Pitch me your movie Sup Forums

Pitch me your movie Sup Forums

>it's user tries to steal other user's script that will finally propel him to fame episode
No way, amigo.

The protagonist works as a detective, but is secretly under orders to hunt down an infamous fugitive/unknown group that has been destroying villages all over the country and leaving no survivors. The twist is that he has a curse that for every villain he kills as a part of his cases he must also kill an innocent.

A man who has the world record for being hit by lighting the most time finds out a girl is going to beat his record
So he tries to sabotage her chances but they end up falling in love

A billionaire playboy becomes a ninja to fight crime in his hometown because he witnessed a mugging once.

Nah I wouldn’t do that, just some harmless fun :)

So Batman?

Aly and Aj Michalka in a movie about two sisters involved in a steamy incestual affair

The climax involves tribadism behind a couch during family movie night

Why would I allow the retards on this site to steal my genius ideas?

Doc/drama about idiotic marketing of Black Panther.
Basically "Disaster Artist" but about Black Panther marketing.

a man that is cuck*d by a scott and then goes insane


But I’m not crying

You posted ah-bloo-bloo face

It's called
Legend of the Cock Munching Faggot

The story of a faggotson Sup Forums trying to spread his homosexual agenda across the site while taking it up the ass and sucking on several sucks

Some kid dies in a car accident, with alcohol level through the roof, his mother is convinced it was murder because he doesn't drink but no one believes her except the kid's girlfriend and they try to find out what happened
at the end it will turn out that the kid was indeed drunk and crashed all on his own


A beautiful woman has explosive diarrhea in a Burger King bathroom stall. We watch her squirm on the filthy toilet seat for an hour and a half. Ideally the theaters that show this film would have smell-o-vision technology.

a musical/sci-fi/drama. Transhuman cyborg protagonist. AI and sentient machines have taken over the world. They plan to eradicate the rest of human kind. There is a human resistance, the primitivists. Protagonist will have to decide which side he belongs to. it will discover itself.

is this stupid or cool?

Sup Forums - The Movie


A half-men, half-cyborg whose punches have the power of kicks.

stopped reading right there


It's about the Belgium rule in the Congo, the Belgium were savage to the people of the Congo and was given the Land only because it offered nothing to the Great Empires such as Britain, France or the Dutch. Then rubber became popular and they created huge rubber plantations.

>Individual workers who refused to participate in rubber collection could be killed and entire villages razed. Individual white administrators were also free to indulge their own sadism.

>The severing of workers' hands achieved particular international notoriety. These were sometimes cut off by rogue Force Publique soldiers who were made to account for every shot they fired by bringing back the hands of their victims

This film would play nicely into the current climate of films, especially with 12 years a slave and black panther currently having major hype.

It's going to be about


it would be a more interesting twist to the human vs machine story. You could hear cool singing robots. It would be like a disney movie. but kinda more serious/violent.

Im about to get filthy rich with crypto. Im rich already, but now comes the "filthy" part. I will produce and direct my own high budget Fist of the North Star fanmovie.

5 hours long, inspired by last century epics such as Ben-hur, the 10 commandments and Lawrence of Arabia. Will feature more bodybuilders than 300 and will be an operatic testosterone filled gore fest.

I guess it will take me 2 more years to get the money and at least 4 years to make it. But its good to have goals in life.

Right now Im in preproduction of a Hellraiser fanmovie, since the official ones are so cheap they might as well be fanmovies. Any idea for a Hellraiser movie will be appreciated.

A 6 hour long epic battle between a snake and an ocelot filmed in 16k and narrated by Attonborrow

>5 hours long

It's a sequel to Stripes but by now Bill Murray is the wackiest GENERAL in the Army

Thats oscar bait. Looks like a shit but successful movie.

Thats the point. Its only made for the most manly males. It will be hard to watch and I expect people to drop the movie halfway in. It will take great effort from the viewer to finish.

It will feel like pic related. Im sorry for the women.

yes that's the joke, reddit


>sharing your script before it's finished

>not getting a shitty joke means you’re reddit

I would try and make it gritty, they used machete's to chop off the hands and found a hut where 60 odd hands were hanging in there that had been chopped off the locals.

