Cast it

cast it

me as baron harkonen

muh dick as the great maker

inb4 people spend their time fighting over Irulan when she, realistically, is around for 2 scenes at most. If her narration isn't included, she probably won't even speak.

4 year old loli is kind of weird. I would be okay if they made her look 12 desu

Lady Jessica

me as rape lad



Fuck that got me good.

Paul: Harry Styles
Leto: Michael fassbender
Hawatt: Jack Black
Duncan: Joaquin Phoenix
Vladimir: Wayne Knight
Gurney: Woody Harrelson
Rabban: Eric Wareheim
Feyd: Goose
Jessica: Christina Hendricks
Piter: Jim Career
The Doctor: Mark Ruffalo

Soundtrack: Swans

I want to see Joey Diaz as Gurney Halek.

>Lemme tell you sumthin paul atreides, theae fuckin fremen bitches, they'll sooka la mink like you wouldnt believe. An 'ney don spill a drop! A FUCKIN DROP!

Duke Leto

Ryan Gosling as Muad'Dib

Paul: Tye Sheridan
Jessica: Kate Beckinsale
Leto: Brad Pitt
Gurney: Liam Neeson
Duncan: Chris Hemsworth
Baron Harkonnen: Trump
Stilgar: Christian Bale

Are there even any big preteen actresses nowadays? Only ones I can think of aren't preteens anymore

Lady Jessica

A bearded christian bale as duke leto
lets fill this bitch up with /ourguys/


Hawat should be way older. He served the Duke's grandfather

Overdesigned as fuck and paul looks like a soyboy with that gay fucking hair. I thought he had thick black hair and blue eyes not a purple hitler nuyouth

>We want the "Aeon Flux" audience
>Say no more.