Beetlejuice, is Earth a planet?

Beetlejuice, is Earth a planet?

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could be could be

sometimes i does it

I want to get hot with the women. I'm a badass man. I got a big head, and I got a big ass penis. I am 87 years old, I weigh 280 lbs. You fuck with me, you die. I fuck 24 hours a day, 11 days a week. I like abortion, it is good. It makes me horny with all these bitches. I will pay the people of New York a million dollars, they pay $24 in taxes. I can pay it and I can get laid. I do dangerous shit you never seen me do before. Everybody go to school for 44 years. I will bury that ass. I will beat the shit out of that asshole. I can beat that ass and I can win but I can still beat that ass and win. I am the man with the plan. I do fucking drugs every day. Kids can do drugs. Faggots should do drugs. Bitches and whores, if they want to get drugs and get high, hey I got all the shit they want to use. Senator Beetlejuice, if you come to my office I will hook you right up. I am Beetlejuice baby.

Haha he's making fun of a retarded person that's so edgy and hilarious.


He literally made those people stars

*triggers you*

>Robin interrupts funny conversation with retarded female ape noises

>Here's a request, weird as can be,
>Darling Tara please throw up on me.
>You start to retch and I get hot,
>Vomit baby all you've got.
>Puke it up from deep within,
>Splattery flattery on my skin.
>Nipples dripping with your bile,
>I'm a true emetophile.
>Another hurl begins to rise,
>Barf between my eager thighs.
>I love to hear you heave and shunder,
>Makes me cum like midnight thunder!

she destroyed Howard's soul

>shits in you diaper


I legit miss him, bros

who me?

I cried during his tribute show

beetljuice? I havent heard that name in years

quick rundown?

>mention singer of Incubus is attractive
>Stern thinks he looks like him
>Pressly says maybe but you got hit with the jewish stick i.e. big nose
>Stern loses it


Fuck Eric

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Nah man.

Eric the gay actor

He went on about this for weeks, and it came up for years whenever she was brought up. Stern's most embarassing case of being able to dish it but not take it.

>Go have sex with Jesus Christ, you faggot

what did he mean by this?


andy dick did it better