
what kind of organization are we running here exactly?

inb4 janitorial organization

Sneed's Feed and Seed
Formerly Janny's

wow she is so beautiful

We run this country

wtf is this thing on the left???

hoooo boy, been a long time before someone brought that up

Moot had to run it as a business site because anons burn through so much bandwidth their endless shitposting.
Pretty fucking embarrassing desu.

cia operation

is that hiro's nickname or something?

Interracial Relationships Incorporated

Janny's Butthurt and insanity

Why are british women so beautifully? how is any other nationality supposed to compete?


We are a vietnamese knitting forum

does moot get bullied at jewgle for being alt right?

>We are a vietnamese knitting forum


.org stands for original you fucking noob
i teach 6th graders this in middle school
christ, stupid people nowadays

That's just a subboard. We're actually a cambodian basketweaving forum. You newfags wouldn't know that.

at least post the not-photoshopped picture

la atrocidad inglaterra....

.org is often used for open source projects.
Non-profit organizations also use it a lot