Guys I have proof the Mandela Effect is real. I found evidence that it used to be Gabriel and not Garfield.
Mandela Effect Real
There was alternates for the whole show.
The fuck is that supposed to be? The food.
Enchiladas. Garfield ate lasagna, Gabriel ate enchiladas.
john is an even bigger faggot in this version
Dammit OP now there is an actual dimensional reality with this shitty show. Thanks OP.
Gabriel is a cat that says funny things
If it were the Mandela effect, there wouldn't be any proof that it was different. The Mandela effect is when you supposedly have residual memories from a timeline that no longer exists.
Glitch in reality. Normally things would likely change in the briefest moment something isn't remembered. Its from the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, if it is no longer observed then it only exists in a state of probability until it is observed again. The first thought was mistaken as Garfield instead of Gabriel and so then that reality was quantified. Quantum effects allow for things to survive. Usual its a memory that survives but physical things can survive. It derives from superposition. In that case a particle placed in a box has the probability of existing outside of the box. In the Mandela, usually memories and sometimes objects can exist outside of the reality that ceased to be.