>One take, real-time kino depicting Breivik's massacre
Anyone else really interested in this movie? It's called "U - 22 July" internationally.
>One take, real-time kino depicting Breivik's massacre
Anyone else really interested in this movie? It's called "U - 22 July" internationally.
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What a gay name but Id watch it for laffs
gun control now
Only if they portray Brevik honestly as the hero we needed.
If it has a first person scene like in Doom movie I'll be interested.
So will Breivik depiction overpass Killmonger?
hopefully its better than the tdkr shooting film that came out recently
>One take
I hope it tops the hospital shoot out in Hard Boiled
based breivik
Villains who did nothing wrong general?
Breivik was a hero
Has a single mass shooter ever been in the wrong?
redpill me about the less known ones
I do feel Eric and Dylan deserve bonus points for inventing the whole concept.
Didn't the Columbus shooters entered the school with a Vulcan and machineguns, plus they bombed the school as well?
How the fuck did they only manage to kill 13? Was it because they spent too much time bullying each victim individually?
Because they're shrimpy white boys
Wow people in this thread are so heartless, very provoking to me, I feel offended, wow, Sup Forums really is a tough place
all of those are well known, at least on Sup Forums, which ones specifically?
he will barely be depicted at all, it's focusing almost purely on some of the victims.
killing future communists should give him a bonus
the Sup Forumsirgin
the /r9k/
the joker
those are literally whos, is the joker the guy that shoot up a cinema?
will it be as kino as this single take was?
it was based off of the montreal massacre
chart needs to be updated
yeah I was thinking of adding Omar Mateen for /lgbt/ and Randy Stair for either /mlp/ or Sup Forums
>Sup Forumsirgin
adam lanza, very famous imo. sandy hook. had some angsty forum posts. killed his mom first. just general loser.
cho. vtech shooting. maybe before your time. he was angry at the american lifestyle and rich spoiled kids, and got pissed when he got rejected by women. an entitled cunt. possible mentally ill/schizo.
>the joker
are you serious? he's the most famous one here. legit insane probably, google his diary/logbook.
they had made bombs, but they were fucking morons, so the bombs never went off
none of those are literally whos, you need to lurk moar underageb&
>adam lanza, very famous imo. sandy hook
I knew I recognized the lanza surname. Thanks
sandy hook never happened tho. Here is an image fresh from reddit, my home site
> google his diary/logbook.
will do, thanks
it amazed me how quickly they managed to rebuild columbine after Eric and Dylan set off that thermonuclear device.
>sandy hook never happened tho
watch out user, there is a dedicated team of internet shill that get butthurt when people say this
you're absolutely right though
that picture has been debunked numerous times, stop falling for Sup Forums shit. but yes you should look up his diary, it's literally the diary of a madman, even with repeating words over and over again. also it's where mde got their logo.
well, the world peace logo anyway. Like with the rest of the title cards it all got digitally cleaned up/removed from the live broadcast.
This is the movie we should get but it's going to be something sappy instead
you're a huge faggot tho
How fucking tasteless can we get?
i think at best they only had a shotgun and semi automatic weapons. they made propane boms from shitty internet guides but they didn't work. they spent most of their time wandering around throwing shitty pipebombs that didn't explode before getting tilted by the police and then they just shot themselves
the boss is missing
what board would he be?
Sup Forums obviously
Its an amazing well executed take but..
>Shooter's AR15 has backwards carry handle/iron sights
>bullets are deflected or stopped by fucking aluminum racks and particle wood
>a cop has clear shot but doesn't take it (?)
>cops constantly miss clear shots on a non-moving target at across the room distances
About 30 people are killed in Norway annually.
With Breivik's 77 in 2011 it jumped to over a hundred.
He basically tripled the homicide rate in Norway by himself.
Sup Forums's already taken
Needs Sup Forums killer. The Lepine one is wrong. Why the fuck is he /soc/? He was an anti feminist who only killed women
whats a montreal massacre
merican here
i think it's /soc/ here
had a bit of an issue with women afaik
No because then people would sympathize with him.
Post yfw they do a single shot take where /our guy/ massacres commies in the background and the sappy main character desperately hides and tries to aide her commie friends.
Updated to include Paddock
He killed Marxists, not people.
inb4 not a single line from his manifesto to not make him too relatable for viewers
Watched it this morning. 6/10 at best. One take doesn't mean automatically good direction. Some tense momment here and there but that's about it. I found the premise better than the execution.
you should add "brony" to Randy Stair's psychology
It all takes place on the island. Nothing outside of that. It wouldn't make sense to include his manifeso
In Berlin? Is it gory? Do they show Breivik?
Yes. Only a couple of scenes cos it's realistic. No, or barely a silhoutte near the end.
