Sup Forums gets FUCKED

Sup Forums gets FUCKED


>I will kill you if you say something I disagree with
Wow the left are so level-headed

>doesn't refute any of the opposition's points
>might makes right
careful, ned

>star wars
Where's the Black Panther version?

it's hilarious that roastie posers think it makes you a mega #nerd to like star wars. Star wars is shit and everyone is just looking and laughing.

Every fucking day the same pic you are creative op

She makes a good point

Only a shit deals in absolutes

>Makes valid arguments
Was this written by an 8 year old?

You can just tell the creator is a leftist who guzzles soy

Good post.

So much for the tolerant left

No way this comic isn't drawn behind 20 layers of irony.
Am I supposed to sperg about this?

wait wait... so her argument was only winnable when she...
had a schizophrenic hallucination?

I always just assumed this was drawn by a woman but I guess it's some loser guy that self-inserts as a woman

And here's the creator.

>balding guy with beard and a Star Trek shirt
That guy looks like a Berniebro, lmao

Star wars has always been shit. I mean, mass-produced for the goys kind of shit. You just see it now because you're finally waking up to the fact that your (((television))) and your (((government))) are owned by the same (((people))). The fact this comic exists/thread was made, is proof that their divisionists tactics work. And that they're profitable.

It's always been like this. It didn't started when disney bought it. And it will probably never stop because you can't preach to the dumb

This comic has to be satire and not a single (You) will convince me otherwise

All hail Winchad

Weapons grade Soy.


>thinking people like this don't exist
I'm actually jealous of your naivety

Sup Forums BTFO!

It clearly is


is this the guy who made the comic about how its awesome his wife doesn't want to have sex with him and how its cool to listen to your wifes boundaries?


Would have been smarter if they pointed out the alt-right's talking points about her being a Mary Sue are completely made up.

>the left is one person

Psh...nothin personnel...kid


Its not like Sup Forums doesnt wish death upon billions for mundane reasons

when will cultural marxist just fuck off and die?


I came on just to post this thread

Holy shit are they all like this?

>Sup Forums

how did you find out that she is the left? nothing left about her at all. neither right for that matter. the left living rent free in your head.

You mean filled with hard hitting social commentary? Yes!

This makes me want to cut myself

i love these threads where we just make fun of retarded comics

libcucks are the ones that start this shit first and have it infesting unis
For Sup Forums it's just memeing

>Ugh why would he expect me to say thank you I'll just kill him

the only funny one is the star wars one

Pretty sure the comic is meant as a joke

this lazy excuse for bait doesn't deserve a (You)

It's not really funny but there's at least the structure of some kind of joke there


>For Sup Forums it's just memeing
it was 3 years ago

>gets so mad about weight loss that they cause physical harm
If they were that motivated to jog they'd be at a healthy size

>About time the Jedi Knight boys club gets a girl! Fucking misogynist nerds!
>who is Meetra Surik
>who is Bastila Shan
>who is Shaak Ti
>who is Ahsoka Tano
>who is Depa Billaba
>who are Tiplar and Tiplee
>who is Leia Organa
>who is Jaina Solo
The only reason there aren’t prominent female Jedi is that Disney declared them non-canon.

Her dad was about two seconds from being brutally murdered.


>there aren’t prominent female Jedi is that Disney declared them non-canon.

Are they all tongue-in-cheek? The "this is justified" part seems a bit too much.

I wish female midgets would attack me at random.

she didn't make a counterargument

>the straw man yells out ‘I was wrong!’ as he’s beaten

This is next level stuff.


Her dad's a literal Communist

Even this fucking comic has a white girl dressed as Han Solo, showing that you can like a character across identity politics’ lines.
Speaking of which, why are none of the kids white?

This will be the world we live in until we wake up to cultural marxism and its perpetrators

isn't the point that he describes anakin but doesn't realize it because hes male?

I mean its wrong because Anakin worked on ships and tech for his slave sentence and the first sith lord he fought cut his hands off.

>someone is changing language to be entirely gender-inclusive
>that Nazi deserves death


>This will be the world we live in until we wake up to cultural marxism and its perpetrators
Not really. Liberals are allergic to blood and violence because they are misogynistic and toxic. The comics are distilled delusion and (ironically) power fantasies.

Why are none of the kids non-white, I mean

i like how she starts getting nervous in the second panel because she knows she's losing the argument

he's right though, even though he soyed his point

Haha, what the fuck

Hahaha I do everything ironically so you can't judge me haha I did it IRONICALLY LOL

>movies being utter shit is fine if they got blacks

This triggers me the most.

I'm guessing it's "Pretentious prog rock (Brave new world gets a pass)" styx and not "Pretentious glorious 70s synths" styx.

I think this cartoonist doesn't know that the Star Trek fans and Star Wars fans are completely different types if people. Is this done on purpose? I really dont see how it makes it more effective to have the Guy attacking Nu-Wars always wearing something Star Trek. Maybe I'm just missing something. All my friends who are into trek are perfectly fine with Nu-wars because women are not threatening and over on the Trek side we love people of all colors. Really, different colored people is like the whole gimmick of the show.

she didn't make a counterargument

like it's not nitpicking, they've been lifting plot elements and scenes almost whole from the ot instead of making their own stuff. and even if you think "representation" is important, what's the upshot of women/"people of color" representing their way through the death of the franchise? what's the message there, "let women and minorities into the stuff you like and they'll 100% ruin it"? it matters that women be leads in things that are good. will smith did more for representing black people than anyone the clickbaiters have been flipping their shit about this year by just being in good movies and being a likable guy.

and even in the idealized universe of the comic where the writer is playing both sides and can have the villain say anything to set the writer up and the writer has all the time in the world to come up with the perfect response, it just doesn't happen. the upshot is that the dissenter will be beaten into compliance.


Is this a meta post?

So thats the official tumblr thread ? Muh we need to rage about something lets lurk on tumblr and post pics from there.
You guys should really stay there.

But why is he wearing a Trek shirt? What dis he mean by this? Trek fans are as knuckle dragging as Wars fans? Is that realistic?

I can smell the soy from here. Leftists are cancer

does anyone have a screencap of when the author tweeted some other guy who was more famous and then the more famous guy said he couldnt condone his art?

he intentionally left out the part where all the women body builder extras said they liked the second costumes more because it showed off their bodies. Leftist are weirdo puritans who hate sex and are scared of it.

How is it that I can tell he is a liberal just by looking at him?


>For Sup Forums it's just memeing

Not now. Maybe Sup Forums a year or so before the election. It's a chore to find any laughs there anymore. It's all race debating, Nazi circlejerks, and /PTG/s.

>midriffs are sexist now
what a time to be alive

There was absolutely no point or pay off to that comic. What a waste of the 15 minutes it took to make. Jesus.

It's sexist to demand actresses get in shape and exploitative to hire actresses who are already in shape.

Well, his mouth is closed. That's a start.

This guy has some weird issues.

Leftists are scientifically proven to be weaker cowardly men.

These are all ironic right?

if there is even the slightest possiblity that a man while be sexually attracted to it, then its sexist.

Are these authentic? Or is this Sup Forums haffin a laff?



Skimpily dressed warriors ruin immersion.