Is he /ourguy/ or reddit?

is he /ourguy/ or reddit?

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Doesn't he hate Trump?

I'm pretty sure EVEN reddit hates that bald faggot, so place do not mention him here again

He's 2reddit4reddit

i think only the spergs and underageds in youtube care about him

For what its worth, he's a really nice person.

>is he reddit or reddit?

What's the difference?

neither, he's losing views rapidly

All internet personalities are "really nice people". They're not going to act like assholes when interacting with their fans.

what's the gun in the intro for? I've never seen him actually with one.

his fanbase is too unironically autistic for us

>having this saved

Doug has a really good work ethic, he's got that going for him.

>not having a TGWTG sub-folder in your /tv folder
get out and go back

i think he has quite a mature and intellectually abled audience actually


are you referring to yourself?

Nah, just like Sargon he stops the video every 2 seconds to rattle off some vocal nonsense when all I want to do is watch the movie.

>Threw his "friends" under the bus
>Made Demo Reel
>Has shit taste
>Bashed the first Matrix movie
>Failed at launching his "#WTFU" campaign
>Shilling hard for his channel with an awful mobile app + men's clothes + charities
>His "reviews" degenerated into unfunny skits
>Most likely endorsed by Disney
You're too funny, OP.

im one of many

>this universe sees the That Guy with the Glasses and Channel Awesome team as owners, employees and patrons of a seedy club in an even seedier world.
>Linkara and Critic are at the very bottom of the club's power chain, and could be kicked out at any point. Which is partly the reason why Marz and Chick are looking after them, respectively. They know what it's like to be on street corners.
> Before Linkara and Spoony have anonymous sex, much detail is given to the diseased, dirty surroundings before we get to any good stuff.
>In "These Boots Are Made For...", the Critic asks 'you' what you want him to do. After two fairly normal examples (oral and bending over), he mentions getting a swirly and then giving oral. Ew.
>LordKat will smuggle in weapons, drugs and alcohol for Sage, but he will not take part in the sex trafficking.
>JewWario, Cinema Snob and Harvey Finevoice seem to be the only conveyors of consistent sense in this world. Harvey tries to remind his patients that acting they're the victim isn't doing them any favors and the other two are in the character sheet.

>film """""""""""""critic"""""""""""
>his opinions are generic as fuck, never go in depth when analysing a film
>has a neckbeard fanbase
this is the guy you fat losers deserve haha, gotta go to my gf house to eat her pussy bye


>i dont like him but kno everything about his life




i see him on jewtube trending fairly often


his older stuff is comfy as fuck ngl

He is a man who wants to be famous but doesn't want to put in the work and rejection that comes with earning that fame.

He's neither television nor film. I'm sure they have a message board where you can discuss this shitstain with other idiots.

I think he has the dunning-kruger demographic cornered.

I don't really watch any of their content but I enjoy the Greek tragedy that is TGWTG.

How can there be this much drama within a silly little website about geek culture?

because most of them are retarded people with no self-awareness

Everyone who isn't a russian troll/bot hates trump.

He made multiple film, so it counts.

He would make for a good child molester/slimy lawyer role for tv shows


He'd be a relatively handsome fellow if he lost some weight

He's a normie.

Really? He barely includes that shit in his videos anymore. They're boring, but they're relatively apolitical, which is why I can probably still stand watching them.

>He made multiple film
Are you Indian or something? It wouldn't shock me that this pustule and his garbage content appeals to your people.


apolitical doesn't mean good. His videos are trash and you are trash for watching them

he's a dramacow at least

Was she /ourgal/


She is too pure for tgwtg

more like dog walker LOL

He's tumbrl

>Turn on news
>Today police have arrested Doug Walker, famous online youtube persona and owner of Channel Awesome. He has been charged with money laundering under multiple fraudulent business accounts, child pornography, and sexual harassment claims by fellow co workers. The website Channel Awesome and its members have been under investigation by the FBI ever since 2014 with one of its former members Justin Carmical reached out with evidence. Shortly after Justin, also known as "Jew Wario" among friends committed suicide. More to follow after the break.

Anyone know what Spoony is doing these days?

>if you like it, it's Sup Forums
>if you dislike it, it's Reddit

that's what all this bullshit boils down to, desu

I can't believe how time flies by.
2007 was 11 years ago.
He is funny but now I can see why his reviewing isn't substantial though he makes some good points now and then.
His advertisement saga perfectly sums up his style over the years, from short quips to drawn out skits

not really, i dont dislike bill murray and hes reddit

harrison ford is reddit. bill murray is Sup Forums

Are you fucking serious, OP?

>Spoony might actually turn his life around
Wow, did we actually think this 5 years ago?

>Iron Liz isn't a tranny, she's just that ugly
How dated is this?

God, it's actually amusing how a bunch of 20 something year old chuckle fucks from the mid west could imagine they'd build a media empire online by screaming at shitty movies 10 years ago

wrong. Reddit thinks Harrison Ford is reddit but he's actually Sup Forums. He gives 0 fucks


I spoke to a former TGWTG contributor last week for a podcasting that I've recently started. It's not even released until next week and I'm not gonna say who cause I'm not gonna shill my awful podcast. We didn't talk too much about their time at TGWGT IT was one of the long runners at the site, that's the only hint you'll get
They basically said at first they were all starry eyed and at first it was so cool, getting paid to talk about movies, being flown out to places to meet up and film movies but Machauld was a useless manager (Which everyone has always known) and it just got exhausting and was no longer fun, especially with the backwards arse management

She has such perfect boobs

shes so hot

Another problem with their audience: they're the kind of turbosperg who makes stupid shit up to get attention like this chap.


This picture contains 1 female and 2 males


Fuck all.

Probably drinking Diet Coke and complaining about DISC while his girlfriend apologizes for him in public.