It would be hard not to go BLACK POWER though for the easy sellout and guaranteed money

>implying anyone here has an actual script
Ideas are worthless on their own

How many of you are actually serious about making a script?

its the beings of the lord of the rings, but its the current year, and everybody instagrams

you dingus, if its a bad joke, its even worse you didn't get it

A shallow high-school jock accepts his older brother's offer to take part in a solo escape room he promises will build character and simulate dangerous situations but is completely safe in the hopes that it will help mend their fractured relationship. He soon finds out however that the room is specifically designed to personally torture him emotionally.

>when hollywood jews are so bankrupt of ideas they come to Sup Forums to get new ones
fuck off

Lazy market research shill realizes what a sad faggot he is and kills himself. The remaining 75 minutes of the movie is OP's lolnofriends and family shitting on his corpse.
I call it The OP Movie: A Wizard's Journey to a Better End.

It's based off my graphic novel idea. Not telling you though because I know Max Landis is browsing here looking for ideas

>Guy goes to the gym with his basketball
>starts running on the treadmill
>wannabe gym security faggot hops on the front of the treadmill
>"hey bud how ya doin"
>"ya I'm gonna need to confiscate that basketball, no outside equipment allowed, sorry"
>guy pulls out his gun and shoots the faggot in the face
>other shit happens
>the end?

Mine is about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it Billy and the Clone-osaurus.

Here I'll Go


>it centers around a teenage girl and her nerdy brother who have problems with mean girls and multiracial bullies
>the nerdy brother hears from an old begger on the street about a magical place called
>he decides to on too see what's the dealio
>he starts and thread and people ask to see his sisters feet, so he takes a picture
>his sister catches him in the act as he post it and a mysterious text appears accross the screne
>magically they are pulled into the computer into 4 chan where they go to board to board trying to find their way home
>Hope Solo and Ronaldo make an appearance in sp. Hope solo gives the hungry children roast beef, while Ronaldo and his "friend" Lance Bruce guid them along
>on pol the Evil goyim chases them through a maze where they will be helped by the magical jew and Drumpf fairy


The president of an arab shithole in a civil war dies in a helicopter crash, a man who is near the crashing site hast a very similar face to the president. The rescue teams confuse him for the dead leader and he is taken to the government building. Now this man is in charge of the country and needs to win the war, avoid US backed assassins and stop the president's daughter from telling the press he is not her father

Here's the problem - my good ideas are so good that someone would steal them if I posted them.

But there's no point posting my bad ideas.

>on tv they will encounter CIA guy who will kidnap them demanding to know where bane is, only to have bane right infront of him in constume as he saves them from the air plane. A fight will break out between him and patrick bateman for the magical dubs that will lead them to the next step.
>B.... Everything goes horribly wrong here

Pixar film about a child's doodle who's life gets increasingly fuller and more detailed as the child grows and refines their talent

that's actually pretty good

your idea fucking sucks.

So it goes from a stick to a veiny penis shaped like a banana?

salma hayek tries on bikini tops that are two sizes too small for 90 minutes.

>thinking /swg/ are real

yes, finally someone understands


Lily Collins prances through a flowery field, turning to smile at the camera and whispering "I love you so much". The movie ends with her laying under the sunset barefoot and the world explodes.


it's a movie about a loser on Sup Forums who gets it together but I'm thinking its a little unrealistic

ok this is actually interesting

A movie where I have a magic gun that controls peoples bladders with an all star cast of literally all the starlets you can think of

I have half a dozen or so first pages. I figure some intern will polish them all up when I'm a big shot. I just need my shot

hows it end!?

