Who’s bright idea was this? Don’t they realize anime characters are white?

Who’s bright idea was this? Don’t they realize anime characters are white?

not all anime characters are white but in this case edward actually is canonically white in a universe that has white people and asian people clearly depicted as different. The motherfucker has blonde hair, that ONLY happens to white people.

>anime characters are white
Are there people out there actually this retarded?

The guy is pretty cute so I don't care.

Also will FMA be the most remade piece of modern fiction after the inevitable english live action remake?

Yeah, Hiring a good white actor that's fluent in japanese and look like the character seems like something that's in the budget of a nips flick, huh.

You didnt see the Attack on Titan movie, did you?

These movies are made by japs for japs. They didn't give a fuck about the national audience while making this cash grab.

>Blond hair
>Big ROUND eyes
>Pointy, slim angular noses
>Colored eyes

>not white

kill yourself, chink.

Name White actors who is fluent in Japanese to the main cast in a Japanese movie, user

>why is a Japanese movie made for Japanese to watch based on a Japanese managa using Japanese actors!?????


Wh*Te "people" are truly pathetic

>reddit's board shit on it for being weird and a case in which they really should've went with caucasian actors
>Sup Forums defends the nonsense

I used to have a crush on him after watching Tantei Gakuen Q
He was so cute

>Reddit complains about anime adaptions
>Sup Forums doesn’t care

Yeah we are the pathetic ones totally, chang

Isnt the country of fma supposed to be like germanic pre war inspired?

misrepresenting there.
reddit was hyped for the movie which is why the shit is upvoted but hates the japs in it.
the weebs on Sup Forums however...

Japanese is a very isolationalist country, they make those anime live action movies solely for the purpose of letting Japanese to watch
And it’s not like anyone in the West would watch it

>kill yourself chink

>posting a Swedestani fag to disprove me

lmao'ing rn

>enter every black panther thread to shit on black people for feeling pride at a fictional country
>bitch on Japanese for not making a fictional country full of white people
Can't make this shit up.

In this case, it was fucking stupid.

>the one time casting a white guy as a character makes sense and this hapoens

Did you forget attack on titan?

Wh*Toids are in their death spiral. I feel bad for laughing at them

Japanese people genuinely think they are white

He also has gold eyes, which doesn't happen to any people.

This or Atleast they wish they were
I can’t wrap around why they would draw their anime characters to look exactly like caucasoids

Edward is white though. This takes place in Germany

Light Hazel
Whereas non whites ony have brown hair and brown eyes
Stay mad shitskin

>enter every black panther thread
Well you should stop doing that

Take your pills

>Sup Forums and /vg/ tourist
Jesus christ
Star Wars 8 is finished and game of thrones isn't back until next year

You're not welcome here anymore


>light hazel
No dumbshit, he has gold eyes just like his father, who comes from Xerxes where people had eyes like that.
The FMA verse has fictional ethnicities, like Ishvalan's who have red eyes.

white boys SEETHING

It doesn't really matter if he is japanese or white. The film cut out all the plot lines where races play a role like Ishval


>posts on /vg/ and Sup Forums
What was it like getting bullied for being too white by the type of subhuman you're roleplaying as?

What's his name?

She's talking about the big BLACK AFRICAN American English teachers. Not pencil necks. Sorry honey

Yamada Ryosuke

Mickey Rooney

>African American English teachers
lol implying those exist

He was good in Assassination Classroom.

so is it shit?

Japan is all about asian washing.

Yeah I heard it’s actual dog shit

how do you even know what boards he posts on

>in a world of magic and alchemy, one user is too autismal to accept blonde hair on non-whites

He is probably one these types

>waaaahhjhh why isn’t this Japanese movie made for Japanese audience casting us white actors?

So Sup Forums is literally the same as the SJW and journists

Just turn your brain off bro. It's just a movie.

>Mikasa is the only asian character in manga
Where was the buzzfeed outrage?

Don't kick the wh*Toids while they're down, they're already a minority in their own countries. Have some honor you heartless niggers.

>>Big ROUND eyes
Funny enough in Detective Conan this is used specifically to distinguish a character as Asian. Anime isn't a good measuing stick for racial qualities and doing so is stupid. That being said, Edward is white.

