Thoughts on this commercial?

Thoughts on this commercial?

Powerful as fucking fuck

*bangs your tinder crushes*

nothin personal brah

is that Broncho

>tfw you will never be able to be a whore

Can't wait for this to be reposted on Sup Forums 50 times every day

only incels with 3 inch anteater penises are threated by women in control of their sexuality.

Why did she take her shirt off at the end? Someone explain.

Or, you know, the 85% of men who can't get dates on tinder who have to manage to attract the average woman, who gets pickier due to more options.

i know plenty of girls that go on tinder and don't go for chads

i'd rather have a 3 inch 'anteater' with a comfy glans than my 5 inch with constantly exposed glans.

she met up with two guys and fell for the 2nd one, a white Frenchman

what is wrong here

>getting part of my dick cut off without my consent when I was a baby was totally a great decision on my parents' part
>I swear!

This! This so fucking much! I know five midgets and a dog that get hero’s of fucking pussy

i'd like to think that they really just fantasize about being able to travel frequently when in reality a girl her age has severely negative networth.

Why is it ok to cut boys penis skin off but it’s illegal to cut a girls clit hood off? it’s less skin to remove and does the same thing

millennial were a mistake

And now I'd like to see commercial from male perspective. This chick gets a match with a guy, who she orginally Nope'd, but changed her mind. First guy! And the guy travels across the world to get some more afterwards.

Imagine being that guy.

fuck off back to /pol and cry about why white women dont want to fuck you but fucking chads

>goes on vacation to Europe
>doesn't sleep with a black guy or an arab
didn't know tinder is making fantasy short films now

being a slut is cool and trendy now

Bourgeois trash.

>want to go on vacation for practically free?
>just use tinderplus and find a well-off guy to fuck you and pay for everything while you're there
>its completely different from prostitution we promise

accurate portrayal of young people travelling, no?

We live in fucking Gomorrah this shit is not even a joke anymore.

go back to whatever mud hut you learned english in and ask for your pesos back, shitskin

>85% of men who can't get dates on tinder
uhm have you tried just treating women like human beings, creep??? every guy I know has a girlfriend.

Wow so cool. You can fuck your way across the entire world. Isn't this great. Its something all women should aspire to.

someone do a cut where she goes to istanbul and someone rapes her then throws acid in her face



>uhm have you tried just treating women like human beings, creep???
actually just today I was mulling over a memory where there were 2 feminist girls at a barbeque I was at and after explaining my opinion on something to them they both seemed to genuinely think that I was a "progressive" kind of guy that was really sweet or whatever
Joke's on me I haven't even kissed a girl on the mouth in 2 years, and before that 1 year

the jewish machine is a black box, you can only see what they do, you'll never understand why they do it.

>attractive girls goes on a holiday
>falls in love
>Sup Forums is mad
it's okay, someday you will fall in love as well

attracting an average woman on tinder isn't easy these days

>literally travels the world because she feels like it with no planning


That's fine because she'll never ever think about the times I've sucked dick.

>falls in love

You have no idea what tinder is do you?

to be fair I let another woman piss in my mouth so I think I have her beat there

If you’re a 5/10 man you don’t deserve a 5/10 woman. PERIOD. Be happy with your 3/10 and shut the fuck up. Learn some humility. Be a man.

jews have ruined women with feminism, that is why I don't have a girlfriend

I was thinking the same thing.
Daily reminder that if you are a woman you should not travel alone or you will be raped, swindled and possible killed in most parts of the world

Planning is sexist construct of the patriarchy.

those two seem to be in love

yea but what if she is 200lbs?

story????? asking for a friend

>she's with the same one guy the whole commercial

false advertising

Anybody notice the huge increase in plebbitfags? It used to be using words like jew or nigger didn't trigger anyone but now a mere mention of right wing beliefs gets you 2+ replies about how you are a loser virgin or whatever normalfag shit.

How big of an effect does modern makeup have on the modern dating world?

Many times I’ve seen women who I think are way out of my league, women that I know I’d never have a chance with. Then later on I’ll see them again without makeup or less makeup and it’s like they’re an entirely different person. All of a sudden they’re in my league or even below it.

It really sucks. If I approached those kinds of women would they be receptive to me since they know what they really look like?

They should do the guy version

>swipes 500 women
>two matches
>says "Hey" to both, gets no response
>gets ran over by a truck in Paris


they are roasties

That was 3 separate men

>An estimated 160 million Americans are either obese or overweight.
a 3/10 should be more attractive than only 30% of the general population so you have a problem there methinks

Arby's is mad
>just enjoy living in a culture where it gets more and more difficult to form interpersonal relationships with women despite the fact that we're exposed to more sexual imagery than we've ever been
>just enjoy living in a constant state of sexual alienation
>you're not allowed to express your disdain at all

Why did they show her on the toilet? Why did she throw water in that guy's face then kiss him? Cause he's a "bad boy"?