No country for old men, Synecdoche New York


The movie is called KANGZ N SHIET its about the Great Kangz Empire of 8000 B.C meaning before crackers where the Kangz of Egypt and the Sahara lived a very violent warlike existence between eachother. Where as the north humans the cave beast were uncivilized tribal savages that eat people alive no fire at all. One day a scientist called Yakub enters the wilderness of Crackerland and brings in some crackers into the empire. Yakub is convinced the crackers can be trained into slaves so they no longer have to enslave eachother. The cave beast begin to cross the african borders enmass and start a world against the kangz n shiet, the kangz in shiet lose the war because the crackers tricked them then stole their ancient technology. After victory the crackers use the kangz technology to erase the memory of kangz then scatter them into the expanses of Africa never to reclaim their former glory again. Meanwhile the cave beast also erased their memory then return back to Europe because the Sahara sucks, but the device also increases the intelligence of the cave beast leading to our racist white oppressive world in the distant future.

Are all the girls really embarrassed?!

It’s like alien versus predator except it’s
>Bond vs Rambo vs Bourne vs McClain vs Holmes
set on the
>Planet of the Lost World of Jurassic Park
So, basically... Apes rule the world and made a dinosaur theme park and hired a bunch of goons with guns to test their security measures.

We wuz kangz something something fuck wypipo.

*99% on rotten tomatoes*

In the beginning there was nothing and then the kangz were forged from the aether of existence and placed on a blank plane, the first kangz n shiet declared this plane the universe and also required lower kangz to watch over it for them so with a wave of their gold cha-ching they created all of matter. Then the kangz made lower kangz on the earth, these lower kangz made the Umvolu or creatures resembling kangz but not really kangz these Umvolu were very stupid and subhuman mentally, the lower kangz then made the true kangz in the location of Ethiopia and left them there to fend for themselves. The Umvolu remained ignorant of the ways of humanity while the kangz understood how the world worked, the kangz had no tribes they had societies simple and shiet with farming and shiet and also rhinos that obeyed them and shiet and shiet.


During the first era of the kangz people lived in peace and prosperity until King Ooga of the Booga family started the formation of the First Kangz n Shiet empire that would stretch from Ethiopia all the way to the West Africa. Many kangz died in the process and many were enslaved as well it was dark times for most kangz, but the Kingdom of Ooga lived in luxury exploiting and destroying the other kangz n shiet. Eventually a woman by the name of Mo'fuker Shiet appeared before the armies declaring herself the new wife of Emperor Ooga, Ooga though she was fine as fuck so he had his previous wife Empress Bix Nood fed to hyenas then took in Shiet and raped her very violently. This is why the empire is called Kangz n Shiet. Kangz refers to Ooga's grandpa who once went under the name Kangz and Shiet is a reference to his wife Mo'fuker Shiet. This era lasted 2000 years.

Two oiled up naked dudes are put into a giant bounce castle mansion. Whoever jerks off the other guy til he cums first wins and he who nuts faces death. The entire movie is 90 minutes of the two guys bouncing throughout rooms in the inflatable house as they occasionally approach each other for a few seconds of jerking each other off.

A lord of the flies type movie about a black gang that find themselves in a place with no one else around. Or stuck in a vast wasteland.

Like Delta Farce, but instead of hillbillies its gangbangers.

manly men don't spend their time watching movies, let alone long ones. long length is unironically for soyboys.

It's a dark comedy about a bald young man generally being a failure at life, where it all went downhill after he lost his nose in a freakish accident. At the end of the movie we see him hanging up a noose near a lake, ready to insert his head through the loop as it cuts to black.
In the sequel everything picks up from the last scene, but this time we see the man staring at the pond from behind, with a bunch of frogs. For some inexplicable reason he takes interest in one of them,and decides to postpone his suicide because he was actually terrified. After a timeskip of a couple months we're presented with a unusual sight: the man playing vidya with a child-sized anthropomorphic frog wearing a blue shirt and yellow shorts whole drinking beer and swearing as shit ensues in this R-rated comedy.

This is how the Memetic Cinematic Universe™ comes to be.

An american pie movie for fags. its about rusty trombones fisting and anal sex and makeup tipes.

Dark romance about a survivor of a slasher horror and the monster ending up in a relationship, and trying to have a life together as normal as they can, while obviously having to keep many things secret. Some situational black comedy aspects too, although the movie is played straight.

i wonder if anyone reads all of these

certainly not me