What did they mean by this?

what did they mean by this?

this mvoie was kino

name one good thing Will Smith has ever put his name to.

he is a talent vacuum

wild wild west

fresh prince, independence day, irobot, men in black...

dude makes fun dumb movies whats the problem

It was a dumpster fire and the critics were right. People have shit taste in movies.


Even youtube "analysts" can't critique this movie properly.

1. Wasn't a Disney movie
2. Will Smith (he's poison to critics unlike Boyega)
3. Makes "un-PC" jokes
4. On Netlix, which is now being hated by the media/critics since it makes them irrelevant

They meant that the only kind of racial discussion modern (((critics))) are interested in is one where a “proud” Orc who was trying to start a race war refuses medical treatment and dies saying, “Bury me in Mordor with my ancestors who jumped into Mount Doom, cuz they knew death was better than oppression.”

>4. On Netlix, which is now being hated by the media/critics since it makes them irrelevant

Brainwashed Sup Forums retards actually believe this.

You’re right. It wasn’t NetFlix that made them irrelevant. They did it to themselves over the course of the past two decades. Now they just lash out of it as a convenient target. The only NetFlix shows they “like” are the ones that pander either to nostalgia or their personal politics.

So in other words, pretty much just like all the rest of their reviews.

It was below average and the hivemind dogpiled it because it offended progressive orthodox with its sensible message about prejudice and discrimination.

So many plebes shilling for this trash. Orcs were basically spics/nogs but they got away with it with the PC police because Will Smith with black. This is literally will smiff’s EIGTH buddy cop movie. The elf was a Lelu rip off. And the end of the movie is the street guardians of the galaxy rip off, “ look Ma, I can touch the thing! “.

Will Smiff movies are trash for children

Seeing the different fantasy species as race analogs is pleb tier.

Max Landis can't write for shit

scuk my dick brainlet
my sperm has a higher iq than you

>oy vey we can't have netflix destroy the movie theater system we'll be out of jobs!

>but they got away with it with the PC police

No they didn't, the PC police hate it for those elements.

fuck you elf

>critics and audiences disagree over a will smith action movie
clearly it was the work of jews

Fresh Prince you faggot

Yeah? So what did the tonic represent in “mother!”?

I know. I laughed at it within the first ten minutes. It’s just so fantastically pretentious.

The setting was kino, CG was kino, acting was kino, but it was literally a 2 hour trailer for a TV series imo
It kept branching off into so many other characters and lore details and made it ultimately kind of empty

I’m totally fine with that really, given that it’s now known to be part of a series.

>watching a will smith movie

he looks like hed roofie you at a rave just to be able to suck your dick

>sensible message about prejudice and discrimination
Which was what exactly? Racism is bad? Really breaking new ground there. #brave

Amazing how simple everything always looks to retards.

That’s somewhere around half the total message, and it’s not even predominantly about race.

Yep, it's so simple that you can't just answer the question. Must be everyone else that's dumb.

and ur a cock vacuum you faggot

why did they have such high expectations for what was effectively a straight to video release, albeit one with a decent budget.

it was an enjoyable enough b/c-tier movie.

Racism is bad is a fucking no-brainer. The rest is that literally everyone harbors prejudice and it’s no more acceptable regardless of who holds it, and people in positions of power and wealth continue to play on them and keep people divided and distracted so that they keep their wealth and power.

First off, those are also no-brainers.

Secondly, the stuff about wealth and power is barely in the movie. The whole idea of elves being rich and running the world is mentioned but has no bearing on the plot whatsoever.

Keep fishing, faggot.

Plenty of bearing, considering both the Dark Lord and the guys trying to bring him back are all Elves, yet it’s the Orcs who are vilified, and this in spite of it being an Orc that stopped him.

That’s commentary on how it’s always the common man who has to take down the corrupt, but they’re always the scapegoat for society’s woes. It’s the poor. Always the poor.

It does make sense tho. Normies who are willing to get out of their house, drive to a theater and pay for a ticket want to make sure they're not wasting their time and money, so they look at places like rotten tomatoes and imdb as reassurance that other people and critics liked the movie. But if a movie is already out on netflix, you can just watch like 15 minutes and if it sucks you can just turn it off.
So bad reviews really shouldn't affect netflix movies as much as regular releases.

I mean, I liked it, but I know its bad.

i dont want to listen to classical music and symphonies all the time

sometimes you need a shitty pop song just to have a bit of fun, which is what this movie was