" has no negative in their eye.
Asher Jenkins
CTR this is not reddit.
You do not fit in here.
We see you.
Christopher Green
They front like that but in private I'm sure they don't want to die
Noah Roberts
Carson Roberts
The thing is that no one wants to be drafted. Why do you think they got those womyn study degrees? They got them so they could push for a cushier life for womyn, not so they could go to war. They're cowardly as fuck.
Dominic Cook
I'm not a proxy you moron, and I didn't samefag, I was just elaborating.
Oliver Myers
Feminists hate this shit. It's good to push it, we need to make the statement agressive.
Asher Green
Christian Miller
Leftard tears are so sweet when their shit backfires on them
Joseph Green
Most women don't want to be handed a gun and run into a battlefield, no matter what the fuck they tell you.
The ones that do are brave, but most women aren't wired for combat.
Henry Powell
CTR in panic reverse-psychology mode
Wyatt Phillips
David Clark
> CTR using us as OP proxy > Reception to DraftOurDaughters is overwhelmingly negative with women
What the fuck are you on about OP
Brandon Thompson
holy shit top kek
Jayden Carter
This. There's a big difference between going "oh sure I'll fight in a war if I get drafted lol but it'll never happen" and "holy fuck I'm going to be drafted, she wants war and I'm going to die I can't Instagram and do my nails anymore"
Bitches are lazy anyway. There's NO way theyre gonna be cool with dying.
Brandon Young
This. Psyop or not it's lulzy as fuck, which is good enough for me. #RoastiesAgainstRussia
Logan Reyes
20+ threads and dozens of well made posters in less than 24 hours? Yeah, because Sup Forums always gets SO enthusiastically involved in such things (does not). In fact it's just a handful of CTR shills making the vast majority of these memes.
Isaiah Lewis
if this happens, Russian soldiers will stop aiming for the kill on women and capturing them instead and then the dumb cunts will learn a lesson
Owen Evans
this. Best trend this month.
Adam Ortiz
>coming what flag do you want me to send you a message from?
Austin Reyes
>Lefties are not afraid of war and draft
Nathan Phillips
I can't believe how many faggot Americans actually buy the shit they are fed. My favorite part is how they say Trump will ruin the country however then they call you a pussy when you bring up war with Russia under Clinton. >Trumps a fascist and will ruin the country >Dude wtf are you a pussy scared of the Russkies? Let's bomb each other's country that's alright. I don't fucking get it. I hate both but from the looks of it and especially in areas of policies Trump is a much better choice
Nathan King
Чeт мнe кaжeтcя ты кaкoй-тo пpoкcи пидapoк. Hy кa зaкoнчи пpeдлoжeниe. Cлaвa ..... ? ,,,,,, Cлaвa.
Nicholas Allen
W omen
A gainst
R ussia
Jack Reed
>Lefties are not afraid of war and draft, because their defining characteristic is hypocrisy. It's exactly because they're hypocrites that this shit will work. They love to talk about equality, but there's nothing they fear more than the real life consequences of equality. Women don't want to go to war, nor do they want to be treated like men. More than anything, women prefer safety. That's why they're so adamant about enforcing "women's rights" by having the government shower them with special privileges and rights, because it gives them an unfair advantage over men by lowering the standards, lets them pretend that they're equal to men without having to face the same risks or criticism as men do, and when they fail, the government provides them with a safety net. War is the polar opposite. You can't pretend to be a soldier. You can't pretend to be stronger, faster and tougher than a man when you're in combat, and the government isn't going to step in and tell the enemy to stop shooting at you because you're a woman.
Nathan Reed
I don't know whats more terrifying. Women toting rilfes or 2 nuclear powers going to war with each other.
Anthony Murphy
Adrian Gutierrez
I was up until 1:30am last night lurking this shit it was so entertaining. Grassroots gorilla memetic warfare at its finest.
Landon Jackson
you're dumb, people are not so gullible to believe these ads are real, but they work brilliantly as satire, because it's not too much of a stretch from hillary's actual statments. it's gonna mind fuck them good
Jaxon Sanchez
How the fuck does this shit hurt Hillary?
The numales and wominz who support Hillary will use this shit and promote it as virtue signaling.
I hope it actually is CTR who is making these shitty posters because I refuse to believe Sup Forums is this dumb.
Hudson Foster
I actually believe this. Remember when Pepe got talked about and somebody said to keep posting Nazi pepes? I couldn't help but wonder why. What benefit did we get out of that other than get pepe turned into a hate symbol and make it harder to shitposting with him?
>The numales and wominz who support Hillary will use this shit and promote it as virtue signaling.
Then they promote war propaganda and women being drafted to die in a war Hillary is instigating
Henry Hughes
Connor Wilson
lol this whole thing is fucking amazing
I love americans, you're all basically children who all of a sudden got a country
nobody knows how to run anything and it's only because you're so enthusiastic and stupid you somehow keep functioning. it's fascinating
John Cook
Fucking gold.
