Trumps own internal polling is showing same results as Nate Silvers - Its OVER

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Five bucks says that Trump isn't listening to the internal polling and will have an outright meltdown, live on TV, like Karl Rove in 2012.


let me guess - "(((sources))) close to the campaign say"
didn't click fuck you

trump's internal polling must be rigged against him.

Trumps internal polling matching up with Nate Silvers - and he's spending 100k a week to do this when he could just click on 538's website

Trumps chances of winning were at 12% 4 or 5 days ago. Now it's up to 20%.

Wow, he has her right where he wants her.

I'm sorry, but did Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet.

congratulations Sup Forums you've done it again

see you guys in 4 years when we can do this all over again