>Google removes View Image option from Google Images
>At request of Getty Images
>Sup Forums's Robert posting is responsible for this
topkek. Also what's your favourite cinema snack?
>Google removes View Image option from Google Images
>At request of Getty Images
>Sup Forums's Robert posting is responsible for this
topkek. Also what's your favourite cinema snack?
Other urls found in this thread:
popcorn freshly cut from the mines
Cookie Dough Bites
What's the story with google images?
For me it's crab legs. The best kinohause snack.
>trying to find an image
>it's hosted on imgur
>on a reddit thread
literally impossible to find it. holy shit i hate jewgle
>What's the story with google images?
OP literally explained it on the first two lines
>click image
>right click image
>copy url
>paste straight into explorer
There are workarounds like this and others but it was shit decision, been salty about it all week.
So these kikes actually think that now we're gonna buy gettyimages? Are these people insane?
doesn't always work
just use bing senpaitachi
Who /bing/ here
>Open image
>right click
>open image in new tab
>use that to kinopost with
Please remember that the no singles policy is still in effect.
>want to get image
>it's on fucking pinterest
Chinkmoot can we add Bing reverse image search to the little triangle search list please
>crtl f
>.jpg (next, next, etc)
>alt f4
>open icognito window
>open jdownloader
And my falcon?
nice thumbnail retard
too many steps.
FUCK that's annoying, because they switched the "view image" button with "save image" which is then saved/bookmarked on your google account.
anyway you can usually just right click and view image anyway.
>doing all of that shit every time you want to save an image
There's already a addon on chrome store that fixes this. There's probably one for firefox too, but I haven't checked.
I fucking hate this shit.
How's Bing images?
>crtl f
>.jpg (next, next, etc)
>alt f4
>open icognito window
>open jdownloader
>google xvideos downloader online
>open bing on firefox
>copy url
>paste url on firefox
>download chrome image viewer extension
>same for firefox
>used to run lewd site
>almost all traffic from google images
>google introduces "view image" button a month into it
>traffic drops to about a tenth
>work hard on site anyway
>make some money
>close down site due to not having enough time
>google kills "view image" button two months later
Why even bother with this gay life?
There are extensions the readd the button on all browsers you cucks. Just install one of em.
>anyway you can usually just right click and view image anyway.
Yeah, usually. Seems like you just get a thumbnail a good third of the time that way.
thats your problem faggot
if i dont have to go on a site to see images im not gonna bother
i use icognito
for real tho, i want that specific image, not search for it in a page of 20 random porn shit (sometimes literally random of different girls) or several thumbnails
>i use icognito
You can enable extensions on incognito, dumbass
>downloads thumbnail
thanks ma dude
Interface is a bit clunky by comparison, there's a lot of unused space that they could use to present the results instead of squishing them in there on the right
Your pet will have to remain in the lobby, sir. I'm afraid we've had to use all the cages for the Black Panther showings. As such, I cannot permit a solo entry into the viewing areas.
so... now you can put it back up?
>women ruin internet for 89732492386th time
This, fuck pinterest, I'm not making an account
Bing is literally FULL of CP. Like holy shit. You search for normal shit and you're bound to see some sick shit.
fucking THIS
google automatically filters out pornography anyone making finding source impossible.
How long until Google removes the whole image search?
There's more zoophilia for me, fuck that shit I just wanted to find an image of a horse, not a horse fucking some roastie
>all the retards itt
Just use a "add on to restore the View image" function, literally just google it.
You can literally right click and click open the image in a new tab
>they also removed the ability to search for different sizes of the same images
suck my dick jews
too much work
>right click
>open image in new tab
no they didnt, your pic has 'show different sizes'
a few years ago, when i tried to access direct image links from pinterest through google searches, i got a message from my isp that the domain was blocked by my country due to child pornography. that was weird.
it was this type of url s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com
just access denied now.
>using google
no they didn't
1 click vs 3 clicks
wow I'm retarded nevermind
But I can still view images the same as I always have
>right clicking to open up new tab
>not using the mouse wheel
You need to check if it's a thumbnail first faggot.
>worried about google but still on Sup Forums
Oh my god
Does this guy have an actual fucking PC, like with the tower and everything?
Haha what the fuck
Because Google is attempting to minimize clicks to unverified websites. It's why if you search a query now, you'll get an answer to your query instead of just links.
t. does 3rd party work on Google's and Bing's search engines
mouse wheel opens the link, not the image
I know right, what a caveman XD *selfies*
where, because i don't see the 'view same' image on google image search anymore
They got rid of the search image by size button too
don't think i've even seen one since highschool lol
And people say Sup Forums is wrong about the jews. Sup Forums is ALWAYS right. Fuck (((gettyimages)))
Sup Forums is always right 1% of the time
>you'll get an answer to your query
just press the home button and the power button at the same time you cretins
I use Bing.
100% ya (((fag)))
Honestly at this point if you don't hate the Jews you just aren't paying enough attention
>View Image option
who even uses this function? Mentally handicapped?
>Google removes View Image option from Google Images
This upset me so much you have no idea.
Like if you search "Bill Gates net worth" you use to get links that you have to click on to get your answer. Now the search algorithm pulls the answer from the 3rd party site right into the search results, so the other site doesn't get a click.
Hello, moot
damn beat me to a similar post
Enjoy having all your info stolen by the guy who made the addon.
>friends make fun of me for using 'old man facebook'
>just got the page zoomed in a lot since I hate wasted space
oh right got ya
sometimes its only there
or tumblr...fuck creating an account on there
what 'all info' would be accessible to him?
>on your google account
that's not really a thumbnail size, it's usually the original size unless the image is large. but it's always enough for 4chodoijfn
yes goy, clock Add now. click it. now.
people said it's still an option but i don't see it. a shame because it was fantastic for finding high res pictures that normally you'd only see at ant size, AND if you dug hard enough you'd end up finding a whole gallery of the set in high res. great for celeb pics, bing simply doesn't compare at all. fucking google man
I only use Bing to search for porn
Implying this wasn't a conscious, deliberate decision since Microsoft couldn't compete with Google search in any way other than by exploiting the pedo market
Until someone they partner with demands it as part of an otherwise lucrative transaction. Of course they won't say that's the reason, theyl l probably frame it as protecting the children by keeping kids from finding the source of pornographic images and by preventing illegal porn that their filters don't catch from showing up
> click image
> right click
> select view image from menu
on firefox
you don't even need one, ends up here
Pretzels with cheese and beer
or just right click view image
What a great image
I thought it was because I'm using internet explorer that I can't see images anymore.
Did this REALLY happened?
what the fuck is the point of pinterest anyway? is it really that popular? I literally don't know anyone who uses it
>right click
>view image
They didn't think this through really did they