What's the most boring movie you've ever seen?

pic related

the first 4 are great but not the last one

>being this much of a brainlet

Lawrence of Ambien

>go back to capeshit
Haven't watched a superhero movie in 10 years, fuck off

its bait if not its a kid that cant look at the phone for more than two seconds

>Nu-tv will respond to this b8

Civil War, how the fuck does marvel make capeshit so boring?


pic related


you're still a brainlet

literally nothing happens. explain its greatness to me oh please


Yes because 2049 is a very intellectual movie :)

I'm getting really tired of pseudo intellectuals putting this movie on a pedestal.

But user, it's
>the most stimulating cinematic talk session since My Dinner With Andre

Now seriously, I never heard of this film and it has Liv Ullman and I genuinely love My Dinner with Andre. Besides boring, is it good?

A few:

Tree of Life
Upstream Color
Before Sunrise
5cm per Second

I started playing microsoft solitaire at some point

Pretty, but below-shit-tier writing kills it.

the only time I actually fell asleep during a film.
it's not boring but capeshit bores me.

Probably one of the Godfathers.

It's not even that pretty either

I would never say boring equals bad because that's stupid and subjective in the wrong way, but this movie is the only movie I've ever watched where my boredom really stuck out to me and even then I think the movie was really interesting, just a chore to sit through. I gotta say it was boring as hell

I remember watching this and checking the time every 5 minutes. The last 30 minutes felt like 3 hours

I normally love fulci but this was awful.

Watched this years ago and never understood the praise. Salieri was pretty good but Mozart was awful and his wife was wooden. Pretty nice tits though, that is the only part of the film I actually liked

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

pretty much every movie made before 1980

deer hunter
taxi driver

12 angry men was good though

are you 12?

are you


no, I have an attention span

while we're at it, I watched Dr. No and From Russia with Love and they sucked too.

I have more examples if I can think of them. 70s films were terrible

I know you're 12 you don't need to prove it

i agree but would change that to 1990

nah, terminator was really good, and first blood. did you see those

Many ... the most overhyped one recently that bored me? The VVitch.

ok i'm 12 and those movies suck dick
>The VVitch.
that one was good because it was actually suspenseful, not boring like 70s movies

You say pretty much every movie but you only name 3 movies you'll probably like some. I'd recommend Cool Hand Luke, Space Odyssey, Barry Lyndon, Clockwork Orange

>explain its greatness to me oh please
You want an answer. You want something like "oh, it's great because it has light sabers!", "it's great because there are cars and they're fast!".

I can't give you that. You don't deserve Amadeus. I feel depressed sharing a board with a cockroach like you.

same. I eventually changed it to 1.5x speed and could still barely sit through it.

>You want something like "oh, it's great because it has light sabers!"
nice projecting

couldn't even make it through 5 minutes it was so boring

Only time I've ever fallen asleep in a theater before

>"it's great because there are cars and they're fast!"
that's literally the thing that makes films great yes

This* i fell asleep in the theater it was so boring
Either that or those dabs i took kicked in

lord of the rings.

world of warcraft shitted on that whole trioligy with one movie. no one will admit it. that movie was a fantasy movie done right.

>Cool Hand Luke, Space Odyssey, Barry Lyndon, Clockwork Orange
i'll probably get to those at some point. I like to be culturally informed. was The Shining good

The love interest in this movie is reason enough to watch

Valhalla Rising. Absolutely awful, fuck you Sup Forums for making me watch this.

What do you mean "nothing happens"? It's the story of somebody's tragic and undeserved downfall by the hands of an extremely powerful and jealous man. It's the story of one of the world's greatest composers being slowly destroyed by his own work and childish personality. It's got period-accurate clothing and sets, it's got great drama, great comedy, great cinematography, and it's just an all-around engaging story. How can you possibly say nothing happens?

