Any good movies about female loneliness? It seems like most movies approach loneliness from a male perspective for some reason (Taxi Driver, Her, etc).
Any good movies about female loneliness...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying she hasn't gotten spit roasted
Most of Sasha Grey's filmography.
didnt she get raped by her brother or something?
lonely? I bet that bitch is the subject of countless incest threads on this website right now. She is fucking her brothers, not nobody
t. california trash
degeneracy hasn't entrapped everyone just yet
Inb4 pol9k says women can’t be lonely
>female loneliness
doesnt exist.
all she has to do is walk into a bar and shout "who wants to fuck me?". instantly got 50 boyfriends.
I guess Rachel Ray's character in True Detective was pretty lonely but you'll never find a Synecdoche, New York with a female lead.
Happiness, and every other Todd Solondz movie
Females can't be lonely unless they are horribly ugly or old
So watch movies about old women
>Any good movies about female loneliness?
why make a film about something that doesn't exist?
even the ugliest most disgust fat skank can get a boyfriend, there is some male desperate enough for any hole.
>two weeks
doesn't mean she's not lonely
What about girls like the fat girl in Lady Bird? God knows there are a lot of them in life and they seem to have it as bad as boys. The mean of the bell curves might be shifted to the right for women, but there are still people with all the range of experiences on both sides.
well, there are also films about racism
>movies about female loneliness
look in the sci-fi section
more like 2 years
>tfw no autist gf
That family is so fucked up. How much incest do you think is happening in that house rn?
what an ugly kitchen and who the fuck engraves the wood with a quote of any kind? you're basically giving your kitchen a tattoo
Do documentaries count?
jews don't benefit from portraying women as unhappy in the current climate though
Like pottery.
Lost in translation
>An OFFICIAL FB account for your family
>That shit above the stove
Imagine being trapped in a Christcuck reality show. How terrifying.
I wanna cuddle that fivehead.
underrated post, not simply for the comedy
Castaway on the Moon
>engraves the wood
It's printed on particle board. Shit take a close look at your cabinetry sometime.
>jews don't benefit from white people's misery
that's where you're wrong kiddo
Noriko's Dinner Table
my kitchen isn't wood colored because that's just real fucking boring
I Olga.
they need to present the current modern woman as the most liberated and happy being of all. The only way they would ever present women as unhappy is in a twisted propaganda piece set before the 1960s. you know I'm right
Loved this move but what does a killer car have to do with female loneliness? Artie was lonely, not Leigh.
>two weeks
those are rookie numbers
>two weeks
My job requires no human interaction. Before having this girl over the other day it had been 4 weeks no human contact. I'm sure some of you faggots are way worse haha
5 years here.
But the guy from the liquor store doesn't count.
true desu
as if having 19 kids isn't degenerate itself
If we're not counting service personnel, guess it was 5 weeks ago when my friend visited.
That feels like years ago now.
>creating many children is degenerate
lol, kill yourself
What's the movie where Eva Green's husband dies and then she wants to fuck her son or whatever?
>An OFFICIAL FB account for your family
That's the family that had a show on TLC or whatever about having a big family until it came out one of their sons molested his little sister or something.
I went to the pub last night to celebrate my mate finishing his PhD. Last time I was out before that was New Years.
He meant white children.
>they need to present the current modern woman as the most liberated and happy being of all
they do exactly that but that representation is a lie and anyone who tries to copy that life style ends up in misery
Grey Gardens, you fucking plebs.
He's right, men value vaginas, so long as you have a vagina you have access to male companionship be it through beta orbiters fuck buddies or boyfriends.
>they do exactly that but that representation is a lie and anyone who tries to copy that life style ends up in misery
yeah no shit
I don't watch those trainwrecks so I didn't know. But I TOTALLY called the Christcuck thing. Am researching.
See kids, you want to know something, you Google it instead of waiting to be spoonfed.
They're all fucking each other
they had each other
>have no friends
>have trouble finding a job
>don't go to school
>only social interaction I have is whenever a social worker/home health worker comes to visit my grandparents
>the one thing that keeps me from killing myself is that I haven't owned my own motorcycle yet
t. mad virgin who will never have kids
which brings us to my initial point that the jews want our misery
Right, I never watched it but I assume it fits the theme of this thread.
>Tfw no gf to nurse me and drink from her nice milkers
What's the point lads
I still feel so sad for her
10 years. I fucked off to Siberia.
D.W.Griffith was truly /ourguy/
you guys clearly didn't have sisters
Odd Girl Out is one that Kristen Stewart one where she is raped is another and Cyberbully I guess even though it's just a copy of Odd Girl Out
Pan's Labyrinth.
A Bride for Rip Van Winkle
I have two sisters and there isn't a single good movie that accurately portrays female loneliness.
Stop posting your gook garbo that nobody ever watched or will watch.
Nigger, do you know what loneliness means? Company alone isn't enough to curb it
/r9gay/ does it again.
dw user now with the she movement and the niggers taking over, its only a matter of time until everything is done for women and not for men.
perkele, what a qt wish i was there with her
Shit movie. You try to act smart liking it but you are the brainlet.
What job?
Female loneliness is a choice, male loneliness is not. Most shut-in, slovenly, fat, and awkward men with a drawer full of piss bottles would be thrilled to date a woman who lives in that exact same manner and condition. A female in that condition would look at a male in her exact same condition and say "Ewww he's gross, why would I ever fuck or date him, he's such a pig," followed by either explicitly stating that she could "do better" or at the very least silently believing so (even if she is indeed one of the rare cases where no man above her station would lower himself to fuck her - or probably even go the extra mile and be her actual boyfriend). In fact, a not so small population of men might find her behavior and demeanor to be cute, with some even having an explicit fetish for such a fat, slobby, and unkempt woman.
inb4 but having unpaid consensual sex doesn't mean you are not lonely!
>he went out on New Year's
>he has a "mate"
When's Limmy gonna burst in to teach us about free wa'ah?
>that shit over the stove
fucking white people
>two weeks
the only interactions I've had in the last 3 years has been with autists on this shithole
>Most shut-in, slovenly, fat, and awkward men with a drawer full of piss bottles would be thrilled to date a woman who lives in that exact same manner and condition
Are you kidding? Those creeps can't get women because they think they deserve way better than they do.
Can I get a quick rundown
You have to have a soul to feel lonely, so no.
Spotted the roastie.
>wahhh I'm a mediocre gook actress everyone thinks is beautiful and amazing and all the guys want me and all the women envy me wahhh I'm rich and privileged in every way and a homewrecker why can't I find a man who loves me except I did but then I left him wahhhh