>police running in action hero style to take out a shooter before he has run out of ammo and finished killing everybody he wanted to
lol what a fantasy world. Name a single shooting where any of the murders have EVER been interrupted by the cops taking the guy down.
sounds really fucking pointless other than to go "oh how horrible"
who knows. you cant interrupt a murder that hasn't happened yet.
nice truck attack, guy had guns and grenades in his truck
This better show my man Anders watching vampire kino like detailed in his manifesto or I'll be really, really upset. Like Damon Salvatore upset.
Was he in fact one of us Sup Forums?
>cuff wrong kid
>hears shots
>leave him there laid out pronebone style in handcuffs on the ground
lol why isnt that kid screaming at the top of his lungs to be freed?
>can't interrupt a murder attempt in progress
The point is that SOP for cops in these situation is to wait until they hear a complete interruption of gunfire before going in because they don't actually want to be running into the line of fire.
That's a slightly different situation, the guy was sitting in an exposed position which they had a clear line of sight on. The bumblefuckery they made of bataclan and that jewish super market are better displays of how SWAT cops are basically unwilling to risk their own hides for the unarmed victims inside a cramped environment.
Marc Lepine was /r9k/ incarnate. Moreso than Elliot even.
>U - 22 July
>"the movie is made with as little focus as is possible on 'he who should not be named' "
Lmao do the Norwegians literally treat Breivik as if he were Voldermort?
Atleast we have the Paul Greengrass version coming soon
>not Sup Forums
>implying I wanna watch some shit about N*rwe*ians
So is a large part of the movie just this girl hiding very far away from the carnage? You'd think if you wanted to capture the scope of the attack and the victims experiences you would linger around the site where he blew away like half the people he killed for a while.
A lot of the people they shot didn't die. Also the incident was based on a strange power/revenge fantasy going back over a year that somehow manifested itself into reality. After going in the library and shooting a bunch of people they got disillusioned probably as the initial adrenaline rush wore off and they realized they were just edgy faggots. After wandering around aimlessly in the cafeteria and found they failed at building bombs they just went back and an heroed
Elliot is /o/. He's the hero we need to combat bimmerfaggots.
>based mass shooters
smells like summer in here
>life shouldn't exist
Sup Forums should be the Boston Bomber desu
>Bon Jovi
Yes. To not give him more exposure
You should build a statue of him you dumb norwenyans
why are terrorists attack mixed with these? Terrorist attacks aren't cool.
But you realize that is retarded for the same reason that nobody speaking Voldermorts name in Harry Potter's world was supposed to be retarded, right? The whole nation knows who he is.
>"the movie is made with as little focus as is possible on
Sounds like BS. Sure it's still remarkable for a large number of children to be killed together, but aren't Breivik and his motivations (which seem rather unique when compared to the jihadist terrorists he drew inspiration from) and chosen course of action what set these events apart? Isn't he the very basis or spine of this story?
Sure you could honor the lives he brutally ended by showing those before, during and post Breivik's killing spree but at least one documentary has already done this with several kids and I see little value in actors playing this out when documentaries already did a better/perfect job. Hell, I'd go as far as to say it would be sensationalizing the tragedy, loss and suffering of so many and if the proceeds would go anywhere but to the victims/next of kin I'd call it a tasteless cash grab.
>You should build a statue of him you dumb norwenyans
Why is that again?
post more /shooter/ kino
saved your country from corruption
Yes. The camera follows only one character during 70 minutes.
Im Norwegian. The director is good, but he literally said in an interview recently something to the extent of "Neo-nazism is on the rise in Europe, and thats why this film is important. We must never forget our history". So you already know its not going to even try to be objective; it will be leftist, anti-right and emotionally manipulative, a Norwegian Schindler's List
He single-handedly wiped out a new generation of marxist nation-wreckers. You should name a holiday after him.
>Neo-nazism is on the rise in Europe
>saved your country from corruption
It's not my country and no he didn't. What he did was kill a bunch of defenseless unarmed kids who may of may not have been on a political youth camp set up to groom them for leading positions in the social democratic party of Norway, which in my humble opinion would in no way justify them being shot dead with an assault rifle. But hey, who am I.
>He single-handedly wiped out a new generation of marxist nation-wreckers.
And lit the spark in countless others to take their places with even more motivation to abolish borders and end all nations.
What is your point?
A terrorist massacres teenagers because of their political beliefs and you're bitching about the fact that the film won't take into account Breiviks hurt feelings?
>who may of may not
Sounds like you know exactly what they were doing and why they died. Stop baiting, find something more fun to waste your time on, kid. Pick up a videogame and enjoy yourself.
And you are bitching about the feelings of an anonymous person on the internet. Seek help, he is right.
Those "countless others" deserve to be shot too. The problem is that not even of them are being killed.