>lord of the rings
Absolutely. Overrated crap that got worse with each movie. All the unnatural sounding dialogue and unexplained plot

>losing my ability to differentiate between ironic shitposting and actual shitposting


>all the 9gag tier baiting ITT

Even as a kid

if it's making you mad you don't get to make disparaging remarks of its efficiency

I watched that everyday for a year as a kid

The Shining is amazing

nah there too old and shit

I watch a lot of "good" (as in critically well-received and culturally important) movies, in fact it's all I set out to watch besides incidental things like with family. I like a lot of them but the old ones, the "best movies of all time" like The Godfather are just such empty boring crap. I mention The Shining because I like suspense so I might like it

its a bunch of faggots in costumes talking to each other.


I'm not sure about "ever", but I stopped space odyssey right in the middle of the passenger craft scene. That movie is so fucking boring the first three minutes are literally a black screen with some music, then comes the MGM logo, then 20 minutes of national geographic. Fuck it...

>pretty much every movie made before 1980
yeah, I'm sure you've seen at least 5 of them

>A thread about movies that Sup Forums finds boring becomes the best recommendation thread in this shithole

forgot good casting but this

>no results

>saw this in theaters
I can't even imagine what an experience like this would be

you're barely wrong (probably 10) but to be fair I don't watch a lot of movies anyway.

it can't honestly be hard to understand why I would think a movie like The Godfather and Deer Hunter, which are NOTORIOUSLY considered boring in pop culture, is boring.

pretentious boring twaddle

The Godfather is not empty boring crap are you American? I think maybe you just grew up in a different cultural environment and you might not get the references an American would get or maybe you grew up around people that didn't like the classics so you never saw any value in them, but so be it too each their own no one can force you to like something

>I'm a degenerate contrarian

Now this is the only opinion in this thread that has pissed me off, fuck you buddy Space Oddysey is my number 1 favorite movie of all time

I'm american yes the movie is just boring. a lot of people think the opening wedding scene is boring. a lot of people think godfather 2 is better (I haven't seen it).

I'm not even saying it's an objectively bad movie, just that it's boring, and most old movies are boring and I don't get them and can't like them.

So when does it start being good? two hours in for the last half hour?

most plebeian comment of 2018

Not that user, but I also struggled with 2001. I wanted to enjoy it. I honestly thought the beginning was great. But once we got onto the space station, I desperately tried to hold on and failed. It lost me fairly quickly.

lol recommending Barry Lyndon to someone who is bored by the godfather.

I'm not the only one, thank god
love his other movies but this one took a lot of willpower to get through

Oh yeah holy shit you just reminded me of that movie
I think i took a nap while watching it
In my defense it was a lazy summer day

Fucking pleb

> What's the most boring movie you've ever seen?
> mine is Amadeus

Get some help...

The Mummy's (Fraser) last 40 minutes put me to sleep.
Maybe because I saw it at 2 AM but whatever.

I like the whole movie but it starts getting really good when the Jupiter mission starts. When you start feeling bored smoke some weed i know it's gonna sound dumb when I say that but when the movie came out it was a flop the only people that saved it and turned it into a hit was potheads, no joke.

this was kino though, watched it two days ago. If you think that's boring then watch Satantango by the same director, every shot is insufferably long

I don't know if it was just because his dubbed acting was terrible but my God I wanted that fucking kid to die.

amadeus is unironically my favorite movie
I'm also into sniffing girls' feet

not sure if it's the most boring, but it's probably the most boring best picture i've watched - deer hunter. other than the russian roulette scene it's trash

>when you start feeling bored smoke some weed
In my country the law makes no difference between smoking a blunt and selling 300 tons of cocaine. It's 3-10 years in prison.

I’ve never been able to sit through this without hopping on my phone

no thanks I don't watch schlock

you haven't read many comments then

>Lawrence of Arabia
>Space odyssey
>the shining
>the witch
>taxi driver
>deer hunter
>there will be blood

>boring or bad movies
You are the contrarian m8

I think there would be a problem if that piece of shit kept your attention throughout user

You don't like music?

I actually want to watch this right now

Not him but
those are the only indisputable great movies on that list

Tbh senpai this movie was boring as shit. I don't understand why so many people like it. Its just tfw to intelligent the movie.

>deer hunter. other than the russian roulette scene it's trash
pretty much