Name a worse Bond villain, you assholes

Name a worse Bond villain, you assholes



Remember when you posted a witty reply in a thread and it was instantly deleted? Me.

Remember when you posted a brilliantly witty rebuttal but the thread got immediately locked afterwards? That was me. Me.


The author of "All Your Pain".

When you posted something you thought was clever just to find someone had done it right before you? All me.

Remember when you were really thirsty and found a vending machine that wouldnt take your dollar because it was too wrinkkled so you went back to your car to grab change but it kept spitting out the last nickel for like 5 minutes then you finally got it to take it then instead of a water it gave you a diet ginger ale, which you hate? That was me.

Brad Whitaker, Gustav Graves, Dominic Greene

Literally who? I mean it

That time you bought the perfect present for a loved one, but when they opened it they didn't seem as excited about it as you thought they'd be? That was me, James


Remember when you were ceaning your AR15 and ecided to have a soda while you cleaned it and it was fizzed up and sprayed all over your rifle and the rail got all sticky and for the next month whenever it heated up it smelled like burnt soda? Me

None, he was the worst.

Remember when you made a good argument but I completely invalidated it by pointing out a typo? All me, James

That time the fresh roll of toilet paper tore in half because the square was stuck together? Me.

>bad guy
>middle aged white man with some sort of deformity

Giving based meta poster.

I think.

t. Not a brainlet

The Joss Whedon reshoots? That's right James, all me.

Did anyone else think the scene where Bautista snaps that dude's neck at the meeting was really dumb? All it proves is that he can kill an unarmed guy who wasn't expecting it and now they have 1 less international super assassin and a whole group of people afraid to participate in the meetings.

That's when I knew the movie was more about appearances than anything else.


Remember that time you wanted to spend some quality time with the girl you liked but a friend of hers you didn't know that well was there and never left and it only made you feel awkward because you felt you couldn't say what you really wanted to say? That's right James, I was that friend

when you spilled oatmeal and milk all over your desk this morning
it was me james

He's also a manlet.

Die another Day isn't canon. Everyone pretends it doesn't exist. Even Pierce Brosnan hates it.

You have ten seconds to name a scene in which the "bad guy has one of his subordinates killed on the spot for being mediocre, or to make a point" bit was played effectively.

protip: you can't

Remember when you bought a pizza and had it delivered and decided to keep playing MGR Revengeance instead of eating and when you got hungry you noticed that the pizza was not cut and since you had just moved the pizza cutter was in a box somewhere and you couldnt call the pizza place back because they already closed and you then tried to cut it with a knife but the knife was all shitty and it just mangled up the crust and you ended up with an amorphous blob of pizza crust, cheese and red stuff, so defeated you tried to microwave a burrito and the middle was still frozen and the edges were super hot so you begrudgingly ate half which wasnt enough to absorb those shaken not stirred martinis, so the next day you had a really bad hangover and totally blew your date with moneypenny? All me james.

Wait, I could swear I watched this in cinema yet I dont remember absolutely anything about it.

Was this the crazy media guy who had a super-secret undetectable ship and wanted to cause WW3 because NEWS?

Remember when she became distant.. eventually ghosting you.. All me.

>James Bond
>Ever even planning on going on a date with Moneypenny
lol, no


Brad Whitaker: The Living Daylights
Gustav Graves: Die Another Day
Dominic Greene: Quantum of Solace

Le Chiffre

Bait, unless you’re talking about the Peter Sellers/David Niven film

You're thinking of Tomorrow Never Dies

All of those USB phone charging cords that come undone at the base where it plugs into the phone and you have to wiggle it to get it to work and know that its going to stop workig soon, but you procrastinate ordering one on amazon until you have enough to get the free shipping over $35 because you were too cheap to buy prime, and then one day it finally stops working so your phone only has 13% charge and you have to ask around work to borrow a charger but nobody has one so you buy a shitty one from 711 that costs more than the ones on amazon and only works for like 2 weeks and the whole process begins again? I sabotaged those cords, James.

Remember that time you put a stripper clip in an SKS and the bolt slammed home on your thumb?

It was all me.

>It was Smee, James...

who was Smee? they never mentioned him anywhere else in the film.

It was a Hook reference

Remember when you forgot the name of the store that was formerly chucks?

Its Sneed's, James

No, this one was north korean gook who changed his looks and wanted to blast korean dmz with orbital solar gun. It's also one of the worst Bond movies overall with shitty theme by Madonna

The first half of Die Another Day is Brosnan's best tho

that madonna video was very fappable though. My mom was on her honeymoon at the time that it was popular and my cousin and her parents watched me and i distinctly remember 13yo me blowing several loads into my cousins panties while watching that music video after everybody went to sleep.

good times.

How did you not get caught

>everybody asleep
>watch music video on VH1

have you never fapped in a family members living room?

But you left your cum in the panties? She couldnt tell she had dried cum in her underwear?

they were dirty ones in the hamper. Just put them like one layer lower than the rest of the stuff. Its not like anybody examines used panties in the hamper.

except me lol

Vader choking out the Admiral. "Apology accepted."

That guy was a true hero


Remember when you were young and you did that embarrassing thing in front of everyone?
Oh, no I didn’t have anything to do with that, just thought I’d remind you James


Dude who had the bullet slowly moving through his head and it made him unable to feel pain

We're looking for bad villains. Not the best

Deformity, crazy laugh, hit list, criminal operation hidden behind a charity, medical boot.

what a fucking waste of christoph waltz

Remember how every time you go to take a piss, when you are done you shake out the last few drops, you put your cock away, but suddenly a drop of piss that you didn't shake out leaks into your unterhose? me

Remember when you had to solve several captchas in a row, struggling to find where the bridges ended and the roads began?