Maggie's death confirmed

maggie's death confirmed.

>leaving one of the biggest shows for some network shit that will get cancelled.

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Aaaah fuck i want her back on Supernatural

Doesnt TWD kill off characters before they can command big money?

she is TRASH

she really does belong be fucking cowboys

Her character on Supernatural was terrible.

wow the plot of this network show involves law enforcement what a unique idea

>“Whiskey Cavalier,” written and executive produced by Dave Hemingson, is described as a high-octane hour-long action dramedy that follows the adventures of tough but tender FBI super agent Will Chase (Scott Foley) who, following an emotional break-up, is assigned to work with badass CIA operative Francesca “Frankie” Trowbridge (Cohan). Together, they lead an inter-agency team of flawed, funny, heroic spies who periodically save the world (and each other) while navigating the rocky roads of friendship, romance and office politics.

about time this fucking show started falling apart

>bailing out of a show that's failing more with every passing episode while she's still attractive enough to land other roles
Smart move

Why no deep fakes of her?

maggie is too pure do not do this, it is very rude

I'm totally sure TWD film schedule must be hectic and demanding for her 5 scenes a season.

danai about to leave this shitshow for the mcu too. she was hardly in the first half of s8

norman and andrew need to bail too. andrew could be reed richards and norman could be wolverine.

la muerte goblina

rick is next

>maggie's death
Finally, I can't stand her stupid fake accent

anything to get out of twd at this point

i want to know whos great idea it was to take maggies very cute long hair, cut it off, and make her look like the bitchy soccer mom that lives down the street

Canceled after half a season.


Norman Reedus is being groomed to be Johnny Blaze.

They probably killed her off already and she just found a new job. Everyone already guessed she dies in child birth.

Source: I direct the show.


>Everyone already guessed she dies in child birth.
lmao didn't these hacks already do this once?

>Scott Foley

>still thinking the Walking Dead is a big show

>follows the adventures of tough but tender FBI super agent Will Chase


Imagine being a fucking network executive.

>OK everyone walking dead is a huge success what should we do
>just kill everyone, kill every fucking person

>Imagine being a fucking network executive.
and to have lauren cohen suck your cock for a role in some shit show that won't even last a season. roastie btfo

good question

your face is terrible

>tough but tender
>flawed, funny, heroic
>rocky roads
I guess all of this is ironic and it's an all out comedy. Or it's the most retarded show ever and will be gone after two episodes

lmao i thought you were trolling but that's actually a quote from the studio. RIP in peace network TV

I hope she does lots of panty scenes like Yvonne Strahovski in Chuck!

I don't like Scott Foley...

>to describe a guy

Make millions every year while not ever having to do anything hard? Oh no sounds terrible