Logan Wright
Well we made pepe famous, which is surreal and kind of cool.
Jonathan Nguyen
>no negative in their eye I think the prospect of being shot through the spine or even doing without nail polish might be a negative
Jose Turner
Confirmed for popularizing the avatar of a God of chaos.
Brody Jones
I understand if you have doubts, if you are scared, but there will be no world war 3 against you. Its a method straight from the KGB handbook, subversive enough, but even if it gets exposed, still there are thoughts implanted in the normies minds, which is the ultimate objective. ''If they vote for here, they go to war with russia.'' That right there is the thought they should have in their minds, not who is the frog hacker 4 chan and were there anonimice involved. They snap back to reality with this thought, and you cant get it away from their heads. Also, its fucking funny.
Also, stop worrying and stop posting, you are saying things a well paid shillary bot would say. Under a russian flag no less. When Trump wins, 2 thirds of the world will be piss drunk celebrating, i hope you are among them when that happens.
Josiah Flores
Your mistake is thinking these people are rational.
Remember libtards are feelz before realz. If it sounds and feels good (empowering women) then they will run with it regardless of the realz.
Idiots who make these memes are just campaigning for her for free.
Why do i have to sperg out every time when i try to say something serious?
Bentley Watson
He was already famous in an underground way. All we did was make Trump look worse by making him pepe now that pepe is associated with national socialism and difficult to put him on a sign at rallies which was probably ctr's goal
Ian Reyes
>thinking nerd virgins are this smart
Daniel Stewart
File giati den exei sto pol alo ellhnes? Palia ginotan xamos edw.
Luke Nguyen
It hurts her because it splits her base and puts it against itself. Identity politics 101.
You will have the militant SJW feminists who will support the shit out of it unironically, and the women who are only interested in themselves being fucking terrified of being drafted. They will argue, fracture, and their vote will be weakened. Plenty of women will virtue signal and be all for it, meanwhile in their head they'll be against, cognitive dissonance, the breaking of the spell, voting third party or not at all suddenly seems like a great idea.
Lots of women are going to experience cognitive dissonance today, this shit is potent, hence CTR going guys it's a psy op to try and put the brake pedal on it, this shit is potent and they know it.
Jonathan Martinez
let the liberals go die then they cant fight and the new basic training is a joke.
Angel Reed
Dude stfu, the Russians aren't infiltrating our government and all levels of the country. >We should improve relations with Russia and avoid a country who has a sizable military and nuclear capabilities. >OMG IT'S A KGB TACTIC, TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN AGENT, PUSSY WAR IS FINE. TRUMP WILL RUIN THE COUNTRY. HILLARY WILL LEAD US THROUGH A WAR WITH RUSSIA BUT TRUMP WILL BRING US DESPAIR AND RUIN. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Ryan King
Is pic related satire? Seriously, is it?
Jaxson Watson
If Anita Sarkisian can do it why can't they?
Jonathan Morales
CTR is angry because they know this is working
Dilbert man already confirmed for good persuasion power
James Lee
>lefties are not afraid of war
Maybe not but leftists love to throw literal shit and aborted fetuses on those "evil murderous soldiers".
Hudson Williams
i meant about putting these posters up and shit, never said anything about russians infiltrating. How Sup Forums is using thought implantation tactics, even when exposed as trolling.
David Watson
лaлкa я здecь c 2013
Anyway, I hope I'm wrong, but if this backfires don't say no one warned you.
Xavier Thomas
>c 2013
Robert Torres
Sup Forums Sup Forums has nothing to do with those pictures. All images were made by the Hillary team of supporters.
Carson Smith
>лaлкa я здecь c 2013 Teбe нaдo eщe в pидoнли aк минимyм гoдa двa пocидeть. Хaйпoвый пидop, нe хyя нe пoнял нo yжe oбocpaлcя.
Isaac Adams
its dnc's r/the_donald board behind this
Dominic Morgan
either way we win. ww3 means the shitlibs all die
Grayson Jackson
>MSM coverage is bad KEK
Nicholas Stewart
Shut up faggot
>Trump wins we win >Hillary wins and women are sent to die we win
Joseph Allen
fuck that , I'm a man and I don't want to have to ever do that again.
Shit's scary.
you just get used to it, it doesn't stop being scary.
Thomas James
>CTR with Russian proxy doing damage control against a very damaging Twitter campaign against Hillary
Dylan Morales
Bы чe,coвceм oхyeли,пидopacы?
Colton Brooks
But I want them to get drafted Can just go innawoods or flee to asia
Kayden Sullivan
What if CTR can't contain this and are shilling that it's a psyop so everybody stops? I honestly can't see any benefit for the hillary, there's no way she would want to be talking about a war with russia right before voting
Gabriel Cooper
She's fucked, her options are
Say images are fake, but will get called out on the fact she does support women for the draft Say images are fake and there won't be a war with Russia, but will get called out on her constantly saying shit that leads to conflict with them