I'm gonna say no.


two seperate man, the istambul and the paris guy are the same guy

And? Any woman traveling without her father or husband is asking for it.

guys buy plus without advertising required

Tinder knows better than anyone the realities of the dating market - if you see an ad, know it's because they're addressing those realities.

They're psychologically projecting their insecurities - or more accurately, the fantasy (and opposite) of the tinder experience.

Young Blonde White Girl in an Office dreaming of the two men she banged on her last two solo trips?


Women are hedonists and their enemy is boredom, effort, risk, danger.
Fortunately, men are desperate enough to feel relevant, dutiful, respected, valued so they are pushy enough to try to be noticed by women (because they fail to be relevant beyond women). and sooner or later, they cracks the bf-shield

Women know that chads and other robots are willing to help them, to have an easy life. The natural problem of women is that they get bored sooner or later with whoever choose to try to entertain them.
So women change their partners to avoid the rut and to create drama. men do not like to be changed, since they loved to be relevant for once in their life, they whine and hate women when women find other providers.
Of course, changing partners constantly becomes a bore too, so they want some fixed men in their life to give them emotional and material support, Rarely sex because women know that, no matter how good the lover is, it gets boring sooner or later.
When they are replaced, men become resentful towards women, since they lose the validation of their existence. They pretend that they can live without women and that they even are better than women, smarter, stronger (by forgetting that women do not need to be so, because men want to be so in place of women)

Knowing that they are not able to stop loving to be supported by men, Women love also to think that they need no man and that they live to help others >muh compassion. This is part of the tactic to enhance their pleasures: women think that they are good people in society, only to feel even more raw, more animal, more of a little minx, typically in private, when they are fucked properly by some beta ready to serve them sexually.

That was the same guy dumb fuck

Not just me, 80-80% of men. That's an imbalance worth talking about at least.

Daily reminder that this is the future internationalist communists and globalist capitalists want.

There is a third way.

What's the problem?

I thought she was going to get KARA BOGAed in Turkey and that's why you made this thread but the ad was suprisingly wholesome by today's standards

So women are only fucking 20% of the men?

What do you propose to account for this? Every woman is assigned some /r9k/ guy to blow?

Y'all dry dick motherfuckers are living in a world of your own design I swear to god.

I know this shit isn't that bad as all you people claim. So the alienation must be self created.

>roastie sluts can now take advantage of beta numale orbiters with the click of a button
Nothing wrong with this. Fuck orbiters.

Wait is the third guy the guy from France? I don't get this commercial, though I do know the kind of person it's targeting/portraying.

I'm going to posit the fact that it's hard enough to tell/ambigious is intentional for obvious reasons (cuz 'the guy's face or how many doesn't matter)

Makeup = vanity = not wife material


It's literally clear how many guys she meets on the trip, the love interest even gets extra focus on his Tinder swipe. The fuck are you retards talking about?

Good post, user.

Dating sites are the fucking issue. Make them illegal and the problem fixes itself

no I don't want their stds

Don't perpetuate a culture of hedonism and promiscuity?

>If I approached those kinds of women would they be receptive to me since they know what they really look like?
No because they don't consider their non-makeup face their real face. The caked up face is what they see themselves as and base themselves on when comparing to other women.

Sup Forums was created specifically because Sup Forums and other NSFW boards got tired of the racism and gore spam. I think you're the one that needs to go back. This board isn't for posting le edgy r/Sup Forums bullshit.

We should have women unable to drive without a man present, too.

I agree, all women are sluts because they won't have sex with me.

Reminder that 84% of women on tinder get laid, while only 15% of men do

I expected her to dismiss a whitey for a black guy but this commercial is perfectly fine

I'm so lonely.

confirmed newfag

this is the most disgusting thing in the video

I am the 15%

This! ITS FUCKING REDICULOUS! Any man that isn’t better looking than me is an r9k virgin autist mgtow incel

Not an argument

no-one is threatened by your vagina

A whore being a whore.

So she goes on tinder but then just bangs a single dude? I know promiscuity is disgusting with females but that's kinda a shitty app then? She only used it for one date...

do a flip fagit

>implying I need to present an argument against WAAAAAAAAAA WOMEN ARE OUT THERE HAVING SEX

Annoys me because I'm an ugly beta male who could never get any girl

What do you propose to account for this?
Just let it ride. If this is what women want, they can have it.

>Only less than 50 of the 300 men, which is remarkable.
t. woman

Does someone remember that ad with a woman and 3 mixed kids at the airport? I don't even remember what the ad was for, cereal or something?

Then why are you posting?

Will the next generation be more sexually conservative? Because this generation is already completely fucked, it will be nothing but single mothers 10 years from now.

Remember, men and women are equal.