Shut it gook

Do Japanese even make cinema anymore or is it all shitty manga and anime adaptations?

>dude why didn't they just cast a white actor fluent in Japanese for a movie aimed at Japanese audiences
>surely this Japanese woman that wrote this Japanese manga years ago meant for him to fit the definition of American white

I din't knew white people had yellow eyes

And yet this all happens on Sup Forums, so Sup Forums and by that, you people are complaining about it. Oouch!

Why are japanese fuckbois so cute?

>Do a movie about the first couple of arcs of FMA.
>Leave out Scar and King Bradley entirely.
>Add in half the end game from FMA as well.

Well there's antiporno by sion sono and after the storm by kore-eda

I'll say something that polfags and sjws have a hard time to understand, but it really doesn't matter all that much what the character's original ethnic was. Whatever looks good to each audience.

No they don’t. They only care about making money by misleading you weebs.

Japan is even worse than the West when it comes to live action anime adaptations.

Japanese make live action movies with European looking characters (Attack on titan, FMA), and Americans make live action movies where asian looking characters are white/black (Dragon ball, death note).

Well, I have blue eyes and black hair.

This is why anime is too good for Nips to handle. The US does a better job with their stuff like Voltron. Nobody would want to watch Orientals in the US.

His reasoning his autistic but the Elric brothers are white. German I believe

It's just Americans.
Americans are the ones obsessed by race. Couldn't expect otherwise from a country of mutts.

>only honkies can be blonde
>there are no good anime adaptations

sasuga Sup Forums

>Leave out King Bradley
>No Fuhrer King Bradley
This fucking shit flick is already shit by the look of it.


>this fucking thread in a nutshell

Great movie

Say how many FMA threads will have on Sup Forums the following days? I was planning to leave Sup Forums for a while after /got/ was banned but with the FMA thread recently, it will be very hard for me leave Sup Forums right now....shit

>only white have blonde hair

What is wrong with asian boys?

>Flat chested


Are there any Ishval in the movie?

My bros

>I was planning to leave Sup Forums
What kind of fucking plan do you need? Just close the stupid page you mong

>I was planning to leave Sup Forums for a while after /got/ was banned
why come to Sup Forums to browse reddit threads?

But threads like /got/, Stanley Kubrick, some Star Wars, Scorsese and interesting film threads are the reason why I’m still here and keep coming back, you dumd ape.

>He never read Gaijin Smash

>reddit threads
its always the same with you butthurted anti-reddit retards isn it . Reddit this reddit that yeah sure blame reddit for failure at life as well you fucking edgy spergs ! also /got/ cant be reddit, r/freefolk is.

Fuck off r*dditoid retard

Get cancer fucking 4channer mongloid asshole.

Well dubs confirms it. Edward Elric & King Bradley are bros 4 life.

This actually ruins the narrative. In the anime the flashbacks to when they were genociding the middle eastern people were in black and white except for the blue eyes and blond hair of all the soldiers in order to accentuate the racial motivation of the war.

Not even that user, but unironically leave this place forever.

Well, don't worry about that in the film. Ishval was barely touched. They only bring it up Roy fought in the war, like, once.

like I get that anime typically depicts Japanese people with European characteristics (ie a blonde hair blue eye boy named Haru or Kaito) and they're still supposed to be Japs not Whites, but Fullmetal Alchemist's setting is literally alternate universe Germany

They don't care though. They're Japanese people making movies for other Japanese people, nobody cares if they Nipponwash characters. If the audience even feels like the characters aren't supposed to be Japanese, I would bet plenty of the audience reads the characters as Japanese, simplistic cartoons can be read in a lot of ways.

>Blond hair
And colors that don't exist in nature.

>Big ROUND eyes
That don't actually look like real human eyes.

>Pointy, slim angular noses
That don't actually look like real human noses.

>Colored eyes
Including colors that don't exist in nature.

>not white
That's right.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums weebs

Yeah, it's just another sign of how low the West has fallen. The need to be patted on the head by the Japanese is in the same category as blacked porn and mass migration.