

Weird thread

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strangely comfy image, makes me want to go into one of the abandoned buildings and just kind of start a new life there in solitude, with a sleeping bag and a burning barrel


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>dr. pavel, I'm late for work


oh shit I knew i shouldve turned left earlier. im lost as fuck

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>The state of Sup Forums when it takes this many replies for someone to recognise this iconic structure

they work for the turk and for big money

it looks like its part of a game skybox

>missing the joke this much

Whats this from?



Where where they even? Just some old hangar in the middle of fucking nowhere? Also what's with the burning tires?

suck lonely

the uzbek skarch
the fire rises

what's the sauce on the left image? something in syria or turkey?

Why does this meme keep getting reposted all of a sudden, didn't know tdkr was that kino

damn, we're early

>Also what's with the burning tires?

TDKR actually takes place in hell


star wars rogue one


>Flipping me off in utter silence.
How rude.

you've never been outside the US have you?

turkish coup attempt


Masterpon not get to bring friends

Dr. Pa-

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